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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Crap dude, i don't just like it, i LOVED it... so much so that i even posted your mod on my country's local forum (hope you didn't mind), it is just too good not to share with my peeps at home and peeps love it too! i particularly liked the scratches and the kill count...although i am not sure if a destroid is likely to chalk up that many because they all seem like cannon fodder in the series! Destorids forever! btw, i would love to see what you would do if Yamato ever released a Mk. II Monster... maybe even a new nose art by you!
  2. These are really nice! The customization really adds a sense of realism to the destroids especially since they are the "work horses" of the U.N. Spacy armanda. Your work is inspiring me to try out customizing as well...reading up on them now... I have always loved the Destroids more than the Valkryies... Yeah stupid i know. I guess i always loved armoured land vehicles more than planes and the destroids just strike a certain chord in me ... i always thought that the destroids will never get a release and it was only until recently that i saw the 1/60 Yamato Destroid Tomahawk and fell in love with the OG ver. It is my 2nd favourite destroid after the Mk. 2 Monster but no releases of the Monster yet. I just love the Nose Art. I prefer WWII planes with their Nose Art and yes, the Spitfire and the B-17 "Flying Fortess" (Yes! I loved the movie Memphis Belle). Hope you all don't mind me rumbling ...
  3. No Mk. II Monster would suck even more actually imho...the Tomahawk and the Mk. II Monster are my favourites actually. Spartan is nice too though. Hope that they release a Monster....
  4. Live and learn i guess....quite an embarrassing start by way of an introduction to this forum... ah well....
  5. Very. Very. Nice! I wish i had the ability to build such kits! just a n00b question, there are die-cast metal parts in the kit?
  6. Hello. Sorry. You both are right. i had a closer look at the box .It is the DX Chogokin version and is 1/60 according to websites ... I always thought it was 1/72. and is 1/60. There is nothing on the box which states the scale or at least that i can see. Amended the earlier post. Sorry again....guess i better just keep quiet and be silent like my nickname implies.....
  7. a rather boring pose.... Bandai DX Chogokin VF-25S Ozama custom...
  8. Oh i love this thread! My love affair with Macross begun when i first watched the original Macross anime when i was a wee lad of 10 years old or so... What made Macross special for me was the awesome transformable mecha which was revolutionary and unheard of back in the 80s.... and i can still remember the sense of awe when i first watched it.... Now that i am older, i feel that if Gundam pioneered the moving, scrolling change of perspective for aerial dogfights in animation trying to impress upon the audience a sense of spatial awareness and distance by superimposing different frames within an animation frame...then Macross took that to another level by adding mid-flight transformation of the mecha and adding ever more body count to create a sense of enormity and vastness which is inter-galactic space combat. Add the wonderful character development of its major characters and the music...and you have the Classic which is Macross...Beloved by the 1970s babies....and mind you, it is not just a local or japanese phenomenon...even my friend who is from the Philippines who is in his 30s LOVED Macross as they showed it over there as well. Alright, enough with the long speeches, since this is a "pose" thread...does this count?
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