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Posts posted by VF19

  1. I was wondering how does the katana parry beam sabers? Won't they cut through it? Or is it made with magic anti-beam coating like the shields that are impervious to beam sabers and weapons......

    If you know enough about the background of Star Wars then you know about Cortosis Weave. If not, I imagine what makes it special is that its made out of some rare element, harder than diamond, blah blah blah, and its just that well built.

    Or its just so damn cool.

  2. I'm not sure which magazine it was, possibly Newtype, there was a feature called SEED ASTRAY VS SEED MSV. They showed in detail the Astray mobile suits and the MSVs.

    Red Frame you all know about. The Blue frame has a bazooka and stuff, but he has some buffed up look in the 2nd form


    and kinda a Yojimbo kinda armour later on.


    And the Gold Frame final form...AMATU. Bad ass bugger.



    MSV : http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-msv/index.htm

    Seed Astray: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/astray/index.htm

    Please excuse me while I drool all over my keyboard. And then I demand that bandai screw over the first versions, and conceentrate on the second and final versions of the astray. AT LEAST MAKE IT A B-CLUB KIT MAN!

  3. Yah, I know that, what im having trouble with are the little letters like the anaheim Electronics decals, tried pencil, finger nail, everything. Cant figure those out.

  4. I use a pencil...blunted tip...and color it in. Seems simply, but I tape the edges of the decal on (after cleaning the surface) and then color it on...gently and completely. Worked fine on my Gundams..but I have only tried it twice on models.

    By this you mean the point? hmmm. thats a good idea...

  5. Yah, Im just getting around to building my C1 Plus, and I cant figure these dam things out! so basically, you just cut out the one you want, press firmly, and rub with blunt object for period of time, correct?

  6. G. Kaiser = Old school Getter stlye

    Dixen = Gundam

    YF-37 Rafaga = Macross

    Pulsion = Eva

    Bolon = fruity kids style stuff

    Twinzam V = The merging robot style, two fighters into one robot

    Diana 17 = Almost G Gundam ish, works on the Mobile Trace system.

    Gourai = Equivalent to the gouf custom...kind of. Plays the same role.

    Wise Duck = Monster

    Theres all the mecha in Tech Romancer....that was an awesome game.

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