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Hi I'm "Otomo" and I'm new here. Well, new in the sense that I've never posted here before. But I have been lurking. For a looooong time.

I collect Japanese toys and have always loved the mechs from Macross, but I've never really gotten any of the high end Yamato stuff cause it's just too expensive.

I am after ONE however, even though it will be pricey...I want a YF-19 from Macross Plus, one of my favorite animes. I remember waiting patiently back in '99 for Toycom to import it, like they said they would....only to find after about a year or so of waiting that it would NEVER get released here in the States due to legal red tape. By that time, HLJ had long since sold out.

I did go to Japan for a while myself actually. I saw the 19A in the blue color schemes several times. But I didn't want that one. I want the anime colors! I only saw it once, behind glass in a display at a toy/hobby shop in Akihabara....they told me it was not for sale. I looked all over Tokyo, going to several Mandarakes.....NOTHING!

I resigned to buying it on ebay, but jeez, the price! And they are not on there that often, and there are the different releases to consider, etc...

Finally, about a year or so ago, I had a new ray of hope....it was understood that Yamato was releasing a NEW, BETTER version with the fast packs!! Hoorah! My dreams are answered....this time I'll just pre-order it on HLJ and be done with it...

Or so I thought....

Months and months and months went by with no news. I'd check in here every now and again....no news....

Around December, it seemed like Graham was hinting at a BIG update in our near future.....so I lurked and lurked...I checked this website DAILY!! Still....nothing....

Until that one day.....

When was it...a few weeks now? I saw a post by Graham and it said "YF-19" and I got really excited!! And I looked and it said that the post was deleted, and all discussion was deleted...and that PICTURES were deleted!!


Apparently I missed something big. And now I'll never know what it was.

But the mystery has been driving me CRAZY. So I de-lurked and decided to just ask, as politely as I can, and see if anyone knows what I'm talking about.

I know I'm probably comitting a HUGE faux-pas here, and that even mentioning that thread will probably get this thread deleted...but I don't want to do anything wrong and get in trouble. I just want to know if there is still hope that someday I'll actually be able to OWN and play with that awesome toy from the cartoon I like so much.

If anyone has any info, please let me know at otomo1977@yahoo.com....

Again I apologize if this is totally against the rules...but thanks for understanding and thanks for reading!

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SEEMS yamato will release the FP version of YF-19

I'm think it's in MPLUS COLOR

HAPPY to hear that?


sorry for you,


if yamato really don't release that

there have a final hope:

buy a blue YF-19

than re-paint it

if you really want this, make it by yourself is a wonderful experience

Edited by 柿崎速雄
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NOBODY knows for SURE is we will see a new YF 19 from Yamato... That is reality.

"OTOMO"... Nice thread, rather "cute" :lol: To be a newbie is not a sin, and dont wory about the RULES of MW as long you dont do STOOOOPID things.

Our Mods are not green eyed monsters at all. YES THEY ARE WEIRD, but sometimes even nice.

I hope you can get your YF 19 soon, the old or the new.

Wellcome to MW!


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I think there is a Buy-Sell section in this page somewhere. Maybe you get lucky and find someone who is sellin his old 19. I'd sell you mine, but I hate payment/shipment trouble. The reason is I don't like the old Yamato 19. I was like you, dreaming awake of this toy since I saw the pictures, but owning one is another stuff. The bastard is pretty ugly once you get to hold it, the fighter has those horrible gaps and big fat screws, and the battroid is not very poseable. In the standing position it looks like an old man with a deviated spine, and the hips can't move at all. If I were you, I'll wait patiently 'till Yamato releases the FP version. I heard it adresses all this problems, and I'm sure they'll release it eventually. The expactation is huge.

Welcome to MW, man!

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Welcome aboard, Otomo.

Graham himself has said the -19 project is not dead. It will come in time. Like was theorized earlier, they probably just want to push the new VF-0 first. That, Max and Millia 1/48's, the display arm, the GBP armor for the 1/60's, and the just releasing Q-rau is a lot of stuff at once. The -19 will come in time.

Like what was said above, a Yamato pops here for sale on occasion. I have a blue -19 and a Bandai VF-19 Fire Valk (from Macross 7) as stop gaps for now.

The bandai might be a cheap option to hold you over. Gundam Store and More.com has them on sale for $30. The VF-17 is also on sale if interested.link

Edited by Anubis
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NOBODY knows for SURE is we will see a new YF 19 from Yamato... That is reality.

"OTOMO"... Nice thread, rather "cute" :lol: To be a newbie is not a sin, and dont wory about the RULES of MW as long you dont do STOOOOPID things.

Our Mods are not green eyed monsters at all. YES THEY ARE WEIRD, but sometimes even nice.

I hope you can get your YF 19 soon, the old or the new.

Wellcome to MW!


He took the words right out of my mouth. Welcome. :D

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Thank you all for the kind welcomes, as well as the replies....for now I guess I'll sit tight like everyone else and wait patiently for the new YF-19. I mean, it's not like I even HAVE the money for it now anyway, so I'm really not in a HUGE hurry to get one....I've waited this long, a little more won't hurt! I'm just glad tha it seems like it WILL happen eventually...

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