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Posts posted by Freiflug88

  1. I'm somewhat struck by how Physica's death affects Gamlin - he's now (for the time being) the only surviving/conscious member of Diamond Force, and has to shoulder a pretty heavy burden.

    Captain Kinryu is still there. Your just mistaking a future episode.

    I do find it somewhat odd that the enemies would shoot to kill though, as up til now they've primarily been disabling scores of VF-11C fighters and draining spiritia from the cockpits. Was Gigil just getting overzealous this episode?

    At the same time Gigil is always annoyed by the Diamond Force VF-17 fighters getting in the way so maybe he ordered his goons to shoot to kill with regards to them. Also at the time Physica was a sitting duck just waiting to be shot at while he staring at his little music box.

    Come to think of it the way that Physcia was shot out of no where reminds me of how Roy was shot in SDF. Unlike SDF where Milia was busy fighting Max at the time, its open to speculation on weather it was Gigil or not who fired the shot.

    Before ever watching M7 I would have never thought that a girl spending a weekend in a log cabin with two Pink Pecker's would have had her heart broken! :D

    Not even even when she has to leave all the fun behind for work on Monday? :lol:

  2. If any of you is watching the older CA version, you'll get the encore bit with Ray and Akiko's back story. It's pretty poignant stuff as well.


    1 : pungently pervasive <a poignant perfume>

    2 a (1) : painfully affecting the feelings : piercing (2) : deeply affecting : touching b : designed to make an impression : cutting <poignant satire>

    3 a : pleasurably stimulating b : being to the point : apt

    1. I guess I will have to upgrade to smell-o'vision, I didn't smell anything when I played this Encore.

    2. Touching emotional drama in a Macross Love Triangle? You got to be kidding me.

    3. Pleasurably stimulating? Oh yeah it would be if only they actually showed us viewers just what in the world Akiko was doing spending her weekend in a log cabin with two Pink Peckers! :lol:

  3. Some may wonder, when will I tackle the science of the Macross cannon? Well I won't. I don't know exactly what it is doing or what it is firing, just some large beam. Can't get much out of that.

    I believe that without a doubt its a particle cannon.

    1. The original and iconic Yamato Wave motion gun which the Macross creators were inspired by was a Particle cannon that relied on accelerated tachyon particles.

    2. Macross Chronicles words the orignal Macross cannon as

    "Overtechnology Macross bow-firing super-dimension-energy cannon with beam polarizing converging system. "

    Which sounds like just another way of destribing a particle beam cannon with Macross terminology such as Super Dimensional energy.

    A particle beam is an accelerated stream of charged particles or neutrons (often moving at very near the speed of light) which may be directed by magnets and focused by electrostatic lenses, although they may also be self-focusing (see Pinch).

    3. Macross Chronicles description of the VF-27's beam cannon aka the mini-Macross cannon:

    Beam gunpod is refit to MDE particle beam specifications.

    In Frontier we saw their gunship fire with just a minor transformation. I was like "They can do that?".

    Of course I know there are bound to be differences in Gunship specs. Battle 13 has that shotgun effect with its gunship. Where as Battle 7 is one straight beam.


    Going by how the Battle Frontier cannon split open to reveal what seems to be its Particle Cannon accelerator rather then firing through the Four nozzles I would say that it seems the Macross Cannon is able to be fired in several ways depending on the situation. Considering that the Macross particle beam was fired for the first time in a curved trajectory in order to hit the two Zentradi scout ships its seems likely that the beam output if very modifiable with the right know how.

    I was thinking of a reason why the UN spacy kept the transformation for the New Macross class ships was that the Earth scientist could never build a Macross Canon from scratch properly, and their imitations were unstable/Hazardous and it had to be kept away from the inhabited sections of the ship.

    Though they never had a explanation in M7 and Battle Frontier could fire its cannon while the ship was not transformed and attached to the main island.

    Why would a energy weapon have a recoil most High energy Particle don't have any appreciable mass like a Gun does.

    Personally I always thought it was so that they can quickly and precisely aim the cannon with arm movements in robot mode rather then pivoting the whole ship just to aim a bow mounted cannon.

    In Frontier's case for instance the Vajra swarm was right in front of them and they were able to "sweep" the Macross beam from left to right in order to vaporize the whole swarm. What's more the Frontier was getting ready to fold right after eradicating the Vajra swarming. Why waste all that time and energy detaching, transforming, firing, transforming again, and then retaching to the Island your about to fold with when you can just fire the cannon as is.

    On the contray due to the effects of relativity particles or anything with mass will actually increase in mass the as they approach the speed of light. Also while a single high energy particle certainly doesn't have anywhere near the mass of a lead bullet. The macross cannon is firing countless high energy particles to form those huge destructive beams. The masses of all those countless particles add up to tremendous proportions. Just as the mass of all those bullets spewed out by Gatling guns equal much more recoil then a single shot rifle or gun of identical caliber.

  4. I also sense somewhere Carl Macek pulling some of this web's strands.

    Question: "I am the conspiracy theorist and even I don't see anything."

    ..as such, Harmony Gold would be a rival company, no?

    Ever notice all those ADV logos on HG DVDs like Robotech, Macross, Southern Cross, Mosepeda, and Megazone 23? ADV and HG weren't exactly direct compeitors. Harmony Gold specializes in trading movies, shows, and real estate while ADV was a dubber and distributor of anime.

  5. So is HG/WB racing the clock on this??


    Even if HG lost there trademarks to Macross today Warner Bros would still have all the movie rights to Robotech which they purchased from HG 3 years ago. Just look at Fox's plan to keep remaking Fantastic Four so they can keep its movie rights to themselves and away from Disney. Of course we all know WB's pretty much screwed with zero Macross and Southern Cross rights from Big West in the first place. Come to think of it maybe WB never even got Mosepeda. I know that for the Speed Racer flick the Wachowski brothers had to go straight to Tatsunko for permission to use Mach Go Go Go and just ignored the US compay "Speed Racer Enterprise" that owns the rights to the original anime show in the US. In Robotech's case though I have yet to hear or see anything about WB ever dealing with Tatsunko directly.

  6. Figures. Since I never really play ISOs on my PSP anyways and it turns pandora downgrade kits are only $25. I decided I will just upgrade to 5.55 through the MUF UMD I bought the other day. In the unlikely event that I need to have to play a PSP ISO in the future I can just get a pandora battery and Magic Memory Card to downgrade my PSP-1000.

  7. Yes. Because Macross Ultimate Frontier (the sequel) builds and improves on it in so many ways that you should go with it instead.

    True, but is it worth updating my PSP Firmware to 5.55 from 3.90 M33-3 just to play Macross Ultimate Frontier? I don't have a pandora battery so I have to plan my updates very carefully.

  8. Milia is still one tough dame. Gets shot in the leg and brushes it off like nothing. Do all Zentran have that high pain threshold or is it just years of military discipline?

    Unfortunately that is not how it happened at all poor girl grits her teeth and drops to her knees shaking. vlcsnap2010032400h49m59.th.png

    Though I will say your comment reminds of a verrry familiar scene involving another pretty green haired dame from another show...


    I also have to add that I went to Momocon this last weekend. This years theme for this little known con was music and appropriately enough they played a few episodes of Macross 7 in the Anime Viewing room thanks to my input of course ^_^. I am upset they showed it on Sunday afternoon instead of following my recommendation to play it on Saturday Night though <_< .

  9. A tie-in to Trash? How?

    Simple M7 Trash's Macross 11 Fleet was explained to be an english speaking fleet with Fire Bomber American singing Fire Bomber songs in English right? Basera certainly doesn't sing in English either so its obvious that the English versions of Fire Bomber playing over the radio in Dynamite were performed by Fire Bomber America. Having the black market dealers listen to FBA songs that were ripped-off from the real Fire Bomber band also symbolizes just how corrupt they are.

  10. Fire Bomber American stuff gets used as background music in Dynamite 7, but that's about it. And unfortunately, I have no clue why they made the album in the first place...there are definitely some superfluous M7 CD releases, but that one tops the list...narrowly beating out "Live Fire."

    They probably hoped to sell them outside of Japan to Englsih speaking anime fans since you-know-who didn't have a Macross trademark at the time. As for the use as background music in Dynamite 7 its the same reason they mentioned Macross 11 a few times in the Radio drama its just a simple tie-in to the Macross 7 Trash Manga.

  11. Maybe Max is left to sight about her stunts, but then again I think that Milia is right about questioning Max's handling of the constant alien attacks. I mean he hasn't been exactly proactive in finding out who they are and what their intentions may be. Or at least try some new tactic or evasive measure that will put the conveoy out of harms way.

    I can't help but feeling that had their roles been reversed, Milia would have been a lot more energetic in her handling of the alien attacks. I cannot blame her when she gets upset and asks Max what the hell he's doing to prevent this series of events.

    Well unfortunately there isn't really anything practical action for Max to take. any possible tactic or evasive measure that could put the convoy out of harms away short of turning tail and running or an impenetrable pin point barrier that could cover the entire ship.

    As for the Space Vampire attacks the challenge is finding the enemy stowaways without scaring the civilians and resorting to extreme measures like martial law. Its easy to say that they could have easily found the Space Vampires if they rolled out the military to sweep every inch of the ship including every piece of private property without a warrant, but what message would that tell the innocent people on board Macross 7? Sure If M7 was run by Adama and President Roslin then the entire convoy would have been swept and all those frakin space vampires with their silly visors would have been tossed out the airlock by episode 5, but this is Max and Milia we are talking about. Having them resort to martial law to round up all the space vampires would be like having Batman kill criminals with head shots to the head. Conflict solved, but you just annihilated the character as well.

    Also look at how Leon's course of action to purge the Vajra infestion in Macross Frontier worked out. Using Flamethrowing Destroids to burn Vajra nests though scorched earth tactics didn't just elimate all the Vajra on board the ship, but it arguably upset the civilians way of life even more so then the actual battles with the Vajra did.

    I am surprised though that Milia having been an enemy spy aboard the SDF Macross and an ex-flight instructor herself hasn't helped the Macross 7 Police get in the mindset of an enemy infiltrator in order to better find and track them down. Unless of course her memories of finding clothes, two knives, money for video games, and learning japanese was just a blur due to her obsession with hunting Max down at the time.

  12. It's pretty funny to see that Maximilian (the human) is the stiff, unsocial military type, whilst Milia is an absolute overachiever in the civilian world. It'd be intereting to see how much of her popularity is based precisely on her status as a pioneer in human-Zentran relations.

    Pure Poetic Justice.

    In Max's case as bright a tactical genius he came off as a very energetic and naive military recruit. First he treats his first battle like it was another game on the flight simulator video game then he daydreams about someday being a Captain. Of course Max's wish to be a captain has been granted at the cost of everything else. The "joys" of being Captain aren't all its cracked up to be when your bearing the responsibility for every life aboard the Macross 7 on your shoulders and you have no time to spend with your beloved wife.

    Milia on the other hand went from being a naive illegal alien (in more ways then one) and teen lover who couldn't even cook and promised stay by her husbands side forever into the ultimate politician and divorced mother.

    and Millia was a flight instructor.

    Which is very ironic considering that she always lost to the guy who was trained to fly through Video games.

  13. I doubt that the builders of that Ruin on Rax envisioned a girl chaser as a symbol of peace. :lol:

    1. The planet was Lex not Rax


    Come to think of it Michael does have very similar hair to that creepy girl chaser who chased the other symbol of peace in M7 Dynamite... Wait a minuate here is a thought...

    Some time after Dynamite Elma goes to Macross 7 to be a singer and run ins into the creepy Firebomber manager who is into "little girls" like her. Things happen... the manager turns out to be a functional hermaphite cuz its anime... and she gives birth to Jessica and Michael Blanc after moving to the Frontier to get as far away as possible from that crazy woman.

    Just look at Michael and Jessica's resemblance to the manager and Liz, Elma's older sister!





    Of course the fact that Michael is listed as being born in 2042 5 years before M7 Dynamite does leave a giant gaping hole to my theory though... but hey at least it shows us that if Michael is indeed part Zolan than Zola had to have been found at the latest 9 months prior to Michael's and most likely his older sister's birthday on 2042.

    Oh yes, and nothing forms or moves in spirals without intervention from the Protoculture... right. :p

    Exactly! Unless of course its being sucked up by a giant transforming robot space ship with a vacuum cleaner! :lol:



  14. and ranka on the left hand side almost out of the image near the flower girl aswell,which makes me think the one near alto is an imposter!

    Gubaba nice mac II covers,i like vol 2 one the best,there isnt enough wendy stuff,she must be the most overlooked of all of macross's singers.

    Wow! I actually never noticed Ranka there! So its actually Gumi, not Ranka that is playing with Alto.

  15. Doubtful, IMO... our examples of Human-Zentradi and Human-Zolan hybrids share one feature in common, that being they all have pointed ears. Michael Blanc, our sole example of a Human-Zentradi-Zolan hybrid has ears that come to a somewhat more severe point than those of a Human-Zentradi hybrid, possibly a legacy of the full-blown anime elf ears Zolans have. The poacher captain Kariba's character design has rounded ears, suggesting that he is in fact a full-blood human. Considering the way the man dresses, his two-tone mohawk is probably just an extension of his atrocious dress sense.

    Well there can always be an exception to the rule. As for Michaels ears IMO they just seem like a bigger, pointy, and more masculine version of the Meltrandi elf ears. Also just like the Zentradi elf ears the ends of his ears stay close to the side of the head as evident by his frontal shots by comparison the Zolan elf ears are spread out at an almost 90 degree angle and no where near their head in frontal shots.

    If anyone in Macross Frontier has ears similar to the Zolans IMO its actually Klan Klan and her Pixie Squad with their pointy ears that really stick out from their heads and make them look like actual Pixies.






  16. Well, since we don't know exactly when the U.N. made first contact with the indigenous people of Zola the best we can do is guess based on what we know from Macross Dynamite 7. Even the content of the "Zomeo and Zoliet" radio drama isn't necessary a good indicator of whether a non-Zolan male could successfully mate with a Zolan female. After all, it may be a play on the central conflict in Romeo and Juliet, and the families of "Zomeo" and "Zoliet" simply don't approve of their children marrying a member of a newly-discovered alien species or something along those lines. We can't judge Zolans by typical marsupial standards either, since they are an alien species that evolved into a form similar to humans either via the meddling of the Protoculture or by convergent evolution.

    Considering we have Lawrence who is applying for the same University as Dr. Chiba and a poacher continuing the family business his father started it seems that the UN Spacy as settled on Zola for quite some time. Not as long as Eden, but considering that Dynamite is 35 years after UN started their Emigration its plenty of time for Zolan to become a part of the UN. While Zolan may be on the very far edge of the Galaxy, its very likely on our corner of the Galaxy not to far past Eden.

    Also speaking of the poacher I am beginning to think that he may be half human/Zolan himself. He looks completely human except for his green mohawk among his brown hair and thus far the Zolans have been the only ones depicted with two different colors for their hair.

  17. Make 7000 more posts and it'll be YOUR rank, too. ^_^

    I quess I will have to watch my posts then cause I don't want to nuke Space Whales. Instead I want to turn the Macross 7 into a MegaRoad Maid and suck them and all their spritia up! Mwah ha ha ha ha haaa!


    Then I will be able to use their carcasses to make faster fold drives so I can upgrade the SDF 1, I need it to reach ludicrous speed and go plaid if its going to catch up with the Space Ball 1! :lol:

  18. Ah, Zomeo and Zoliet.

    "We can't be together because...you are not a marsupial".

    Can't imagine Liza had some sort of kangaroo-pocket; she's hot btw ^_^

    Anyway, what's the policy regarding colonization if there's no civilized alien race inside? I mean, built a city outside and move the colonists right away or being cautious by keep the colonists inside the dome/ship and spend some time (months or years) to study the planet and declared it safe before actual colonization start?

    I just watched M7 Dyantimite not too long ago and in my subs she said: "Even if you stay on Zola and marry me we can't have a child. "Because... Your not a marsupial." Which makes much more sense. The OVA clearly shows us that the Zola are culturally the same, but they don't dive into how marsupials biology things is quite different... I will just say that: due to the extra pouch in the females marsupial males need a double barreled wave gun... So there is just no way Zomeo and Zuilet could conceive a child without resorting to artificial insemination. If things were reversed though and the couple was a male Zola and a Female human/Zentradi couple then they might be able to possibly conceive a child though.

    She doesn't if we go by her full frontal nudity little sister while Basara was in a catatonic state.

    Which we can't really go on as not only has Elma not even reached puberty yet, but most marsupials only have pouches that only open up for breeding season. Marsupials with "true" pouches that are always open and exposed like the Kangaroos everyone things of are the exception not the rule for marsupials.

    Also the mere existence of Michael proves all Children of the Protoculture are genetically compatible.

    I thought Michael Blanc was just half Zentradi no different then any of Max and Milia's seven daughters and the Michael in M7 who was Milia's bodyguard was a just a huge guy, but I definitely see the possibility of Zentradi heritage there. Which Michael are you talking about though and where is he described as being unique.

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