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Everything posted by MrKonataIzumi

  1. I'm just going to be using spare Figma bags. Those seem pretty good for that kind of thing.
  2. Movie edition releases? Has that been confirmed? Because I'm already ordering the Alto VF-25F... and if there is a movie edition coming, I may have to cancel my preorder and see how that one comes out. Because I know for sure I can live without Super/Armor/Fast pack (I'd be worried the extra weight would make the figure impossible to pose, certainly in Gerwalk mode), but if the movie edition is a vast improvement as movie editions tend to be (see: Revoltech Movie Edition Fraulein Yoko vs. Revoltech Fraulein Yoko), I dunno...
  3. Sorry to bump the thread, but do we have anymore news about this guy? I'm really looking forward to it because, while I want a VF-25, I don't want to spend 130 bucks on it. Anything?
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