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Posts posted by wwkkim

  1. Yes.

    Yamato Stands are overpriced.

    Well, I wouldn't call them overpriced but what I want is sth that is cheap and can simply play its role as a "stand" instead of something fancy.

    So, are there any cheaper alternatives for stands?

    Is it possible to somehow modify bandai action base for this?

  2. wwkkim pm me your email address and I will forward it to them to find the email you sent. They check the forum here so I'm sure they will read this post but they won't be able to match your email with your MW user name.

    The staff is small and they do get tons of email so yeah they will miss some emails, just make sure to check your spam folder too.

    Hey Save thank you. Actually I've called them yesterday and was able to talk out the business. I'm more of a phone-guy than email-guy hehe. Anyways, thank you everyone and yes, I've talked with a man from overdrive and they say they've sent the email but it wasn't in my inbox nor spam box. So I guess something was wrong with my gmail account.

  3. LOL


    OMG... What should I chooose!!!


    1 Question: Will I still be able to find Hikky and Focker VF-1S like few months later? (There will be re-releases right?)

    If so, I'll go with VF-0S.

    Oh by the way guys, how bad is YF-19 (2nd Edition with FAST Pack) compared to VF-0s? Is it even more floppy and unstable?

  4. I'm at work or I'd show you a picture from my review of the 0S first edition on Anymoon.com (you can go and click the VF-0 link to see for yourself). The broken back in fighter makes it so the nose droops and leaves some gaps in the back. Really it's just a way of saying the toy lacks sufficient structural integrity in fighter mode so it comes apart a little bit on you.


    Is this the one? I thought it was fixed on ver 2.0

    Oh, btw I didn't know you were the one writing all those reviews at anymoon.com :) I find your reviews really helpful :D

  5. On my 0S Ghost combo the "broken back" is barely noticeable, not at all like the first edition VF-0S where it was impossible to avoid (and my VF-0A was the tightest of all there).

    Sorry Jenius

    Do you mind explaining what "broken back" is?;;

    I have no idea what that is..

  6. i totally agree with jenius.

    i have both the vf-1s roy focker 1st release and also vf-1j hikaru, and also both the VF-0A (cannon fodder) and VF-0S (ghost combo).

    The ver2 VF-1 are both are in fantastic condition and most importantly, they are simply better toys than the VF-0. i practically have no complaints about them.

    The problem with the vf-0 is not only confined to the shoulders (my vf-0A had shoulder problems, my vf-0S did not).

    I can immediately point out there are also other problems such as

    - the floppiness of the whole neck of the jet.

    - the legs cant peg firmly in jet mode, especially when u use the display stand adapter (it fits in between the front intakes causing both legs to slightly spread apart)

    - the looseness of the ankle extension locks (that sometimes give way to the weight of the battroid when posed as just standing) (i know this is supposed to have been fixed from VF-0A shin combo onwards. i have the VF-0S ghost combo, but still its too loose for its own good)

    - the chicken hands that cant grip the gunpod firmly

    - the GERWALK mode forward bend leg extensions (mine both VF-0A and VF-0S has cracks there and i covered them with some super glue and coating)

    - the material of the toy (simply feels inferior to the vf-1 ver2)

    the only thing the VF-0 does is look awesome in all 3 modes and thats it. the moment you touch it, you will know the beauty is only skin deep.

    so far the release only mentioned about the fixes for the shoulders (i guess nothing else)

    and i dont think its worth it to freak out on just one report of the VF-1A shoulder breaking, as you are missing out on a very good toy. well ok yeah if u wanna play safe then go for the VF-1S Hikaru.

    and yeah as jenius pointed out, who knows what problems the 2nd release VF-0 will have? and are we gonna freak out again on a few bad reports, cancel our orders and wait until all the smoke clears again?

    nothing is perfect in this world, when buying toys there will always be a risk involved. as far as i'm concerned, the risk for the 1/60 VF-1 ver2 is low enough right now, but i do sympathize with those who had problems.

    my advise: get the 1/60 VF-1 ver 2


    Isn't VF-0S made out of ABS plastic and thus quite sturdy?

    Bah... it's too late to cancel my order now

  7. I would mate, wh knows, Shin might pop back in the next Macross saga with energy laced VF-0A wings and everyone will be like f'n damn!

    Yeah i'm dreaming...

    Can't wait for the Roy VF-0S though! Where is it Overdrive???

    I've checked Amazon Japan and they say the release date is Dec 26th :D

    Nice Christmas gift I guess.

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