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Yamato has come a long way


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I've been wanting a YF/VF-19 for awhile now and regretting not getting a VF-19A (supposedly the best and most evolved of the old M+ Yammies) on ebay when they were affordable (these days they go for about 2-3 times the price they were around a year ago). So found one in a toy/anime shop the other day and was able to finally get one at a decent price. I know this is an old toy, but thought I'd add some of my thoughts on it and how Yamato has improved in QC compared to this 1999 piece.

The design... at first I was wondering why Yamato would bother resculpting the YF-19 for FP when they just did a few updates on the YF-21 for FP. Now I know. The sculpt is nice in Battroid IMO but not a whole lot better than Bandais in fighter IMO. And Gerwalk is far worse on this than on the Bandais (and thus my bootleg Fire and Blazer Valks), but that might be due to the improved knee as I read in Graham's review. I hope Yamato has done better as I am fully intending to get the YF-19FP when it comes out (and was hoping to have it by now!).

The QC on this thing is so-so and worse than any of my 1/60 VF-1s. It's missing a screw on the bicep/tricep arm piece and probably has a half dozen noticible paint chips. Worse is a "blob" of repaint (?) on one of the legs where it looks like there might have been a large paint chip and someone at the factory did a sloppy touch up with a large paint brush. At least they got the color right. ;)

It doesn't hold a candle to the FP YF-21 IMO, though it might perform better against the older YF-21.

I do find myself wishing that Yamato had done and/or will do more VF-X 2 releases... especially VF-17 and VF-22 (which would be sooo easy and would justify the purple... or another scheme). As long as they don't do a red (Milia) or blue (Max) scheme, I don't see how this would interfere with Bandai's M7 license (or lack of use of such <_< )...

Edited by Uxi
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