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Posts posted by Draykov

  1. so guys,  does this valk have the launch hook?

    launch hook?


    or do you mean the arrestor hook?

    I think he's talking about the hook on the nose gear for catapult launch (I don't have mine yet, so I don't know the answer to the question).


  2. Hey, those new pilots look sweet! They finally got some good shoulder pads.

    Oh YEAH! :)

    ... But in the picture of the Hikaru and Max pilots, Hikaru's helmet visor looks dirty. :( Any comments?

    The black trim around the face plate of his helmet looks a little sloppy, but the face plate itself looks fine to me. As Tam pointed out, the wing of his (the black stripe) was pretty sloppy too, but it was just an individual Valk, not all of the S model Hikaru's. Maybe this is more of the same.

  3. I was just playin' with mine (pre-FAST pack version) and I think I kinda hate it. :rolleyes: It's a cool Valk, but the toy is a bit difficult...particulary in the fuselage area in fighter mode where the shield is supposed to attach. I probably just wasn't being patient enough with it, but it was being a pain in the ass, so I put it down in sort of a mangled state.

  4. Well, the main thing with the first release was the hips. They broke before the valk was even taken out of the box. I never got the first version, so I can't give a personal account, other memebers will surly voice their oppinons on the subject. I found the Fp version to be extremely durable though.

    I got one of the old ones. I don't transform it much, but I've never had any problems. I always hated the vacuum form heatshield it came with though.

    Here are some pictures as reference if you need 'em:



    And Graham has plenty of stuff on the original here.

  5. Hey all.

    Just grabbed the the VF-11B from an import shop, the Yammie one. What is it, 1/60? Any ways, paid 79.95 plus tax on it after having my girlfriend doing a quick price check. Didn't realize that she was looking at the FP one and I was looking at the older one.

    So what I'm trying to figure out is what were the major, if any differences exist between the two, other then the lack of FAST packs. I'm trying to figure out whether I should return it for store credit, or just keep it. Thanks a lot.

    I don't know that the exact scale for the Yammie VF-11 has ever been nailed down, but it's a little bit bigger than 1/72 scale.

  6. Graham and Shawn like to joke that MWorlders wouldn't notice if the whole site were to disappear save the forums. Maybe that wouldn't be the case if we got a few more updates. I don't mean to be critical. I love the site and am thankful for it. I realize how much time and effort the guys put into it without regard to their own free time and life in general.

    With that said, it would be nice to see some updates in the model and toy sections in particular (maybe I got spoiled with the great scans and pictures of the initial Hasegawa 1/72 Valks when they came out, but I haven't seen anything in there since, despite subsequent releases from Hasegawa).

    A 1/48 Yamato transformation guide video would be great if Graham has the time to dedicate to it.

    News updates have been sparse at best, though I realize "most news is now posted directly in the MW Forums."

    Collectibles could use a jolt, what with the release of those Macross pencil sharpeners and K & M figures...

    You guys do a great job with the site, and I would rather have you keep it around and get to it when you can fit it in rather than see the place disappear all together because it becomes to much of a burden on the lives of those that maintain it. I just thought I'd throw some of this out here as a fan of the site who feels it would benefit from a bit of TLC.

  7. plus need opinion on custom

    Do you mean you're looking for ideas?

    Maybe an aggressor shceme:








    Or maybe something with a cool flight demo team feel:


  8. The Israelis were the first to use a dorsal spine box for the avionics. It's since been incorperated into F-16s purchased by several other countries. The Confromal Fuel Tanks were developed entirely by Lockheed Martin in the US for the Block 60 F-16 proposal for the United Arab Emirates (that's the F-16 in your picture). They've since sold some to the Hellenic Air Force as well.

    Yeah, Singapore uses them too.

    This is one must've been photographed just prior to delivery (hence the USAF markings on the tail and the Singapore national insignia on the fuselage).


  9. The pilot is very close to 1:48 scale, I had some posts about this before, right around the time of the Con sicne I had stuffed my pencil sharpener pilot into my 1:48.  If the pilot is 1:48 scale he comes out to around 6'6" if I remember correctly, need to find the old thread.  For it to be Hikaru it is around 1:43 scale I think.  Like I said find the old post either here or on the old forums and all the calcs are there.

    I guess he'd be great for a Kakizaki custom. :)

  10. My understanding was this was the rule if you were going to actually post the pics in the thread. because they are provided as links, they do not prohibit the download sped of the actual message board and it leaves it to the reader to decide whether or not he wnats to go with it.

    I think Draykov did fine...

    My two cents...

    Thanks for the support, Dat, but I originally posted the huge ass pictures in the thread. I was having trouble saving them and resizing them, so I edited and just provided the links. All the same, thanks for stickin' up for me. ;)

  11. I cut along the red line.  It looks much better that way!


    But it's sooo hard! Anyone got a pic of one xacto knife? The buggers here don't know what I'm talking about when I ask for one.

    You can get one here among many other places.

    Here's an image of another hobby knife.


  12. Bring on the 1/48's. I'll take as many as I can get, and just cause they make em, doesn't mean ya gotta buy them. I'm just glad I have that option, I can still remember when it was vintage or nothing, I'm glad to have multiple options now.


  13. You know, i wouldn't mind if they made a 1/48 NON-TRANSFORMING VT-1 as long as they dropped the price to $40 or so. 

    Well, maybe a little bit of transformation...   say... to the armless gerwalk mode.  BUT NO FURTHER!

    I don't need to see another bastardized battroid mode.

    Maybe you should be writing to Hasegawa for a 1/48 Super Ostrich. What's the point of making a high quality, big scale Valkyrie toy that doesn't transform?

    Because #1, I can't build models to save my life, and #2, the Super-O should have never been transformed in the first place. Disgusting....

    Well, like Graham pointed out, there was line-art for a VT-1 battroid. Just because he has a button head doesn't mean you have to kick him while he's down. ;)

  14. Toy-wave.com has the Max 1/48 for 89 bucks, plus shipping.

    And shipping is, what: $30?

    Yup. Still seems like its the best deal around... I know I'm planning to jump on it...

    Too true.

  15. I was also deprived (as many of us) of Macross toys as a child but I don´t feel the urge to buy every single VF-1 toy available in the market , If I´m gonna invest in a VF-1 toy I want the definitive VF-1 toy , I don´t see the point of having more than one.

    You sound like my wife. ;)

    I hope we recieve news of the new re-sculpted YF-19FP soon as well as the M0 line.

    Now that I've actually watched episodes 1 and 2, I'm jonesin' for a VF-0S toy. :)

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