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Posts posted by estacado06479

  1. if Kid-k was back here he could show you guys what he had been working on, I'm pretty sure it included a new head design.

    For new heads, why not some of the ones from the model magazines Graham used to put up? The platypus, for one, was a complete redesign

  2. I remember someone made on for a 1/55 also...

    I remember that. I think it was Rick The Hunter.

    yeah it was Rob, I like that its been done in 1/48, thats one of the best parts of the series, or at least, most memorable

  3. feel free to not EVER vote unless you bothered to take the time and figure out each man's stance on the issues.

    don't vote because whatever rap guy or other mtv personality told you that "the democrats be all 'at" or, dey be mah peeps"

    don't go in and vote republican because you are one and vice versa. the candidate favorite people are chooches who couldnt bother to look poo up.

    remember as a voter, you CAN do more harm than good, and we don't need a situation like last election marring things this go'round.

    so to recap, if you don't KNOW, don't GO!


  4. i sucked out

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  5. what about the skull and crossbones? then, if you didnt want to sound gay in front of men you might encounter, you could just say it was a plain old skull and crossbones, but you would secretly know it was the symbol of skull squadron. this way, you could get a macross related tattoo, and not get your arse pounded.

  6. ok update adn i dont want this thread to die

    i am now lvl 16 DE fighter

    this game keeps getting better as you lvl up.

    skills adn weapons are costly but worth it, and money is plentiful if you know where to get it (let me know if you find out, because i still dont know :p )

  7. oh dudes,

    NUMBER ONE...read the manga and you will see that its anything but a tournament shonen


    and i heard funimation is picking it up and im sure they will rape it like they did for dbz, which was actually a good show subbed, and BLEW dubbed

    goku as naruto? kthanksbye

  8. babelfish says "you nevertheless not!!!"

    usual gibberish from the babelfish team...or the phrase DOES mean that and the person who requested it doesnt know German very well

  9. i played all last night, aside from getting bumped off the server a few times, i had a blast.

    if you are playing

    i am a dark elf female mage, azrael76


    i will find you where you live and after levelling up, i will pwn ju

  10. LOL

    i ended up upgrading my ign subscription to include fileplanet just to download theirs, 55 minutes thank you very much

    of course that deosnt include the hour i spent getting patches after i installed it.

    there are only three servers, and they are having a tough time handling the load, they are bringing another server up this week, so maybe ill actually be able to log in. hehe

    and fileplanet gives you a serial when you downlooad the program

    and they are already going to nerf the archers, which up to now is the most powerful weapon wise

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