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Posts posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. 7 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Alternatively, there are also now apparently several change.org petitions to have the cancellation stand.

    Of course, being change.org petitions, they rank somewhere below temporary profile pictures and "thoughts and prayers" in terms of instigating meaningful change... so the Netflix execs who made the call are unlikely to notice or care either way.

    Noted. I counted 2-3 anti Cowboy Bebop/ keep it canceled; and their numbers aren't as significant vs the pro petitions. Despite maybe not carry weight with Netflix execs., I'm pleased with the initiative and I'll support it.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dynaman said:

    The difference between those other shows and CB are that Netflix knows exactly what the viewership was (and will be) and if it does not go much much higher Netflix will have no interest.  Netflix would not have said NO to a second season so quickly if viewership was anywhere near what they wanted.  The Snyder cut was trying to get more cash out of a LARGE investment that did not pan out, a new season of CB would be throwing good money after bad.  Macross in the US has no correlation whatsoever.


    1- The correlation is that things that people said would not happen; happened! Lets see where it goes.

    2- Of course the context for each situation is completely different.

    Lastly: Netflix has created 2nd seasons for less popular shows.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dynaman said:

    Not going to happen.  Want to get it saved, get those who have not streamed it to do so.

    They said the Synder Cut didn't exist and/ or wouldnt be released.

    They said Macross would never come to the US.

    Your point IS valid, but that doesn't mean we can't approach from every avenue either! 

    Stranger things have happened per above!

  4. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/cowboy-bebop-canceled-netflix-1235060256/


    Well, (some) people got their wish. It f***ing sucks because despite everything and being an old school fan; I still liked this show ALOT! I went against the (reddit) community: majority and it goes not the way I wanted. Congrats old fogies; maybe silvertab jeans will come back in style while you rock out to whatever dated '90s music you still think is relevant.

  5. 6 hours ago, Sandman said:

    What was wrong with them?

    The stand alone; nothing to my knowledge. Calibre Wings messed up on my address. And because I work in another state; I couldn't get to the PO on time, so it was returned to sender.

  6. On 9/25/2021 at 6:19 PM, kelinda said:

    Ordered on September 8, received September 22. I hope your parcel will arrive soon.

    Some tracking infos : traveling in China  from 09.10 to 09.13, arrived 09.16 in France, available 09.21 at my post office

    Mines ended up getting returned to Calibre Wings. So I'm going with the Adapter and Bandai stand.

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