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Macross/Robotech on Conan O'Brian


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I just flipped on the TV as the Conan O'Brian show was ending, and during the ending credits, they had this guy in an easy chair just going on and on about how he was a big Robotech fan (he described it as a Japanese anime series), describing it as a show about a city captured in a bubble and sent off into space where they fought aliens. He then went on to describe how he was collecting it on VHS and had collected about 30 tapes before the company went out of business. Then he talked about how he started buying Robotech on DVD, but then was troubled when he found out there was a Robotech Masterpiece collection, a Robotech remastered collection, etc.

Then the camera zoomed in on him, he pointed his finger at the camera and he said that he was calling for one definitive Robotech collection so he could finally see how the story ends and what happens to that city in the bubble.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the heck the point was, but it was REALLY bizarre seeing someone on network TV talking about Macross (even if it was by way of Robotech... and he did specifically say the "Macross Saga").

Just wondering if anyone else happened to catch it. All I can guess is that it was supposed to be intentionally bizarre and nerdy.


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