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Posts posted by ErikElvis

  1. 9 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    Ok, except Disney's unstoppable barrage of "No, what I really meant was..." only gets stupider every time they dig their fingers into it.

    The plot hole filler is of even lower quality than the original product, and actually brings down the quality of the stand-alone film by making even less sense.

    Did you know that they wrote in a "lore-based" reason for why everyone saw Starkiller Base destroy the Republic Capital at once?  Yeah, no, it wasn't because JJ has no sense of scale, it was because the First Order developed the weapon to break space-time so they could use it for galaxy-wide propaganda.  I wish I was joking.

    Speaking of plot holes... here's a hum-dinger one for you.  If Anakin was a force-ghost at the end of ROTJ, couldn't he have just flat out told Luke about all this crap happening?  You know.. like the location of his wayfinder.. how to find Exegol.. how to kill Palpatine for real??  THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN USEFUL..

    Please stop. Your making My disdain for the sequel trilogy even worse!

  2. 10 hours ago, levzloi said:

    I know that some people are upset that the Star Wars fans on here aren't waiting patiently to find out if it will be good or not.  I think they could pull off a good product if they have proper direction, vision, and most of all sound writing and good stories.  Unfortunately, I think what we're seeing with the white board is writing/design by committee.  What we're most likely to end up with is inoffensive, unimaginative, with plenty of virtue signaling.  Disney's wildest dream is to turn Star Wars into the Marvel franchise pumping out fun entertaining and ultimately forgettable movies on a quarterly basis.  That Star Wars will not even closely resemble the original trilogy in tone, direction, and quality.  But it will make money hand over fist.

    Yup as a die hard OT fan this makes me sad. Even though the prequels had their problems they felt like Star Wars movies. These new ones.  Not so much. 

  3. 36 minutes ago, Kanedas Bike said:

    Maybe it's in how I tried to articulate my opinion.

    The pictures make the 4A look cheap, like someone took a mechanical pencil and traced the lines. The pictures don't convey "Premium", they convey lazy Sunday afternoon with a toy and a pencil and/or Gundam marker.

    The Premium 1S isn't panel lined and it looks good. The DX 48 has markings out the wazoo (too many), no panel lines and it looks good. This? Looks cheap.


    I complained about this earlier in the thread. I don’t think the premium looks so hot. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Thom said:

    Going to go see it again tomorrow. I loved that whole scene with them fighting on the wreckage, and then Ben talking with his father. Actually seeing Ford as Han again was a surprise to me, esp as I stay away from leaks and BTS news.

    It really aggravated me when Finn screamed out reys name while she was trying to fight. A wtf moment. Why potentially distract her. 

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