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Posts posted by crescens

  1. LOVED my VT-1 1/60 v.1 (first real macross toy), but when i got my 1S Hikaru (also my first 1/48) i was in love.

    Good choice man! I sure hope you plan on getting Strike FP parts! ;) the 1S is nakid without it!

    yes, i know it won't end just on this one or strike parts only ^_^

  2. I am glad that you asked how we felt because I would love to share my first....

    When I got my first 1/48 yamato valk it was a VF-1J Hikaru version. When I bought it I really could not afford it but bought it anyway and did not tell my son's mother who was still living with me so I had it delivered to my workplace which is where the rest of my collection was hiding. So the whole thing was quite naughty and illicit and I felt very dirty about the whole situation.

    I opened it and was impressed by the size and perfect sculpt. I transformed it once into battroid mode and had it on my desk for a day. But I could not get over the guiltiness feeling and packaged it up and sold it on ebay. . . The problem then was that I had gotten a taste of honey which is worse than none at all and so then I spent hours obssesing here on MacrossWorld until I realized that it was inevitible to just give in.

    So I bought a 1/48 VF-1S Roy with Stealth FastPacks, and then a VF-0A shin with booster, and then some more 1/60 (v.1) VF-1 like the ostrich and elintseeker and VF-1D, and then a 1/48 VF-1J milia and tons of other macross figures. For some reason the first $150 made me feel guilty and extravegant but the following $$$$ did not bother me much at all. . . Now I just live with a guilty consceince. . . and without my sons mother... which means that I have it all on display at home instead of hidden at work... and another ironic thing is that I could not find a VF-1J hikaru last month when I really wanted to get it again. . .

    This hobby is addictive and expensive, luxurious and irresponsible but it feels so good. I have often wondered if Kawamori san's design of the VF-1 holds some kind of magical powers. The lure and seduction is irresistable.

    wow sounds dramatic @_@ well i actually got it quite similiar, even tho im working hard ( but still living with parents, guess im a lil leech ). none of my familly members/friends actually understand why i love Macross so much, some say its just an anime ( the ones that watch anime ) and others that its childish ( im 23 lol ), but its like dreaming. most of us for sure would like to have 1/1 VF-1 in their garden lool. it's expensive hobby i agree ( if i'd like to buy it in one of our polish figure shops, i'd probably pay like 400$ but thanks to my friend living in sapporo i got it for 220$~ )

    i dont feel like im wasting money. one day i'll show Macross to my kids and maybe they'll love it as much as i do @_@


  3. Congratulation on your purchase. My first valk was a YF-19 with fold booster. When I first got it, I just stared at awe and amazement at the details. I was damn scared to touch it and didnt transform it until a few days later. I felt the $$$$ spent on the thing was well worth it. Enjoy your new toy/model.

    thanks~! i feel like a big kid now :D guess some parts never grow up ^_^

  4. Do you mean the Kai Fire Valkyrie that Bassara pilots?

    Sadly, Yamato has made no Macross 7 Valkyrie... they don't have the license I think. All we have is the ancient Bandai models from way way back :(


    bad T_T cause even tho ppl say Basara is an ass i <3 him X____x

  5. well i just bought ( i guess i can say so, but package is still travelling from japan - thanks tori <3 ) my first toy o.o

    it's 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Ichijou (yamato) from DYRL... and im sooooo happy <3


    how you guys felt when getting your first one?

  6. But the character art of the first run of the TV series was terrible at times, you have to admit, while GITS:SAC was more consistent. If we're really talking about budget, it's actually hard to tell even based from the quality. We need figures!!!

    well, true that first season of S.A.C was ugly sometimes... 2nd Gig was better. but what is the most important is the plot~!

    going to bed... 2am x.X *hugs for everyone*

    ps. im sorry for offtop X.x

  7. Well the other high budget one is Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex, which is 30000000 yen (~US$300,000) per episode, I imagine Frontier should be up to par in terms of production budget.

    well, S.A.C was like 2 or 3 years ago... ( dont remember well ), and the quality of effects wasn't actually that high as in Frontier. Maybe Solid State Society was a bit better with this... Hard to shoot with budget per episode. X.x

  8. As for the old team, not a word.

    yes, sadly it's like a year w/o any news about their version of mod... ppl @modDB saying its dead... sad to read it all the time... but its true actually... too bad. first hm macross mod was sweet. i remember when i saw super valkyrie or sdf-1 for the first time there... damn i was happy like a 5 years old o.o

    ohh and to be honest... for me they could just make a port of the mod from first HW to HW2, cause player interface fails in first HW... T_T


  9. @previous post

    well, they call me minimalist and im not the type that needs a lot. sure you could make a car and a vinyl skin based on macross lol, but what for? simple is good. sure, the mentioned merchandise is cheap-ass made but there is always some1 who will buy this. watching those t-shirts and stuff i "came" to a conclusion... i'll run my illustrator now, make a UN-Spacy logo and make myself a t-shirt... cheap ass but hand-made =p

    next week i will chop some wood and try to make SDF1 from scratch from wood... also cheap... hell im gonna sell it on ebay ~!

    end of transmission...

  10. Ok, i guess it's time for me >.< Frontier is very good, but to click "no" on both options wasn't a problem to me. Sure, you can find spirit of original SDF but its a bit too hyped ( ep25 is like ZOMFGWTF hype). Storyline is good ( well they failed with the ending... not breaking the triangle... ehh epic ), music is also fine ( listning to both OST's everyday ). Ehhh, *looks at that bad beer and few empty bottles* what have you done to me...

    ok so for me it looks like that...

    1. Macross - DYRL

    2. SDF - Macross / Flashback

    3. M7

    4. M+

    5. M:F

    6. M2

    long live DYRL~ <3

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