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Urgent! BP8 Hinge for 1/48


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I don't get why the "1/48 VF-1 BP-8" is NOT DRILLED.

Even if I did have a drill laying around, I'd have to be extra EXTRA careful drilling that piece. (heck, 4 minutes ago I just broke the replacement BP-8 trying to get that damn metal rod in there!!)...

Is there an alternate way of fixing this problem without having to order that piece? I'm gonna leave it on Battroid mode (with strike armour on) so it doesn't matter if it's a semi ugly fix. It's just gonna be displayed anyways...

so, any quick fixes? (besides duct tape!)

I'm cool with his $20 minium and his family first stuff; but I'm not gonna order parts of I have to drill my own hole. I'll end up fuggin it up

Is there anyone else in here, who is 'all about business" offering this piece besides the non-driller?

I don't mean to sound snobby towards the guy; he's offering a great service, but i have no time to wait (it depresses me know there's a piece missing from my valk) and I don't own a drill. I just wanna fix it damnit!

Edited by fifbeat
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I'm in kinda the same boat there. I've gone through at least 4 replacement BP-8s in the last 3 years (Gravity is not your VF-1's friend), but I have no drill and no skillz. Also, I can't handle the $20 lower limit, because I'm unbelievably cash-strapped. Is anyone else recasting these? (I asked Rohby, who used to do these, and he sent me a message back in Feb, but this is the first chance I've had the money).

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