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Posts posted by Bri

  1. Only the TV-series are family friendly (by Japanese standards at the time). The OVA's and late night MF are definitely not aimed at preteens. M7 has no dubs so that leaves SDFM.

    Voice acting in Robotech is better but the the music is worse than the ADV version. That said, I'm not sure if the destruction and death as portrayed in SDFM isn't a bit much to handle for young children.

  2. I've also done plenty of GW and some conventional modeling before taking on Macross. Warhammer is heroic 28mm which translates 1:65 (roughly)

    Hasegawa and Wave have some nice 1:72 and 1:100 fighter version VF-1 kits which are fun to built.

    For example



    and wave 1:100


    about half the price of a Rhino, so not too bad to experiment with.

  3. Have to agree with Trek greatest hits, featuring JJ.Abrams comment.

    Also, standing behind my original comment. Alice Eve is freakin hot, totally would hit it. Saw the movie twice this weekend, and am waiting for the bluray.

    Indeed, that girl is drop dead gorgeous, nothing wrong with her face. Not sure if the movie will hold up on TV well. I find lengthy special effect sequences that make a blockbuster fun experience in the cinema, don't always translate well to a small screen.

  4. I thought Stalingrad (1993) was an interesting movie from the German perspective. Hope this one from the Russian side delivers. I'm a bit worried as the summary reads a bit like Bay's Pearl Harbor.

  5. Given how girly it is I find that difficult to swallow. Why would any normal boy want to watch junk like this?

    Sayoran was a popular character and I'm sure the card game element helped. Gundam Seed works the reverse, girls loved the male characters. That show still has a massive fujoshi following

    I would not have a clue given that I don't know when any anime I watched aired during the day nor do I really care.

    Don't complain then if you don't understand why some anime can win the anime grand prix.

  6. How the FRICK did A) This junk get popular and more importantly B) Why did this get Anime Grand Prix's Anime of The Year Award? WHY? Stuff like

    Mobile Suit Gundam, SEED, and Destiny, Ideon, Evangelion, God Mars, Nadesico: Prince of Darkness, Nausicaa, Laputa, the first Full Metal Alchemist, Nadia, and both halves of Code Geass. While I have issues with the last three on the list, I can somewhat understand WHY they'd win that, they are somewhat entertaining when they try to be. THIS?....... I............ Don't even........... Just...... Someone

    either really liked girly junk at the time or someone associated with the series bribed them! Just.... GAH! Before anyone asks yes I've been watching it subbed because I saw the first episode dubbed and upon comparison (because I heard how badly edited episodes were) all I am going to say is "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU OUT FIVE MINUTES OF AN

    EPISODE!?" That is just plain ridonkulous.

    A) A well animated kids show based on a popular manga for girls involving card games (which were popular at the time) and it appealed to both genders.

    B) It's a popularity contest, not an award for critically acclaimed works. You may have noticed that all winners are TV-series for younger audiences that were broadcast during normal hours or (Ghibli) movies. No obscure late anime/otaku stuff (before anyone comments, K-on was also broadcast on the Disney channel).

  7. Dunno, Shingeki no Kyojin so far reminds me a lot of Deadman Wonderland where the mystery of the setting is slowly revealed.

    My guess is the injection from his father allows Eren to cheat death somehow, this doesn't feel like a quirky Gainax show. I think it will stick to the basics of a battle shonen show. Still fun though

  8. Not as much as you might think. In the movie program, Megumi Ogata (Shinji) talks about how the voice recording was done soon after the Tohoku quake...

    Ah, I didn't know the move was already in post-production at that time. Interesting.

  9. I've watched it twice by now which gave me some time to reflect on it. Quickening is as accurate as any title can possible be, as this Eva movie series now takes on a life of it's own from the original story.

    The movie is an interesting, bewildering and disorienting experience, which is pleasant surprise in an age dominated by non confrontational iyashikei anime.

    I thought it was hilarious that GAR Shinji's reckless behavior ends up being more destructive than those of those of his passive incarnation. In some ways Evangelion is bit similar to Last Action Hero, an environment where the rules of the genre don't work.

    I wonder if this turnabout was intentional or if the rumors are true that Anno decided to change the course of the movies completely. I can imagine recent events have influenced the tone of the movie.

  10. just more perspective on how dumb consumers can be, and how possibly smart Yamato is to restructure without saying a word

    watching all their overstock be bought out, and prices soar, bringing Demand back with no supply.. until they return.

    While this would not be a nice act on Yamato's part, I kind of hope this happens. There are still a number of 1/60 valks I'd like to buy in due time.

  11. What about what AnimEigo did with Urusei Yatsura...? Where they would change the script if a joke was untranslatable (as often happened in UY), but then had "liner notes" where they would explain the original joke as well as their thought process behind the change?

    (For example, in the subs for one episode, Ataru, dying of thirst, says "Wa...water..." The other characters say, "We don't have 'Wa-Water™!'" In the liner notes, they explained that "water" in Japanese is "mizu," but that "mimizu" means "earthworms." So the other characters are REALLY saying, "Why do you want earthworms?" and the best that the AnimEigo staff could come up with was pretending that "Wa-Water™" was some kind of name-brand bottled water...)

    Now that you mention Urusei Yatsura, I thought the BBC fun version, while far less accurate, captured the essence of the humor much better. Then again it might just be the quality of the voice actors.

  12. I'm planning to start on the Bandai DX Chogokin toys. I've read a few threads on particular models but can't get my head around the way they are sold.

    Are they pre-order only because common retailers like ami-ami or HLJ never seem to have stock? If so, is there a cyclical release pattern or am I dependent on e-bay should I want a sold out model?

  13. Hmmm,

    the latest chapter has made the Tales of Ataria more interesting and is

    connecting Zero to the events of the original which is a good thing

    imo. But the manga seems to me like a chocolate chip cookie when all you

    have is chocolate chips - theres all this cool stuff, but theres no

    sense of overall plot - nothing filling...yet.

    Also, you can still fight when you're drunk...on Heineken!

    I'm more impressed Focker can actually stomach enough Heineken to get drunk...It's not meant for export without reason. Supplies must be running low on the Macross.

  14. A lot of people talk about the Dreamliner but I wish they would bring back a Concorde style supersonic airliner. I know that Lockheed-Martin had the QSST for a while but I think that has been quietly swept under the rug. As it is, I feel like the aviation industry has stagnated to be honest. No more H.Hughes type pushing the envelope. Aside from general upgrades, it doesn't seem like the "magic of flight" grabs people anymore. I'll never forget the old Yogi Bear and the Sproose Goose Cartoon as a kid, made you think aviation was going to be this amazing thing then you look now and see all these companies going bankrupt every few years. Too many providers IMO.

    I think it's just part of the times. Transport technology just don't seem to catch the imagination anymore. Maybe it's due to blockbusters and games making the real thing look tame, maybe social media have reduced the need for travel. Sometimes I think the only tech that impresses people is the next smartphone.

  15. The price is getting crazier with each new product launch. I don't thinks it's the demand not there, but more of the manufacturers wanting to recoup the investment asap and/or they think that regardless of any price they put, people will still buy them heaps. One can call them greedy, but it's a free market...

    Doesn't help that the Yen has appreciated quite a bit over the last few years. That has added quite a bit to the price of Yamato toys for overseas customers and that part can't be blamed on the companies pricing policy.

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