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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. First off let me say, that Im a HUGE fan like so many here on the boards being a follower since Robotech and Macross:DYRL. Am i the only one who isnt that thrilled about the choice for the new OP? It just seems to cheapen the whole Macross Legacy but it could just be me. Also, Shoji Kawamori is really playing it up to fans with Frontier. I wouldve expected he learned a lesson after the not so positive feedback from Macross 7. He specifically wanted to refrain from including past references to past Macross characters and specific events regarding those characters but gave in when he came up with Macross 7. Now theres past references galore in Frontier. I really do enjoy the walks down memory lane, so to speak, but this is getting a little carried away. Anyhow this wont stop me from watching! added: also, i hope people werent hoping for ozma to die and then alto to take over like Hikaru did when Roy died in the original Macross. There just isnt enough story there for alto to be a leader.
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