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Found 4 results

  1. Not supporting this...but if this is prevalent with the Transformers/Gundam market it was only a matter of time. http://m.intl.taobao.com/search/search.html?q=macross KO
  2. This thing is as wacky as it gets. 1/65 VF-17S Nightmare bootleg/ KO. I really realllllyyy want to open this thing... I think I will......
  3. Not sure if anyone has posted this, but I was roaming around taobao when I found this out: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w4004-15920461423.12.1751f25485NRch&id=559139031898 They're the same guys who made the ko 1/60 valkries and wasn't sure if this is legit or not. Yamato had a limited release on a kit I think, and I'm not sure if they're taking that design, or they're making new stuff, like the render suggests. Also, is the price $140?
  4. NOTICE TO MODS: This topic is no more "off topic" than wrestling, which has a thread (and has for years). Closing this thread would be hypocritical. So guys, what do you watch, just the big events, or all coverage? Anyone follow PRIDE? Who are your favorite fighters and why? What weight classes matter most to you?
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