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Everything posted by wwkkim

  1. Thank you guys. I bought VF-0S... :):) Saying bye to my wallet :'(
  2. Yeah, This basically explains my situation. I am torn between choosing one of them. (and yes... I don't have money to buy both of them now) I want bandai because it is painted (unlike Yamato which just uses its plastic color) and looks cooler and better QC I want Yamato VF-0S because it is well proportioned and yeah... basically that's it. Which one should I go for?
  3. Anyone know if I can cancel pre-order for VF-25G after I receive my VF-25F Alto Version (which will arrive around mid January)? I asked this question to Over drive twice but no reply.
  4. Hey Guys, Aren't any of you guys willing to send our opinions to Bandai Collectors Department (those making the DX Chogokin)? I don't know their e-mail address but I'm just wondering instead of talking about the problems here, it would be much better to voice our opinions to Bandai and at least let them know which part of their toy we are not satisfied with. I'll post the email address if I find one.
  5. Hey guys, do you think the landing gear will be provisional? It looks too shitty.... to be honest... for DX Chogokin.
  6. What I am basicallly planning to do is get VF-0S renewal first since it will come with fixed problems... and then go for other stuffs. I think I should be ok without ghost pack since I don't like its shape very much ;;
  7. Hi Pete, I don't have money to become an avid collector like any of you guys here :'( What I have planned is to get the rare ones first and then go with the common ones later when I have more money. So, do you think it's good to grab VF-0S first? I am wondering if there will be 1/60 weathering version of VF-1S too.
  8. So, which do you think is a better choice? VF-1S (Ichijo) 1/60 v.2 vs. VF-0S (Roy) 1/60 I want the one with better proportion and toy quality.
  9. Thank you ruskii and Sumdungai I have yet one more question: 1) How detailed is VF-0S (Focker) 2) Is VF-0S Renewal has the same quality (in terms of durability) as VF-0S Ghostpack edition? (If so, I would just buy the Ghostpack right away instead of pre-ordering) Thank you
  10. 1. I am interested in either YF-19, VF-1 and VF-0. Which one of them has the best QC? and the best details? (heard that YF-19 is really shitty though) *I'm most interested in Hikaru's VF-1S, Focker's VF-1S and Focker's VF-0S EDIT: VF-1 as in 1/60 v.2 2. Is it possible to take apart Yamato and paint them? 3. If I buy one from over-drive, will it be possible to get replacements? (Or, do they cover toys that I have not bought from them?) Thank you
  11. The release date was delayed to Dec 31st, which is a good news since Bandai will have more time to fix those problems. You will get your hands on it around January.
  12. Hi Graham, do you think Bandai will ever change the landing gear? To be honest, the landing gear in the prototype looks way too cheap and shitty and it's not like we can call Bandai and suggest our opinions. The release date was delayed to Dec 31st so I hope they would actually edit some of these.
  13. Forget the giant crotch. What made me really disappointed was the shitty quality of the landing gear. Seriously... This looks like the landing gear of airplane toys I can buy in a Duane Reade for coupe bucks. Simply horrified at the lack of details in this part and also at the paint chipping. This valk must have gone few transformations and is already have its paint chipped. Please change the landing gear... for God's sake.
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