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Hilarious SW Ep III condensed script

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Plus those that hate on M7 for its mystical elements hate it not because they dislike all things not "scientific and realistic" in principle.  They just dislike that sort of thing in their Macross, which had previously established an internally coherent universe in which such mysticism is either non-existant or extremely subdued.  It contradicted in style what came before it.

Right... right... its not like what the second season of Macross was supposed to be in the first place now is it...

Honestly the way Spiritia is used in Macross 7 reminds me an awful lot of Lesnman (but maybe that's just cause I'm reading the Lensman books right now. Galactic patrol had the best ending ever "and as the bullets trough through and through is body riddling his every vital organ it was THE END"). Lensman takes abstract concepts like thought and love and makes them scientific and controllable.

I dunno... to me I found the whole Birdman thing from Zero (well the final bit of it with shin flying off as a birdman... the idea of it being a protoculture device left to stop humans from turning out like the Zentradie was cool... you had this whole Day the Earth Stood still thing going on and I liked that) was a lot more messed then the stuff in Macross 7.

Edit: Anyway is it stated anywhere in the movies that Anakin knows that his mother was a virgin? that he had no actual Father? I read a comic where during a sandstorm young Luke comes across an echo of youn Anakin (though he dosn't know that Annie is is father of course... I mean the kid was his age). and one of the things Annie says in the comic "Yeah I don't know anything about my Father... Mom dosn't like me asking questions about it." I mean I doubt she exactly went around blabbing about a Virgin brith... who would belive her. If Mary had given birth to Jesus in our time and went around talking about how she was a virgin mother she'd probably be instituionalized.

Edited by lord_breetai
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Right... right... its not like what the second season of Macross was supposed to be in the first place now is it...

If you're talking about M7 as "Macross exactly as it's meant to be, if given a few more episodes", I still find that a stretch. Yes, Kawamori has stated many of the original Macross ideas (that he apparently thought worthy enough to cut out) reappeared in M7, and that to him, M7 is a little closer in some ways to his "original vision."

But I hardly buy that the Macross SDF we know and love-- the one that was actually made-- would have turned into a fight of mystic energies, with love and emotion reduced to some commodity that can be bottled and stored, and a battle of clownish and garish robots with boobs against goofy monster aliens.

In fact, everytime they had the opportunity to introduce any of the above to SDF, they didn't. The tacked on episodes. DYRL. Flashback 2012. If anything, the presentation got grittier and less fanciful and mystical. Why? Because the creators apparently thought at the time that such mystical themes didn't fit with Macross's already established style. They had to create an entirely new series with a totally different aesthetic to fit all that in 15 years later, because it would have clashed badly with what they'd already made.

Besides, what was "supposed" to be doesn't necessarily make what "should" have been. And even if the new elements could have worked as a sequel to Macross SDF, IMO too much time has gone by to change the premises of the series without alienating at least those to whom akward changes like these are jarring.

Like midichlorians, or something. :p


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In fact, everytime they had the opportunity to introduce any of the above to SDF, they didn't.  The tacked on episodes.  DYRL.  Flashback 2012.  If anything, the presentation got grittier and less fanciful and mystical.  Why?  Because the creators apparently thought at the time that such mystical themes didn't fit with Macross's already established style.  They had to create an entirely new series with a totally different aesthetic to fit all that in 15 years later, because it would have clashed badly with what they'd already made.

Besides, what was "supposed" to be doesn't necessarily make what "should" have been.  And even if the new elements could have worked as a sequel to Macross SDF, IMO too much time has gone by to change the premises of the series without alienating at least those to whom akward changes like these are jarring.

Like midichlorians, or something. :p


Huh I always understood what Kawamori said to mean that the second season would have been like Macross 7 but on the Megaroad instead of on City 7... and no it probably wouldn't have had red mecha with faces. I was more talking about the logical evolution of the Minmay attack that follows in Macross 7. but I know I won't win this debate and let's not turn another thread into another warzone in the continuing war between M7 fans and everyone else.

So yeah... where is the proof that Annie knew he didn't have a "Father"? where was it discussed in front of him?

Midichlorians also remind me of Lensman... the idea that those who could weild the lens were in some way genetically superior. and Remember Lensman was a big inspiration for Star Wars.

Edited by lord_breetai
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