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Posts posted by Spitfire_BR

  1. ... but not sure because I have in parallel an another smaller Macross Zero project right now.

    Please say Cheyenne, please say Cheyenne, please say Cheyenne, please say Cheyenne, please say Cheyenne, please say Cheyenne, please say Cheyenne, PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yeah, so good to see the project alive and kicking ! Any prevision about schedule and - the most important - the final price ?

    I think you can create two version: the standart version, just the Ghost in a stick - ops, stand ! - and the Deluxe version, with boosters, landing gear and missile bay. Some of us just want the model to complet the collection , other guys like me want a replica as good as the real thing. My two cents for the forum !

  3. I am artist...i do art, not take other peoples builds =p

    I think i am going to make most items in 1/48 to go next to those nice juicy hasegawas. I will look through perfect memory and make some items no one has made yet.

    Thanks for the list

    Nice point, SpacePirate, if i can suggest something really new there's the Stargoose spaceshuttle with the booster, one os the most exciting designs i ever see on Macross. This one always make my heart smiles !


  4. "can someone list vehicles which havnt been done yet? From an art perspective i like to do things no one has really done before." As you wish SpacePirate !


    Now my two cents to the conversation: maybe you SpacePirate can buy the master from Jason and release an new bath of models with improvement, what you think ? Almost everything's ready to produce, just an idea !

  5. Guys, don't forget we still have a lot of Z-ships to put in our fleets ! I really dream with the day when i'll put some Thurvel-Salan, Queadol-Magdomilla, Quiltra-Queleual and our beloved space baguette, the Nupetiet-Vergnitzs, side by side with my Picket Patrol Ship and the Quiltra-Quelamitz, all in glorious 1/2500 scale ! Yes, we can dream !

    (By the way John, please reissue the Quiltra-Quelamitz because i had lost this one ;))

  6. make it in 1/72 and it'll sell like water in the desert... My entire collection is on this scale so i think it's natural a 1/72 version.

    And about the landing gear, it's natural the X-9 have it, most of the today UACV have it, they need to land after nuke thw bad guys, don't they ? But i'm confuse, i like the ideia to put it side by side with the YF-19 and YF-21 couple but Kelsian is right, this baby must be mounted in flight completelly bad-ass, i think i'll need two X-9... :rolleyes:

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