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Posts posted by Freiflug88

  1. If anyone has a used SDF Macross set that they never watch anymore and just want to sell back, PM me. I will accept Boxset, thinpack, or individual volumes, as long as its all 7 discs.

  2. I'm looking to purchase a complete set of Macross 7 on DVD, the complete series plus the 3 specials. There are so many out there. I was wondering if anyone could tell which version with English subtitles is the best to purchase. Thanks in advance.

    I can get you an Official Macross 7 Remastered Boxset (16 DVDs), only thing is they don't have English subtitles and they would be very expensive at 1200 USD + Shipping. I also have progrommaning guides to unlock the region codes of practically any DVD player, so you can easily modifiy any NTSC DVD player to play them.

  3. The official word is out, cool. Can you guys guess who the special guest will be?

    They say its a "mystery guest" who will also perform onstage with these two singers. So my guess is Maaya Sakamoto, after all she provides the vocals for triangular, Aimo, and/or of course the Nyan Nyan Service Melody!

  4. And here I thought an audience in Texas thought differently. So much so that certain people disowned it.

    I swear, it almost sounds like a whole industry conspiracy.

    Conspiracy? Harmony Gold Cover up? No. Reader Misinterpretation? Yes.

    The second Macek revolution

    Whetted by this taste of what real anime was all about, many fans began to seek out original works -- most of which were unavailable in any legal licensed form.

    In 1987, a few years after the end of "Robotech"'s televised run, a young animation curator working for the Landmark Theaters chain, Jerry Beck, had been tasked with creating animation packages for booking into the company's arthouse cinemas. Part of his job was helping to program what would become one of the first annual animation festivals, the Los Angeles Animation Celebration.

    A longtime anime enthusiast, Beck sensed that a tipping point had been reached in the number of fans of the medium. He lobbied to include two anime features in the lineup for the first Animation Celebration -- the wondrous "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" by modern master Hayao Miyazaki, and Carl Macek's feature-film sequel to the "Robotech" series, "Robotech: The Movie.

    "We put 'Robotech' in the big auditorium, and they sold out instantly," says Beck. "I was in the back, watching it in standing room, and Carl was right there next to me. The reaction was amazing. The audience was loving it. And I whispered to him, 'They're eating it up!' And he shrugged and said, 'That's the way it always is.'"

    Beck said nothing of the film's little debut in Texas. He was talking about it's showing at the Los Angeles Animation Celebration. Its not impossible to consider that the movie would be a success in front of diehard animation fans, the only people who would even bother attending the Los Angeles Animation Celebration in its first year.

    The illuminati / anti-christ / grays / Harmony Gold 2012 conspiracy is more widespread than previously believed:

    Look Jim. I’m a doctor not a loli fan. I can tell that photo is completely fake, there are no ridges on that "Kling-On!" girl's forehead.

  5. 5 - First attacked Pilots are fully Recovered and VF-19 is incorporated to M7 Fleet

    Hate that Docker got promoted and Gamlin not..

    Does not make sense to me.. Docker was hit and spend all time in semi-coma, while Gamlin was working his ass off protecting the city.

    Don't forget as well that Docker was only hit after Gamlin dodged the Spirtia draining beam that was aimed at him. So they are pilots of equal caliber more or less. It's Docker's absence that definitely helped him seal the new promotion though. Its simply less of a hassle on everyone to re-assign Docker, the recovered Ace pilot who has been out of the loop for months, to the captain of a fresh new squad then it was to transfer Gamlin and reduce Emerald Force to squad comprised of only a captain in sickbay.

  6. Somehow, I doubt Macek would've been able to avoid much of the spite and bile directed at him even if he'd never deluded himself into believing he was the anime industry's answer to Gene Roddenberry and started pretending the Robotech TV series was the result of his grand creative vision.

    But Carl Macek was the anime industry's answer to Gene Roddenberry. Gene Roddenberry was just a mere member of the Lucifer worshiping Illuminati, but Carl Macek was the anti-Christ of anime! :lol:

  7. It sounds like a neat project, but personally what I do instead of acquiring the Laser Discs is just capture all the frames from MDYRL HD DVD, convert them to RB24 colorspace, and then use photoshop/aftereffects to fix as many video imperfections as possible manually frame by frame. Then I would encode the sequence of frames onto a Lagarith lossless avi and mux it into a nice MKV file compelete with audio, subs, and a chapter file.

    Going with the Laser Disc ripping your just making an expensive trade of one set of meager video quality flaws for a whole different set of video quality flaws that could be even worse, like the 560x480 resolution that will have to be re-sized dramatically if you want to take advantage of a wide screen with 16:9 video. Honestly why not just spend your time and money correcting all the minor video flaws of the HD DVDs you already have?

  8. Totally true, but I don't see the correlation. It is possible that they are good or benign, have been tracking Destiny, and after capturing Rush were manipulated into attacking Destiny.

    If this show is to be much like BSG, then I'm expecting to be surprised.

    I don't think they are good or benign personally and that they other reasons for keeping the humans alive aboard the Destiny. I believe that the blue aliens were on the ship before and somehow found out as Rush did in the last episode that the ships master codes is modeled from the 46 Chromosome of the DNA of the ancients that build the ship. With no ancients of course they had no hope of cracking the code, so they left behind some scouts to wait and see if the owners would ever return to their ship via shuttle or star gate. When SG-U crew came in and started restoring the ships systems it showed the aliens that a possibility of cracking the ships security was now open.

    Hence they treated the humans has no more then animals: putting Rushing in a fish tank, painfully probing his mind, and inserting a tracking device near his heart then starting the same process with Chloe. The fact that the aliens abducted a female like Chloe is also very signicant. If their goal is to study the 46 chromosomes then they probably planed to breed them together and examine how 23 chromosomes from each of them would combine to form babies. This could also be the importance of T.J's baby. Knowing how SG Atlantis already made a plot point of making Taela's baby having the perfect combination of Wraith/ human DNA which Michael sought after and how the past leaders of SG crews conveniently possess the ancient gene I am almost sure the Coloniel's baby will be born with the ancient DNA that is the password for the ship.

  9. Save me.

    During the week-long spells between SGU episodes, I've found myself rewatching SG-1. While most of the episodes are engh, and some are of meh quality, I found myself being sucked into the Ancient storyline. Y'know, episodes like Solititudes, The Fifth Race, Fallen, etc. I've now just finished The Lost City and I find myself with the undeniable urge to start watching Atlantis now, to see that storyline play out. I don't have time for all these episodes, and yet I can't help myself.

    Halp... :wacko:

    You could just try locking up your SG DVDs and blocking hulu.com with a host file.

    Its also very possible that the aliens are good. Perhaps they were lied to and manipulated by Rush into attacking Destiny. Since we only got Rush's side of the story, we don't really know at this point.

    The aliens that made this garden of Eden and the blue aliens that have been following the Destiny are most likely two very different alien races.

    Its also evident that the blue aliens have been tracking the Destiny before the SGU crew even came aboard as evident by their scout pod that detached from the Destiny at the end of episode 3, so its not a case of Rush convincing them that the Destiny was a threat.

    Its also likely that whoever build this Eden are not only good, but most likely ascended like the ancients. The planet had a similar vibe to that Ancient santucatory in Atlantis that was made solely to provide a safe peaceful place to find peace and ascend. As that one religous guy even pointed out the peaceful planet provided the perfect opportunity for the civilians and military to "mending fences." Then after a few days the oblesisk activated that beam of light. Rush thinks its due to them having an impact on the natural balance of the garden that activated the oblesik, but maybe its a signal that their are possible candidates for ascension? We have seen the Ancients keep a kind of monopoly on ancienstion, then the Ori use anciesion for power and exploitation as gods, but maybe this alien race freely lays assistance for anyone deserving to ascend. I mean why else go through the trouble of creating a sun and a paradise if they're not going to use it themselves?

  10. If some of the civilians were left on the planet I do wonder if they were also left with a communication stone.

    Cause you know being totally cut off is stupid.

    The were not left with any stones just the damaged shuttle and the supplies they had with them. Initiating the communication stones for long range distances is impossible without plugging it into a powered interface which they only have one of aboard the Destiny in the first place. So they are totally cut off from Earth and Destiny unless of course the alien creators of the planet come in and help.

  11. The PSP Go is the download only version with no UMD drive.

    As for Macross Ace Frontier it requires the 5.55 Firmware which you will have to plan around if you intend to use an older PSP-1000 and keep its hacked custom firmware features. The newer PSP-2000s and PSP-3000s are much harder to hack, so if you have not interest in using the custom features I would just go with the PSP-3000. It has the best display and will work with any TV with component and/or composite input while the PSP 2000's only works with HD TVs that support progressive input.

  12. Yeah, but I'm saying in the context of an empty ship with nearly zero power versus a crewed ship with enough juice to run defenses. The Blues obviously have no qualms about firing on Destiny or cutting her open. So what Rush tells them just doesn't make sense. If the Blues can board Destiny when she's powered up and has shields and guns then they should have had no problems disabling and boarding a limping Destiny.

    If Destiny were fighting off the Blues with some sort of automated systems, then when humans entered they would have seen some evidence of the fight or intrusion. But they didn't see anything or any evidence of a fight or struggle.

    Come to think of it the Blue's pod was seen detaching from the Destiny at the end of episode 3 right after they found right sand to use with the air filters and before the power to the ship was completely drained by the beginning of episode 4. Whats more the 2nd shuttle had a big hole in it that the shields were plugging up, there were only two damaged space suits left of the destiny, and the guns had to be rewired before they ever fired in episode 7 in order to drain power and start a solar recharge for that gate back to Earth plan. So its possible that some Blue scouting party got on the ship, sabotaged the guns, and poked around until the air become too toxic for them causing them to retreat back to their comfy little space pod while they waited for reinforcements with air filters. That is until they noticed the armed SGU crew restored life support and were there to stay.

    So perhaps the air was just to toxic for the Blues and they were waiting around in their pod for reinforcements to show up with space suits and air filters of their own until the SGU crew came aboard.

    They also have the power to destroy the ship, but don't, as they have a (misbegotten) believe that it holds technology that they want.

    What about the technology to recharge a ship through suns? I dunno about you, but if I were a space faring alien that happened to notice a ship just wandering through my side of the galaxy and then recharging inside of a sun, I would be obsessing over acquiring it like the Blues.

    I also get the feeling that the blues are an off-shoot of the Ohne from Waaay back in Episdode 13 season 1 of SG-1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb-j9u8QwSAt=5m25s). In the SG-1 episode it was stated that a few Ohne supposedly tried to help humans revolt against the G'ould back in Babylon. So perhaps as early as the time of Atlantis the Ancients and the Blue/Ohne knew of each other. I also can't help, but think of how the submersible Atlantis city ships are obviously far newer then the Destiny so perhaps the ancients were inspired to design them after encountering these aquatic blue aliens from another galaxy.

  13. Aside from the hideous CG faces and Jun's anerix look with that ridiculus thin metal corset, I actually dig the new armored designs for this CG interpretation. The thin spandex cloth bodysuits and capes that were impervious to everything from machine gun fire to nuclear explosions only works within in the camp of the orgianal 60s cartoon.

    Yeah, I'm like that about remakes in general these days. Unfortunately, by the look of the footage that was released for this film, it would seem that the makers didn't really get what Gatchaman was about and we were probably going to get a very PG rated version of the legend.

    To me, Gatchaman was always meant to be tougher than such interpretations. Even though it was about a bunch of people dressed up as birds going around fighting the bad guys, it always had this sort of coolness and ruthlessness to it that wasn't captured in the OAV version and probably would not have been seen in the film that seems is not being made anymore. There was a high level of graphic violence in the original show that has not been seen in other similar programs, and the Super Sentai stuff certainly did not follow this model.

    Like I have already noticed, one of the closest things to imitate the look and feel of the original series was those bloody NTT ads and its a pity that they didn't translate into more.


    Personally I disagree quite a bit. While the original certainly got away with a high level of graphic violence at times I saw it as a great balancing act between the campiness, coolness, and ruthlessness. Which Imagi seems to be doing an okay job emulating, though it honestly looks ridiculous at times in CG. IMO what is really missing from the Imagi movie is the Turtle king. Both the original and the OVA opened with Galactor using their Turtle/dragon king Mecha to come and just steal plutonium from the ISO building to show the world they were an overwhelming force that even the UN armies couldn't stand a chance against. Imagi ininstead has Katse leading a squad of special forces in a quick smash and grab with every seeming intention of escaping in utilitarian hover troop transports before the UN sends in reinforcements.

  14. They are not finishing it. Imagi is closing offices (Imagi LA is gone already) and has cut down pretty much all personnel that is not necessary to liquidate its assets and auction all the stuff they can.

    I heard that Imagi was actually very close to finishing up with the film and that about a year ago they held test screenings, but reportedly the film still needed a lot of polishing at the time. With luck some one else will acquire Gatchaman from Imagi and release it on their own.

  15. I replied while the two of you were replying. Oops.

    Don't worry, nothing spoiled yet. Just as confused as ever.

    Remember RedWolf, I've seen nothing of M7 - no OVAs, no manga, nada. Everything up to Ep 18 is my experience thus far. I like going into this as though it was the 90's and this is the first time I've seen it!

    You can watch the Macross 7 Plus back stories any time really. They are just that back stories, they don't spoil anything for future episodes.

    Don't know how reliable their info is. And it doesn't explain why they put a question mark in the credits. Maybe its all to add to the mistery of the character?

    As for the question mark my guess is that it was probably done to protect her identity at the time. In the off chance that Sivil and her hentai-ish screams of pleasure/pain led to an uproar from the parents of viewers the last thing you want is to be the name attached to Sivil in the credits if you have any plans of casting for future roles in daytime shows.

  16. You're cruel Freiflug88!

    But yeah, I've seen it happen with guys who are just too nice for their own good. In Physica's case, I'd like to think that his wife abandoning him has more to do with the fact that his job requires him to be absent from his family for long periods of time.

    Calm down. I was making a seiyū joke. Physica may be gone, but later in the show his voice actor will return as that annoying furball Gavil, who will litterally be uttering "beautiful" in every other line.

  17. In the music side, am I right in asuming that this is the first time that we hear Remember 16?

    Its certainly an appropriate time to play it. Not only is it the end of the episode following Ep. 16, but its the background music for the scene that closes Physica's charater arch after his death in you guessed it Ep. 16.

    I have a science note for this one. Macross has always been good about sound in space. Sure they display sound in space for drama but they make it obvious they know there is none. Hence Basara needing to fire speaker pods at enemy ships so they can hear him, whereas he can use large speakers in an atmosphere. So one might wonder, how can Sivil hear his song?

    I don't want to spoil all the details to for the new viewers, but I will say that in a later episode Exodore mentions after a particular battle that the Protodelvin that Basera and Mylene's singing worked becaused it touched their hearts and not their ears. Also if you notice the first thing Sivil said when she was released was "Spirita" before she flew off to the Macross 7 Fleet light years away. She isn't hearing the literal sound waves, but she is being affected by the emotional and spiritual energies created by his singing.

    Interesting theories about Sivil, Dex.

    My feeling about the Protodeviln is that they are meant to be pretty much impervious to any "normal" attack. The Macross 7 fleet can (and does) throw everything possible at them, and yet it doesn't do a whole lot. As long as they get spirita, they can keep going on and on. Hence, little things like "cold" and "air" and "pressure" matter little to them.

    I don't know how realistic or unrealistic that is, but it does what it's meant to: give an indication of just how strong these beings are.

    I also have this feeling that the Protodeviln were an inspiration for the Angels of Evangelion which premiered a month after M7 ended.

    Indeed so, after all the Protoculture designed the bodies they are using. Those guys were the definition of a Type 3 civilization, had the power of an entire galaxy. They could literally do anything. I would just assume since the Evil series are living beings that they do need to breathe. Though they could have been engineered without that need. More so the Protodeviln inhabiting the bodies may have changed them and what they can do.

    All signs point to the Evil series as being the next series of bio-weapon designed to eliminate and replace the Zentradi space fleets. As such they were designed to live and fight in space from the start.

    So this is official? Phisica was indeed so unaware of his surroundings? If the boy calls the "misterious man" dad, things must have gone that way for much more than the brief period of City 7 disappearance. Probably he and his wife were simply divorced.

    Personally I get the feeling that the mysterious man could have very well have been the boy's real father, just look at how the boy has the same dark hair as the other man.

    Its also very interesting how back in Ep. 14 Physica was telling Gamlin about how he believes a women would always be honest with the man they truly love or something. Then of course when his family photo is burnt up only his image remains perfectly intact, while his lying wife and possibly illegitimate child are completely burnt off in the hellish fire like the sinners they were.

    Also am I the only one that feeling that perhaps his wife ditched him because she got annoyed with him calling her "beautiful" with every other line? :lol:

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