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Posts posted by myk

  1. Believe it or not the only Go Lion or Voltron toy I have is the original die cast release in the 80's and the reissues from a few years ago. I'm looking to replace those die cast bricks with something sleek, sexy and modernized, like what the 1/60 V2 was to the chunky monkey. I hope this fits the bill, but I really was leaning towards the Toynami thing.

    If this Bandai piece doesn't deliver I'll just blame it on exo...

  2. poor voltron. He was so violated.

    I wonder how those guys would act if you gave them a naked girl to play with instead.

    Anyway I still can't decide if I'm on board with this latest version of GoLion. It looks off and for some reason I had come to terms with toynami's stylized version. Asides from the looks, what all was wrong with the Toynami toy?

  3. Are we talking comic or tv versions of both? I'd say the comic version of the Governor was more brutal than the comic version of Negan; however for the tv versions I'd reverse that assessment, maybe. Also, I'd say the comic version of the Governor was more brutal than the tv version of the same character

  4. Playing Devil's Advocate here but Rick's gang did blow up one of their patrols and murdered everyone at one of their outpost. Rick declared war on them. As we've seen previously all violent conflicts between gangs of survivors ends with one side dead. After capturing Rick's gang Negan could have just killed them all. Instead of killing everyone most were spared. There was also a reason for Negan's sick mind games. If Rick didn't break then Negan would be left with no choice but to kill them all. If he captured and let them all go unharmed Rick's gang would come back and try to kill them. This way they are no longer a "threat" to Negan. If they're were still seen as a threat everyone would have to die.

    Rick is just a failed leader, period. Circumstances may be different if he had gathered Intel and reconnaissance before he brazenly attacked Negan's people. Remember how arrogant he was in season 6, talking about how they would just "take" what they wanted or needed from anyone outside of their group? I said it back then and I'm saying it now: pride comes before the fall, and Rick's group has fallen HARD...

  5. I just caught this on a long flight so that means on a small screen which I think made all the flaws in the story a lot more obvious. It was fun. I never saw Age of Ultron and without it this movie has sort of a DYRL vibe where you need to make some safe assumptions off the bat. The Ant Man stuff was cheesy fun, so was the spidey stuff. The villainous plot was a bit odd. Why was there security footage in the middle of no where? Wasn't the Winter Soldier specifically told to make sure there was no witnesses? Why did the Winter Soldier face a camera to shoot it? Was this before anyone knew how cameras worked? How did Helmut know that Cap'n was in love with the Winter Soldier? How did Helmut know that the Winter Soldier originally performed the hit? How did Helmut know that Tony Stark didn't know? Why didn't Helmut just send Stark an email with the video footage once he had it? I'm sure there were lots of other little things that were head scratch worthy but probably fewer than the Winter Soldier movie had.

    If you start critically looking at this movie it won't hold up. Just shut as much of your body down as possible and enjoy the pointless comic-book style violence...

  6. Hey guys. I was looking around on anymoon but couldn't find if there's a review on the Yamato vf-0 figs. I saw the Arcadia review but am looking for a comparison. How is the durability of the Yamato VF-0S & A? I'm just asking out of curiosity at this point but may end up buying something eventually.

    Good question. I just picked up my never-transformed Yamato VF-0S today and the hands fell out of their sockets and the finger cover thingies just came off. I'm out of touch with the toy scene, but I would recommend staying away from Yamato's bucket-o-pieces. I'm an old-school buyer that remembers the sting of the 1/72 VF-11 hip joint fiasco.

    So....anyone know where I can buy spare parts for the Yamato VF-0S? :rolleyes:

  7. Considering the point in the series story, and the serious tone of the content, I would have expected the main protagonist to be someone more elite and experienced (e.g. a squadron leader or pro spy), not a rebellious young loner getting thrust into an unfamiliar situation and saving the day. The writing and acting may totally vindicate the choice, but I am concerned the "snarky troublemaker" lead could weaken what's essentially a story about one of the franchise's historic, and very costly, acts of espionage. It was a serious point that many Bothans died to obtain this information.

    Well it worked for The Force Awakens....

  8. You know, maybe the extended edition is better than the theatrical, but I'll never know because I never saw that version; the previews were a complete turn-off to me. Now, I enjoyed Henry Cavil's MoS so for the sake of his performance I finally decided to give this movie a try; I'm certainly not doing this for Ben Affleck.

    And...it's been a long day and I can't form any solid thoughts on the movie other than the fact that I really hated this Lex Luthor; it's the one thing that has prominently stood out to me. The whole channeling the Heath Ledger thing strikes me as a sad attempt to recreate the manipulative genius of the Dark Knight Joker, but the performance in this movie sucks; I mean, just STFU already. Maybe it was the HORRIBLY bad acting from the kid, but this Lex Luthor just reminded me of some of the punk smart asses I'd run into during Call of Duty Modern warfare online matches; blah blah blah, on and on and on, blathering about nothing. Again, just STFU already; you're not smart, you're not clever, you're not funny, you're just a nuisance. If the characters of Superman and Batman in this movie weren't so unbelievably dumber than a box of rocks, Lex Luthor would never have made it out of his house, let alone causing all of that mayhem.

    Anyway I feel compelled to watch it again, although I'm not sure why. I liked Ben Affleck's cross-fit looking exercises so maybe I'll use this movie as a workout guide or something...

  9. Just got back from seeing it. I LOVED IT! Great movie, I'm definitely going to see it again. I know a lot of people hate the Nu Enterprise, but I found a fondness for it after I built a model of it, but it was painful watching her get shredded the way she was.....Being picked apart piece by piece. It was painful to watch for me. :(


    Did they destroy it completely? You can tell me...

  10. In about 3 weeks people will get tired of it and move on. We're talking about modern society, where most have a loyalty index and attention span of a nano-second. Besides, all of that work having to walk around and actually "go outside of their homes" to do things? A brave if archaic idea if I ever saw one...

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