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Duke Togo

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Posts posted by Duke Togo

  1. It was good, but there was a lot of CG. Not enhancing shots or the natural landscape, but replacing them altogether.

    It's NOT Fury Road. This is a different movie.

    Major spoiler:


    Yes, Max and the V8 Interceptor do appear in the film. Briefly.


  2. 10 hours ago, Big s said:

    Seems that a second season is coming. Maybe we finally get that battle after all. Either that or another season of being teased without a payoff 

    No. Just no. There is no sequel book. They'd be making it up on their own, and that's a whole different kettle of fish from adaptation. Just ask Benioff and Weiss.

    The show runners talked about wanting to adapt another really good Clavell novel, Tai Pan. I was excited by the prospect of that. I am not excited about this news.

  3. 47 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    Just finished watching Tales of Morgan and Barriss.....meh

    Once again, Disney/Lucasfilm seem to think we need to have the background story for every character....this time it was for characters we arguably did not need any background story for.

    I won't bother to go any further with the series, then. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, azrael said:

    Yeah, still not feelin' it.

    And still not diggin' the time period. Would have preferred 200...300...500 years before the Skywalker-saga. 100 years just doesn't feel far back enough.

    I have to agree. I'd actually prefer that they went back to the Old Republic era.

    I'll watch this show, but I had greater interest after seeing the first trailer than I did after this new one. My expectations just got lowered.

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