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Posts posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. See? There's a difference.

    Yes. The difference is the VF-X-4 is sleek and nice, whereupon the VF-4 is ugly as hell.


    Yeah, right!!!

    The VF-4 looks bad-ass(skull insignias and cannards *COUGH*) compared to the VF-X-4. It will fly rings around that bootleg.

    Row-blow-lowtek is copycat crap.

  2. Awww man.... I worked the night shift last night, and as I was getting ready to leave the hospital I worked at, I backed up and destroyed my car's side mirror! it's going to cost me about $200 here in San Francisco.

    Why am I posting this here in the toy forum? because I could have bought Christmas gifts with that $200 or be a selfish bogart and spend that on a 1/48 or Prime MPC!


    Damn, was I a jerk to my patients last night? did I cut somebody off on the road? bad karma.

  3. Montarvillois,

    Quit whining you baby...I just turned 39 last week. :o

    I guess that gives me the dubious honor of being the oldest fart so far. Lucky me.  But actually, I think I am pretty lucky.

    I got hooked back when I was in college. My dorm was full of geeks, so several of us started watching RT. My softmore year I remember getting up early and watching RT (not sure if it was broadcast or on my VCR) in the morning before heading off to my 8am classes.

    I was really ticked off when 3 of my friends went to the local comic shop and picked up the Bandai 1/72 HCM VF-1S without telling me, and by the time I found out there weren't any left in San Diego (and for all of you young'uns, this was before you could buy stuff on the Internet).

    Fast forward 15+ years, I'm making some decent money now and can spend much more money than I should on toys. And a couple of years ago I bought one of those  Bandai 1/72 HCM VF-1S toys I'd been wanting for the over 15 years.  I paid a pretty penny for it, but it was dream come true and I'm never getting rid of that thing...when I take it out and play with it, it brings back those times like they were just yesterday. Plus, it acts as a reminder to never give up on your dreams and there's always time to grow up later ;-). My friends (even ex-RT fans) and fiancee think I'm silly for spending as much money as I do on this stuff, but I don't really care. 

    I'm now focusing on the 1/48 line and have one of each (plus an extra LowVis, 2 FPs, and a clear FP on order). I'm trying to limit my new purchases to the 1/48 line mainly because of the space everything takes up in my house and I don't want to spend money on offsite storage :unsure:

    No matter how long you live, life is too short to waste it acting like an adult and letting go of the things you enjoy just because others think you should. :p


    Correction, I should be laughing at you... :blink:

    Just kidding! Gotta respect a veteran fan ;)

  4. Phhhrrrrrrrppppppt...phuut!!!!!

    Just one more 37 yr. 'ol fart, reporting in ;)



    When I was 17 in the Army, we used to call people like you "cob webs" ha-ha :)

  5. I'm shock that all these wipper-snapper 20 year olds are into Macross. You'd think they would be collecting Power Rangers and Pokemon action figures <_<

    Then again, Macross II, Mac +, Mac 7, and Zero might have some kind of brainwashing influence on these teenage dirtbags ;)

  6. Im 30, but i still get mistaken for lookin 17 B))

    Age is just a number. I still act and look like I'm 21. Of course, when I was 21, I wasn't collecting toys. I was interested in careers, college, the U.S. Army, women, and women!

    I'm old and pathetic now.


    I discovered "Robotech" again in 1999. Stupid internet and Ebay!

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