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Another Rankin Bass Hobbit?

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Ok, i was just talking to a friend of mine. She says that her boyfriend and her rented a Hobbit movie that was full of really bad gay looking things, including:

"ok, some bad thing got on the hobbits's ass, he said, get it off, the old hobbit spanked him"

(sorry i couldn't get her to be more clear than that)

she said it had several hobbits that went off with taller hobbits. i'm not sure i think this means like.. bilbo going off with the dwarves. she's one of those people that if the conversation gets difficult she finds something else to do.. but now i'm totally perplexed...

i've seen rankin bass's Return of the King. and if you watch it.. its got some really bad moments that could look pretty homosexual, i'm THINKING thats what she saw but then she said there was a dragon for sure.

she sent me this pic:


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Bakshi directed a Lord of the Rings movie, but it only covered part of the original trilogy. I've always assumed the Return of the King cartoon probably picks up where that left off.

The picture that Kingnor's friend sent looks like an aged version of the Bilbo from the Hobbit cartoon (which I hated), so it would make sense that it comes from the RotK cartoon. Here is more info on the RB RotK: http://pw1.netcom.com/~zmoq/pages/ROTK_RB.htm Looks like I was somewhat mistaken about the degree to which the Bakshi and RB cartoons dovetail.

From other pages (searched Google on Rankin Bass and on Rankin Bass Hobbit) it's clear those are the only Tolkien stores that RB did.

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