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Posts posted by ErikElvis

  1. Ive ignored this thread with the 171 panic.....haha. that anymoon guide does help. Even though parts are being made I really don't feel lIke swapping parts out. Just pull it out set it to the mode I like and let her be. Im thinking a Kakakazi or however you spell his name to splash a little different color in the case.

  2. If your patient for most valks you can find deals. Although with these ver 2 25's I think the somewhat inflated prices are ok. Don't want to say that too loud. I mean they look great. Very modern. I find it hard to believe I paid $300 for the vf-17. Its not anything to do with how its made but the 7's designs are kinda blandy/cartoony if that makes sense while these 25's look top notch modern. Not downing Yamato at all they just made what the anime showed. I still love my 17. I just paid $270 for an Alto and am quite ok for that. I was lucky enough to get a preorder in on the Ozma.

  3. I was out of the game for a while. Came back in. Have been afraid of shoulder problems and never really looked into the v2 1/60's. Trying to decide how to remedy this. Suggestions with pics would help. I honestly don't know which ones have exploda shoulders or not. I need at least one in the case.

  4. I really need to raise the money and get this! I was a little burned by my 1st version dx VF-25F. With the wing root laser things cracking and whatnot, but seeing this just gets me excited! MaybeI can convince my wife that this is a congratulations present for me for starting RN classes!


    DONT DO IT! Nursings horrible. Good JOB but the work sucks. just keep going to school and become a PA or NP. Choose where you work wisely.

  5. Do you have data to back up this claim? I am inclined to believe that in the grand scheme of things the demand is rather negligible -- or else why would Yamato go the exclusive route?

    Looking at Bandai and bending the strategy.

    Holy christ it was up for 10 mins and sold out!!!!??? WTF!!!



    Ill eat human flesh and send them the video to get my order placed. Hopefully that impresses them.

    Sold out everywhere.......

    Ebay rapeage.....

    Oh re release here we come.

    Process starts over again

  6. IM gonna be a sucker and Im sure pay $300 plus for this valk. I see sell outs quick and eventually re-releases at lower prices. but oh well have to have it, I think this is going to be a sleeper hit. And not because its not a great design but as many know the screen time isn't there and yamato is prob afraid of shelf warming the poor thing.

  7. Yeah aren't these topics supposed to be about the thread headline. It seems every time I post something off in a forum someone jumps in later and says keep it on track.

    Anyway Im happy with my 27 so far. The 171 would be a definite no doubt buy for me if they threw in the knowhow they used in the V2 25. I think they are awesome. Gonne be a busy year. I still need to pick up an V2 Alto. VF-4's a must, and prob throw in the 17D even though Im not a huge fan of the head. At least the 29 is paid for with fast packs on the way.... :)

  8. Did you receive 2 emails from them, one for the order and one for the payment?

    Yeah I got one for the order from AE and then one generated by paypal I guess for the payment.

    Edit: well I just preordered the bleach Rangiku and 2 berserk Guts figures and paid and they're not showing up on my orders page either.

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