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Posts posted by wwkkim

  1. :D


    Don't know what you want me to call on with the head, i don't have (yet) the 0S afterall, here's a above shot of the 0A head.


    Amazing quality if you ask me.

    i'll track down some more pics...


    Can I see some more photos? :D

  2. [ibtl]

    v.2 Roy VF-1S will be easier to get in future, the VF-0S will be the one that will become rare imo.

    Look at how many 1/48 re-issues of the VF-1S Roy Fokker, around 8 or even 9??

    So yeah, get the VF-0S, it's beautiful, i have the Shin VF-0A + Ghost so i do know what i'm talking about.

    As for the Ghost pack release, your better off buying the Ghost separately, as a re-release of the Ghost pack

    could be a long time away or if ever. Some links below for you. Good luck in choosing.

    http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00057 Roy VF-0S + Ghost pack (discontinued)

    http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00056 Shin VF-0A + Ghost pack (in stock)

    http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00055 Same coloured Ghost (canon colour for both Roy and Shin), but sold separately, and is in stock.

    http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00054 - Alternate non canon coloured repaint Ghost.

    Hi Ruskii

    THank you for your kind reply as always

    I have two more quetsions about your VF-0

    1. Is there a fitting line across the transparent canopy?

    2. Is the gap (at the head of the battroid mode) in any way unsightly by any chance? (like the hair thin gap due to two plastics being together)

  3. I first want to apologize for asking this question again.

    Please understand that I am a noob and thus have a hard time choosing what is to be my first valk.

    I am having a hard time choosing between

    VF-1S (S&SP Pack Ichijo Hikaru) and VF-0S (Roy Focker)

    At the present time, I cannot afford two of them at the same time, so I would like to get whichever has more collectibility first. However, I am also concerned about the build quality of each valks as well.

    First of all, I want to ask you guys about VF-0S.

    1. Does it's canopy have a fitting line across it?

    2. Will there be a ghost pack release after the normal version release? (So I can still have a chance to get it?)

    3. Will it be difficult to obtain later on? (Like the old Koenig Destroyer released long time ago?)

    Personally, I have found VF-1 ver 2.0 little better in terms of build quality

    1. tampo printed macross kite mark

    2. no fitting line in the canopy

    3. nicely painted pilot.

    Again, sorry guys for asking the same question again.

    Just being really careful where to spend my money.

  4. Is there any way to tell the difference between an "old" one and a "new" one.

    I think that next year, I'm just going to get ANOTHER VF-OA, VF-OS, SV-51 (N and I) and all of the rest. I've decided to stock up, and buying one fighter of all of the various ones per year seems a reasonable way to do this.

    Would be nifty if there was some easy way to tell you're getting a new version rather than an old one - like new packaging or something.


    Do you think it will be really different from the first one?

    Like VF-1 v.2 to v.1?

    Or, is it just a shoulder problem being fixed?;;

  5. The VFOS by Yamato has a transformation scheme that is not anime-accurate :)

    Hate to break it to ya, but if you take a look at the first transformation of the VFOS in Zero, it clearly shows the legs coming down on big, ugly Bandai chunky monkey swing bars :)

    Yamato's VFOS doesn't have swing bars! It's too beautiful to win :)


    Watching Macross Zero again, I have to admit that VF0s are the most beautiful valk ever made. I mean, it is just a great blend of classic valk style with modern stylishness....................

  6. I shouldn't argue on personal preference; but I am really curious: do you really think the battroid mode is perfect? :wacko:

    SV-51 Battroid Mode looks bit weird. It looks like one of those Samurai Warrior with a hat on.

  7. I wouldn't worry about it, if they're available to anyone in Japan who goes to the website then there will be plenty of orders and you'll still be able to find them in March.

    How exactly is this limited edition Super Pack made?

    Is it just order in Japan and it will be made without limited quantity?

    Or, will it be limited and be hard to find later?

    Because I am little short of money these days and is wondering whether I can get one like next year.

  8. I've just sent off an email to OverDrive to ask if they will be able to help with obtaining the 1/60 DX Alto Super Parts for Macrossworld members.

    I'll post their reply when I receive it.


    Hi Graham

    I sent that email few days ago and got this reply.



    Thank you for your enqiury. Sir as we can only get the Super Parts set

    at retail if you don't mind us adding a service charge to the price

    there should be no problem in getting it for you. As no exact info is

    available yet we can't give you a price yet but as soon as all the

    info becomes available we will contact you again with the details.

    I'm guessing but as the Luca and Micheal parts sets are said to be 5000

    yen (about $53 right now) the Super Parts sets should be around the same




  9. ... you placed a pre-order and found the quality not as high as you've expected? From pics?

    You should be able to unscrew it all fairly easily, mind you, you neeed to keep track of where it all goes back in order. :lol:

    I've got a Shin 0A, and i am quite happy with the finish. There shouldn't be glued parts to work around as far as i know...

    I searched some photos lol;

    Oh if there ain't any glues, that's just perfect :D

  10. Hi Guys,

    I have placed a preorder on Yamato VF-0S; however, I found the quality not as high as I've expected it to be. (Painting and Fitting Line and etc.)

    I'm just wondering if it is possible to disassemble Yamato Valk and rebuild it with painting and stuff like that.

    Can I take it apart? Are there lots of glued parts?

    Thank you ~

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