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Posts posted by Spitfire_BR

  1. So i have an idea/dream about how to sell this... welll, Monster ! Just do like our dear Captain makes with the Legioss, released the model in separate installments (arm, leg, torso, guns, as you wish), each installment roughly 2 months apart. You will have time to make it calm and mixing with other projects and we buyers will have time to reserve money to pay it ! ( i'm very concern with the payment because here on Brazil the exchange rate between dolar and our money are terrible these days, US$ 1.00 = R$ 2,40, so (for ex.) if the final model finish around US$ 300.00 i'll pay almost R$ 570.00 without shipping ! And it's half of my paycheck ! I don't know the situation of another dudes outside USA but for me is very difficult, specially because i really want this babe, but still need to eat !) For me separate installments in a such big project is the ideal solution.

    Just an idea to think about, my 2 cents !

  2. sma case with me, the USPS website only show it was created July 1st but don't worry, TrundaYeti to the rescue ! Jason told me he'll fix things and send replacements soon, so it's time to wait.

    Now my 2 cents about the postal services IN THE WORLD. What hell is going on with those people ??? A lot of fellow modellers came recentelly with nightmare storys about parcels missings or with terrible long time to receive - and don't forget the expensive shipping cost - now this plage hit USPS, what we can do in this situation ?

  3. Thanks guys by the offer but I want the model, already have the instructions - and I WANT the Captain's Spartan not the Wave model, just because the first one is a piece of art and the other is just... Well, the other ! I just need the Spartan to complete my destroyer's collection, the search continues !

    ( of course I need the Moster too, but I put that huge massive MDA in another class, that's not a destroyer, it's most like a "doonsday machine"... Just my opinion ! )

  4. I smell another poll. Personally I like the nose the way MechTech and I have it. I still have to fix the windows, but Here is a rough fuselage with the infamous "step" I personally don't really like it. But the nice thing is I can always keep the old one and make it for myself. Anyway Post your thoughts quickly, I would like to resolve this one as soon as possible. Of course the coin toss could always work..... :p


    It's only my tired eyes or this nose looks identical to B-52 ??? :wacko:

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