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Mr March

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Posts posted by Mr March

  1. What Producer Kawamori said, at the first Macross Museum at Takarazuka. Was that everything was a "parallel world" To answer the question that I posed about how someone from 2060 could know about events from 2092.

    This does not seem to refute that the series and movies are separate universes, infact it implies each and every tv show, movie, event, manga, take place in separate parallel universes.

    It is a very vauge statement though. and open to interpetation.

    I agree that it would imply that all Macross titles are equally valid, or "cannon" as we westerners would say. This unfortunately makes it extremely difficult to piece together what the overall vision of what Macross is supposed to be. Even worse for us trying to figure out which numerical specifications are most accurate.

    I will do my best to get a clear clarification from him the next time I see him. What do you think the best single question to ask him would be, to clarify that multitude of questions we have?

    I know this might be a bit of trouble to ask, but can you tell me the exact source of this information? or at least the latest appearance of it? When Kawamori said this, at what event and what date? I've been getting fan questions about this topic more than once in the last few years and I've never had an exact source or proper context for what was said, something that could be offfered to provide curious fans. And your post on the matter looks like the first time someone has provided an contextually valid take on Kawamori's statement and what it means. I'd be curious to know.

  2. you know, I don't think this has come up in at least 5 minutes but SK totally worked out how to make an F-104 transform already, so I'm pretty sure our mystery SV has a robot in there somewhere:


    I'm REALLY hoping there is a Battroid mode for that Windermerean F-104/SV-51 style fighter from Macross Delta. That would be unexpected, but most welcome. Though I feel like it might look too much like the SV-262 Draken III does and so we likely won't see it :(

  3. I think I get what's going on. Mirage is inspiring Hayate to become a better soldier and Hayate is teaching Mirage how to loosen up. How much do you want to bet there will be an episode where Hayate teaches her to dance and by the end of the series she'll be at Jenius level piloting?

    I live in hope :)

    I was actually kinda worried about the whole Mirage/Hayate angle because up until now Mirage felt like a fifth wheel in her own triangle. They had the personality potential to be a thing, but there was no real connection between the characters that wasn't forced by virtue of the circumstances or the plot. But now its clear Mirage and Hayate are starting to work with each other and integrating on a much more personal level. Finally there's something there to challenge what was growing between Freyja and Hayate for most of the series.

  4. I wonder if it's because contact was made with Winderemere when they already had a well established, medieval or even renaissance level civilization, whereas contact with Ragna (and Zola) was made when their civilizations were less established.

    It's possible. That might explain why Windermereans are more likely to be disgruntled or rebel, perhaps because they were more educated and in more of a position to know the truth of any situation they entered into with the N.U.G.?

  5. Do we know WHY the Chronicle is changing stuff? Ignoring the errors, is it a lack of editorial oversight, or an active intent to change things?

    I think the amount of trivia contradictions that have come about from the Macross Chronicle has so far been very small. Like it was said before, the Macross trivia has been amazingly consistent over the decades this IP has been running. Macross trivia has been better managed than most. So I do think we have much to be thankful for, especially considering those large periods of inactivity between productions. It can't be easy coming back to write this stuff after years spent away from it all. We probably have Masahiro Chiba to thank for that.

    That said, I've personally found three major causes (excluding outright errors) when the Macross Chronicle contradicts some trivia that has long been established Macross fact:

    • Some Chronicle changes are simply due to ommission. At times it appears the writers forget, or are unaware of, or cannot source certain Macross trivia which we've had sourced for years. It's an understandable problem that is just going to happen and really, it happens only rarely. The Zentradi Enemy Battlesuit statistics are an example.
    • Some Chronicle changes are due to compromise. In some rare instances, the Chronicle writers have found themselves stumped by multiple sources of trivia, unable to declare or decide which should take precedence. In the face of this, the Chronicle writers will simply compromise, choosing a middle-of-the-road option that might even merge two pieces of trivia into one. The date for the Macross II setting is an example
    • Some Chronicle changes are due to a loss of author intent over time. It's obviously more dangerous to invent/alter trivia the further one gets from inception of the original production because the original creators intent can be lost or simply not understood. Clearly the oldest productions (like SDF Macross) would be the most susceptible to this problem. This is the most subjective cause because it's often impossible to know whether or not it actually applies; one can only suspect or intuit such is the case for any individual problem. More than any of the three causes, this is why I have ensured a written record of these differences. It seems all too easy for the new Chronicle writers to misconstrue older Macross trivia in ways that might seem obvious to their modern sensibilities but doesn't jive at all with the original creators intent, especially when that intent has been explicity spelled out as official Macross fact repeatedly published over many years.

    Regardless, I think any issues the Macross Chronicle might create are mitigated by the fact that we still have the Macross Compendium (and my own website) to maintain documentation of it all anyway.

  6. I definitely recommend sticking with Macross Delta. I too was (and still am) turned off by that special preview 0.89 version of episode 1. I also figured Delta was going to be on the more absurd side of the Macross mythos. But episodes 2 and 3 really brought the goods and there are some incredible mighty Macross moments in these first 5 episodes, including a great flying/song sequence in this most recent episode. I also think most fans will find that despite that first episode hitting the audience with some "magical girl" visuals surrounding the Walkure group, that aspect of the series is not as prominent nor as implausible as many critics might have believed.

    I'll grant you, the show doesn't switch gears or change formats into a whole new style. But it's not nearly as over-the-top or absurd as first feared. Folks know I'm a critic of Macross 7 too, but I am legitimately enjoying Macross Delta at this point in episode 5. The show actually has some very strong character work and some truly great Macross moments that I believe most fans would love just as much as I have. Even the old school fans with real robot love. I urge folks to give this show a chance. It is proving itself, in surprising ways. It's worth a shot!

  7. Maybe the following question belongs in newbie's thread, but here goes:

    Where do you get such precise information from?

    It's been less than a year since I watched M7 and I don't recall that number being thrown out. That said, I can't be sure that it wasn't spoken.

    I don't read Japanese and so haven't absorbed the details in the master files and chronicles, but in general, is that ultimately where most of the Manual information comes from?

    I know the compendium is referenced a lot, and I might be committing MWF forum heresy by saying this, but since there are no footnotes in the compendium, I can't help wondering where all the details actually originate from.

    The vast majority of all the trivia I write for my Macross Mecha Manual website is taken from (and properly credited to) the Macross Compendium. There are some fan-translated pieces added to various profiles, but they are indicated in each with a citation at the bottom just for those fans keeping track.

    As my book collection grows, I am "trying" to write about the official trivia with citations whenever there is some kind of change/adjustment/revision in a piece of Macross trivia from one official source to the next. For such a long-running IP, Macross trivia has been surprisingly consistent, especially considering the vast gaps of time in between Macross animated productions. Most of the trivia has been published multiple times over the last 30 years and has even remained consistent across different publishers and different creative teams for each Macross era. However, the Macross Chronicle - while being a treasure trove of collected Macross fact - has introduced a few weird changes here and there, as well as more than a few outright errors. That's where you'll see the most notes on the M3. I try to chronicle the whole thing for the sake of the reader. Even though I might draw my own conclusions, the idea is to always provide the reader with the "how and why", so that if some interpret the trivia changes/revisions/contradictions differently, everyone will have access to how it all came about to make an informed descision.

    But more pairs of eyes are better than just one, so always feel free to chime in if you have a question or see something that might need correction :)

  8. I think in some ways, Frontier already did a fairly decent job of showing the disadvantages of culture. Well, at least in terms of how Grace was able to manipulate both Ranka and Sheryl for her own needs. But this is different in that there is a different faction in the open doing this work. I wonder if there will be some weird conspiracy along the way, I actually hope not, but that would add intrigue to the situation. Now that the war is on, hopefully there will be snippets of details of other actions, unlike Frontier, where the action was surrounding the ship, in Delta, there are multiple fixed locations. And there is opportunity to show a more expansive macross universe.

    Finally, what's with Mirage's ears? Did she have them surgically altered or was her father a blood elf?

    i think in Macross Frontier the writing was much more about technological pitfalls than it ever was cultural (except for how those technological elements were defeated). Grace was scientifically motivated, not culturally. In contrast, the Windereans seem very much about ideology and winnign a cultural war as much as it is a military conflict. Roid doesn't even seem that interested in conventional warfare at all, though its clear he's prepared for it. While there may be a technological aspect to the Var syndrome in Macross Delta ('dem apples, lol), at least initallly it's written much more like a cultural/ideological war and is being fought as such.

    I think it Mirage's character design for the ears may just be a stylistic choice on part of the character artists/animators, but there is the possibility she may have genetic traits from beings other than just Zentradi. It's still early and little trivia is being released, but maybe we'll see something.

  9. I don't think the FAST/Super Packs/Parts are necessary for regular sortie of variable fighters in space. The SDF Macross series depicted both short and long range operations of the VF-1 Valkyrie, all without any added Packs. But space is REALLY big and the ranges are really far, so I think the FAST/Super Packs added primarily enhanced performance to close gaps faster. Operational time might have also been enhanced to a degree, but I don't think that was as much a concern given the design. The original VF-1 Valkyrie FAST/SUper Packs only had enough fuel for 150 seconds at maximum thrust, according to the official trivia. So I think enhanced performance rather than endurance was the point.

  10. Might be just putting a random ship there just to add a bit more detail to the scene.

    That said, I think that rear "spike" is simply the ventral protrusion of the gunboat.

    Most likely.

    Yeah I thought about that. Cold have been the same for the ventral fin on the Uraga or New Macross/Battle Class, etc. But IMO the angle isn't right for that kind of skewed view and the rear "spike" is too large and extends much too far rearward to be a ventral fin. Maybe a 1080 shot would reveal more details.

  11. Yeah, that early Windermerean fighter looks like an SV-51 with some elements of an F-105. I have a suspicion that this may sadly be the only thing we ever see of it. I doubt if there is any tranformable artwork for it. The design looks more like it was built just as a fighter for the sake of a filling a brief design need to tell some backstory for the Knights of Windermere and the White Knight in particular. But I hope I'm wrong and art of it in GERWALK and Battroid mode does exist.

  12. I am wondering about the Windermere fleet. Do they even have one? Because if everything is about using VAR to control someone else's military, then they are not going to get very far. The little boy who keep singing is going to keel over at some point, and all of a sudden, no more VAR controlled puppets.

    And speaking of VAR, I'm still trying to get an understanding of the VAR, what does it actually do? it makes people nuts for a little while, they can be controlled for a while, but is that effect permanent, until the Walkure undoes the damage... if so, they better assassinate the Walkure just as soon as humanly possible.

    I really liked this episode because of the backstory, wish actually there was more of that than Hayate's showboating... having the mercat would smack him around a little more would do him a world of good. As for the Aerial Knights, well, the Draken are cool, but too many hero units, I'd like to see more of the Windemere military in action. So, as far as I can tell, Delta squad is under another company like another SMS. They clearly aren't military, so basically we have a mercenary group fighting a bunch of separatists (or terrorists); both of whom happen to have access to some heavy weapons.

    From the way Roid talks, I'm not sure if he wants to go all that far. He has spoken about securing the local Globular Cluster in perpetuity, which makes me think that maybe he doesn't really want to conquer the galaxy, so long as he gets to control every colony and group within Windermere's immediate sphere of influence. I'd also be curious to understand the extent of the Windermere military, since it's doubtful they would ever be a threat without the Var syndrome to augment their forces far beyond what they would otherwise be capable of fielding.

    I'm also uncertain exactly how the Var syndrome works, but I think it's being stated in this episode that can be used not only to enrage, incite and disrupt, but perhaps also to lull, persuade or domesticate. In some ways I think it possible the Var syndrome is being written in the show as a means to comment about the more manipulative elements of culture. Windermere is using music and culture to control and manipulate others, while Walkure is using music and culture to free others from that enthralling force. I feel that Macross Delta is trying to show us the advantages and disadvantages of culture, particularly popular culture and pop music.

    I was also thrilled to finally get some confirmation about the Xaos group and their standing as a private military contractor. They've been presented very much as an SMS-like organization since the beginning, but we were never told anything about them or where they fit within the Ragna political/military structure. They were just there to serve as the platform for Walkure. At least now it appears they will be formalizing into a war-time contract and all the restrictions that incurs. Hence why the Delta Squadron folks were told to make their final choices prior to contract renegotiation with the Ragna government.

  13. I think it would make sense that it would be a New Macross Class ship, the Battle Class that lead the City Class ship to this planet, except that it doesn't fit the known NMC ships silhouettes. It could be the Stealth Cruiser or a variant thereof. It does have the basic rectangular block shape, outboard "wing" type sections to either port/starboard, and a prominent "spike-shaped" hull formation to the rear.

  14. Mechapilot77

    Yeah, on google images I can see those re-issues you're mentioning. While they may scratch an itch for old-school nostalgia, I'm not really interested in owning those pieces again. I think the MP Ratchet is good for me; possibly the Voodoo Robot's Salus too; the iGear's PP-05M Medical Specialist is a fine figure...but only if the other two never existed :)

    I have seen those other reimagined designs. I think I'll avoid the lot. For certain they have to build products that can appeal to modern sensibilities, but because I've been out of Transformers for decades, I have no positive associations with those lines or series, not like I have for other mecha properties that I've kept up with over the years. Maybe one day I might get into them, but for now I'll stick to the G1 stuff.


    Will do. I'm pretty much sold on the MP Ratchet at this time, with the Salus a very close second. Thanks for the advice!

  15. Valkyrie Hunter D

    This is good information. Excatly what I was hoping for. Thanks, dude!
    Yes, I can see the Voodoo Robots' Salus is the other one of similar design and quality that I saw on Google images. It's a damn fine rendition of Ratchet. But I agree, the MP Ratchet looks amazing too and the quality sounds great.

    The classics line looks good, for a small and cheaper version. But I think more and more I'm getting hooked on this Masterpiece edition and these opinions from fans are helping shape that too.


    No doubt. I've kept up with other toy merchandise for years, like the Macross products by Yamato, Arcadia, Revoltech, etc as well as plenty of other non-Macross toys. So I am aware of how toy technology and quality have changed in the last 20 years, just not with respect to Transformers. And all these third party products had me a little confused about what to get.

    I appreciate the style and quality of the new animated series and the toy line. But that's not what I'm looking for at this time. I don't own any Transformers as yet (though the RMX-01 Jaguar is on the way, which will be my first and first 3rd-party product), but I wanted Ratchet to kind of be my flagship figure. Sort of a mascot for my old school love of Transformers.

    Yeah, thank gawd for technology. I remember well the days of my awful NON-ACTION figures from the 1980s. Optimus Prime, Shockwave, Jetfire, Soundwave and Ravage were the best semi-articulated toys. Most of the others were just robot statues :(

  16. I just looked at some of the pictures of the Masterpiece Ratchet on Google images. Damn, I can really see myself buying one of these.

    When it comes to Transformers, I am a total newb in regards to the merchandise. I've not kept up with it the series or the products in anyway over the last two decades, so if I wanted to buy myself a really good rendition of a particular Transformer - like Ratchet - would the Masterpiece be the one to get? What other versions are there that are available and worth the money? Are their also small and cheap versions in addition to the large and expensive collector-grade releases? I'm also seeing images of another, similar style Ratchet on Google images that looks quite good.

    Any advice would be welcome.

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