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D.D. Ivanov

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Posts posted by D.D. Ivanov

  1. Nope, that wasn't a playable character at all, just a portrait for your player card. There's no way to pilot as Minmay in Ace Frontier.

    That's funny, you see, because I'M USING HER RIGHT NOW.

    Sorry about the quality, these were taken with a cell phone camera.


  2. It's pretty clear what he's working on next...



    The guy's also stated on his blog that he is tired of working on these every day, so that accounts for the reduced output, i.e. VF-1, VF-17, and Battle Frontier STILL not being released.

    And for those of you that are interested, I found this server that runs the New Frontier map with only the VFX planes avaliable: new-edwards.dyndns.org

  3. Interesting...the screenshot for Roy's VF-0S says "Ace Pilot of Enemy Appeared", so either it's a shot from a mission like "Squadron Attack", or we get to play on the side of the Anti-UN forces for a few missions. Nora is also confirmed to be one of the pilots in the game, as well as Ivanov, which adds to Shin and Mac0 Roy.

  4. You know, watching The Sky Crawlers, and thinking back to Shin's F-14 in this game got me thinking. Why bother having just one non-transformable fighter in this game? Why not also have Roy's Dragon II! That's be soo freakin' sweet.

    Well, having the F-14 almost certainly guaruntees the presence of the MiG-29, unless you start a level using the Tomcat only to get shot down in less than 5 seconds by Nora.

  5. F***. f***f***f***f***f***.

    I JUST got 100% on Ace Frontier, and now this.

    Guess I'll be spending another hundred hours on a Macross game. It better have the DYRL refit of the SDF-1, and a properly colored TV version.

    The pilot list is disturbing. Why are Minmay, Ranka, and Sheryl on there? And the captain of the MacQ? They MUST have Global in there, too. They even have the Mac0 version of Roy, and Shin.

    VT-1 will be pointless cannon-fodder, VF-19P is excessive, -25S Armored will have sucky handling, and, wtf is with all the Mac0 stuff? Are we gonna get a whole UN Wars era? VF-0D, VF-0S Reactive Armor, and...oh my god, is that an F-14Kai?


  6. As Keith said, it can only be done on a Japanese PS3 with "Ad Hoc Party", a new Japan-only PS3/PSP program.


    As stated in the Wiki article, there are no plans for a US release. Which is a real shame, given that it supports Guilty Gear, NFS, Burnout, the PSP Monster Hunters, GTA:LCS and VCS, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, every damned Gundam game that has ever come out, Armored Core: Formula Front, and Ace Frontier.

    Yes, I'm...a...deck swabber now........damnit.

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