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Posts posted by magicsp00n

  1. On 9/18/2020 at 3:20 PM, sqidd said:

    Someone was asking at one point if people were interested in replacements. Too bad that was vaporware. Jenius has a great video of how to fix your existing one with RIT dye (I think). Yeah, I'm way too lazy/busy to do that.:D Boiling water!?!?!?! That's like effort level 9000!!!

    I did the dye job on my Scott's jammies just this weekend. I'm pleased with the result. Now I don't have red flakes coming off every time I look at it.


  2. 3 hours ago, adankree said:

    I'm thinking about making a few civilians.

    At 1/48 (or model railroad O scale) you should be able to find lots of existing figure options to fill out a display. Not that I'm trying to discourage you from cooking up your own.

  3. 5 hours ago, sqidd said:

    What UV film did you get? I don't have it at hand right now but I found a film test done for a museum. It was shocking how many big name films performed way under what they were advertised to do.

    Also curious what material the shelf is made of. I have a theory that shelf material is a factor too and have been collecting as much data as I can.

    It's been awhile since I put the film up so I don't have any brand info anymore. I'm looking to get my hands on a UV meter to see what inside vs outside numbers I get.
    Using Detolf cabinets. Mostly glass.

  4. 4 hours ago, sqidd said:

    So we're left with how they're being displayed. How are they being displayed? Are they getting any UV light at all? Any big temperature swings? What is the shelf made of that they sit on?

    Yeah, for sure there were some UV issues with my display space that I've since addressed with UV film (and keeping the dang blinds closed). Though these Beagle toys are especially susceptible to it, as the other items in the display cabinet didn't go all yellow like this.

  5. I'm all in on the Sentinel line but I still got a lot of love in my heart for the Beagle/Toynami releases. I like the bigger scale and more anime-accurate style. Like pretty much everyone, my two big disappointments are that they never finished the set of main characters, and -the big one- quality of materials. Mine yellowed really fast and for several years I've been trying different de-yellowing options. I could get the white bits white again but they'd turn back yellow even sitting in a box in the closet. I bleached out some of the blue parts. So I finally decided to just paint them. Normally I want to leave my toys as original as possible but I figured in this case it's not going to get worse.
    I'm pretty pleased with the results so far. Vallejo Mecha Color green gray is a good match for the main bike. Krylon Fusion on the white bits. I started with Rand's bike because it's got fewer tampo markings. It was actually in worse shape than Scott's. (I didn't think to take any "before" pics.)
    Looking forward to getting these guys back in the display where they belong.




  6. 14 minutes ago, Shawn said:

    Google Translate can't make out the top left text....are these options for gun placement?

    The top left text appears to say something about "2nd descent" - I'm guessing it is indicating the second earth invasion force.

    The lower left text says simply "missile pod & cannon", so not much info there.

  7. 2 hours ago, jenius said:

    Is Legioss a Japanese word or a made-up word? 'Cause if it's made up, I'm not budging. 

    Hah! I don't like to get too pedantic when it comes to cartoons, but the Japanese katakana characters do make it clear that Legioss is intendended to be pronounced with a hard "G" -> レギオス (le-gi-o-su). A soft "G" would be レジオス. (le-ji-o-su)

    That's in Japanese.

    For English speakers, it's pronounced "alf-ah".

  8. 6 hours ago, jenius said:

    I lost one of my intake fan covers. NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo! They fell out all the time.. one rolled away.

    I never even took my covers out of the box because I knew I'd lose them immediately.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Sayroll said:

    Thanks, but that's what I've been doing for a full half hour but there is no significant progress; I still have less than 90° of movement on both arms...

    You can try using some needle-nose pliers to isolate one side of the joint while you rotate the other with your fingers. It's still kind of hectic-feeling and may scratch the paint on the joint, but should help things.

  10. Mine just arrived today as well, sooner than expected. Halfway through transforming, I both love it and hate it for the complexity. I'll probably love it once I have it figured out.
    I haven't seen it mentioned yet (and I didn't take any pics before transforming), but you can also mount the Imai missle pod under one of the wings in fighter mode. Why you'd want to, I don't know, but it's nice to have the option.

  11. 8 hours ago, Syro said:

    Could you show how you have the stands holding the ride armor from behind? I am not feeling confident in the stand and mine kept trying to drunk dive.

    It's a bit of a balancing act.

    In case it's not clear (the instructions don't say anything about the stand) you remove the claw and shove the peg into a hole on the bike. It's a tight fit.



    1 hour ago, Convectuoso said:

    I only wish the middle missile launcher was removable. That was not seen in the show and don't know where that came from, and it looks terrible in Soldier mode

    Seems like it's removable. It's not attached in this photo.


  13. 10 minutes ago, derex3592 said:

    That's cool. Still waiting for some kind of shipping email from USAGundam Store. I'm a little confused on the release dates, Amazon and everything else I've heard from day one was end of November, so how do some people already have theirs? 



    Maybe ordered from overseas.

  14. 8 hours ago, varitechs said:

    As promised, here is the comparative picture, left after 3000, right before 3000, not really beautiful isn't it? ^_^

    To be honest, I didn't know that they actually ever got around to putting out more than 3000 of them. :) I have one of the early numbers. Thanks for putting up the side-by-side.

  15. Speaking of the Toynami Alphas, I recall reading way back in the day that the first 1500 (I think) units of Vol 1 were to have slightly differently colored intakes than the later units. Jenius has some good photos comparing vols 1-3 and it's clear 1 has brighter intakes, but I don't think I've ever seen a side-by-side to compare Vol 1 pre-1500 to post-1500, though. Can anyone confirm?

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