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Posts posted by hulagu

  1. I got mine to play Ace Frontier (and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite) too. Unfortunately I never managed to find a copy of Ace Frontier in my regular game stores, so I was pleasantly surprised to see Ultimate Frontier on the shelf this year.

    What are the chances they will release another Macross Frontier game next year, you think?

  2. Stable time loops and the Circle. :ph34r:

    Now you are giving an idea for a SDC Southern Cross x Babylon 5 crossover tribble.

    Since Babylon 5 is set in the same system as Glorie.

    LOL. Will Admiral Rick Hunter shame the Invid and Shadows in front of all the other races in the climatic battle, give them a thorough scolding and tell them to "Get the hell out of our galaxy?".

  3. Ooookay, now there's a dubious claim if ever I saw one. I challenge you to find me one good example of Macross ripping of Robotech.

    Not exactly robotech but the series making up robotech, (and I'm only half serious), but

    SD Cavalry Southern Cross -> Sterling daughter (Dana in Robotech) and guitar freak (Bowie Grant/Emerson) battle against brainwashed humans(in the Southern Cross version) under the control of ancient vaguely mystical space weirdos. Guitar freak romances a space weirdo girl (Musica).

    Macross 7 -> Guitar freak (Basara, taken to a ridiculous extreme) and a Jenius daughter (Mylene) battle against brainwashed humans under the control of ancient vaguely mystical space vampire weirdos. Guitar freak romances a space vampire weirdo girl (Sivil).

    Mospeada -> Purple haired female impersonator (Yellow Belmont/Lancer) and friends struggle to survive against the attacks of insect like hive-mind biomechanical space bugs. Green haired bug girl (Sera/Sorji) has the hots for him.It turns out that the bugs just have a misunderstanding of the human condition and the human apefaces in the expeditionary fleet are worse than the bugs and are the real enemy in the finale.

    Macross Frontier -> Purple haired female impersonator (Alto) and friends struggle to survive against the attacks of insect like hive-mind biomechanical space bugs. Green haired faux bug girl (Ranka) has the hots for him. It turns out that the bugs just have a misunderstanding of the human condition and the cyborg apefaces in Macross Galaxy are worse than the bugs and are the real enemy in the finale.

    Plus, also, Ishtar and the emulators is basically a more stripperific version of Musica and the Muses from Southern Cross.

    Also, the Red Vajra's similarity to the Invid Inorganic Scrimm (somewhere earlier in this thread), although I suppose there's only so many ways to draw a bug-like humanoid.

  4. LOL! That's because the artist/writer is a Macross fan and a long time Macrossworld member and that's the only way he's ever going to get to release a Macross comic book in the US.

    I'm sorry, but that doesn't strike me as a really good excuse. By that measure, Robotech can just freely cherry pick whatever they like from the Macross line just because "it's the only way it's going to be released" over in the US.

    Plaigarizing bits of story design and mecha design concepts is one thing (I actually believe both Macross and Robotech are guilty of doing this off each other), but that looks like a complete ripoff.

  5. The Tactical Battle Pod looks decent, if I'm looking at it right. The Excalibur looks like it can give people the finger at any time thanks to the arm cannon. Oh, and it has no head.

    Those are thrusters coming out of the back of the Battle Pod's arms, not guns right?

    Nope, they're lasers.

    The Sentinel flight suit always looked like a cheap DYRL style suit to me.

    That's not the only place they tried to rip off DYRL either.


  6. Actually, according to the novels, and maybe the comic books (I havent gotten past Book II, issue 5) Breetai hooks up with a female Zentraedi by the name of Kazianna Hesh. Angelo Dante hooks up with Gnea in the book The End of the Circle.

    Yeah, it's been a long time since I read those books. The only Sentinels stuff I still have around is that old Palladium RPG sourcebook, and it's been just as long since it's been used.

    I hate that guy so much, I remember back in the 80's when he'd try to ruin my Domino's Pizza!

    Erm, what?

    The Sentinels as a whole was one weird story. All the character dynamics were all messed up trying to fit them into the mishmash of Robotech (Minmay and Dana Sterling both having been Jonathan Wolff's lovers at one one point springs to mind). And the End of the Circle was plain mystical!

    It ends with the Haydon Awareness merging with a Protoculture Matrix, heading into a black hole to become a god of a new universe and grabbing Rem and Minmei to be the Adam and Eve or something?

    By comparison, Basara's singing turning Gepernitti into a Buddha sounds downright plausible.

  7. While I am not trying to max out ALL mechas, I basically use what time i can (waiting for GF, bus rides, or any in-between time) to play. I have long finished the missions, but I'll try to use different characters and mechas each time til their stats are maxed. (I've quite a few characters who can use Max World right now ;)) Each valk also have slight differnces from each other so, that helps with the replay value as well, as you can have different ways to complete the missions: Do you engage in hand to hand combat? Micromissles, Cluster Missles, or reaction missles, blah... blah...

    With my valks on display mostly, playing with different valks on the PSP is my way of playing with my toys on display.

    So maxing out relationships does give a character access to other character skills when used as support? Do relationship hearts have any other effects aside from this and the banter?

    Me, I've maxed out the the Zero mecha, the four Monsters, The Varuatan VFs, the Fire Valkyrie and the VF2SS so far.

    Also having loads of fun using the "last supper" special to take out multiple enemies, sometimes I think i can even take out 3 waves of enemies in one blast! real nice. ;)

    Who've have thought Kakizaki would actually be so useful?

  8. Let's not split hairs here hulagu, for all practical purposes the "original" Robotech series is little more than a legitimized bootleg with a really bad Hong Kong translation, and every sequel attempt with the possible exception of the Robotech 3000 series has had all the artistic integrity of Space Gundam V, relying almost exclusively on stuff from shows they don't own (esp. Macross), altered JUST enough to avoid a copyright infringement lawsuit.

    "Legitimized bootleg" is sort of an oxymoron, don't you think?

    Does the poorly done Robotech hackjob lack any artistic merit beyond that of nolstagia for those watched it in the original run? Yes.

    Did HG actually have the legal right to do this poo? Unfortunately, yes.

    In light of this, and the RL shennigans that have gone down since, does BW have a right to never again let HG 100 feet 0f its IP? Hell yes.

    Mostly, I'm sore about the FASA (and now Catalyst)/HG issues about throwing accusations of "bootleg" around.

    Oddly, I had that exact same situation in reverse when a Japanese friend of mine in grad school saw someone with a bad Shadow Chronicles desktop background and thought it was Mospeada.

    I think HG would have been better off making a straight Mospeada II spinoff or Mospeada the Movie rather than try to tie it into the ridiculous continuity of the Sentinels timeline.

  9. Arg !! my save has broken 29 hours of play loads of SS missions and most everything maxed out. Just started on the Plus missions got awarded the 19 and 21 and it just freezes the psp. Start a new save and go straight to the plus missions and it locks up at the same point. ???

    Is it normal that when starting a new save you keep all the tune points and custom colours from your first save.

    Worst case is I need to do all the missions again and get my SS and S ranks spend a whole load of time getting points for the shop and getting back my level 21 and maxed out character stats.

    It shouldn't be a hang. The game wants you to choose either the YF-19 or YF-21 as your prize on that screen. So choose one to continue, you'll get the other one later in the Plus campaign.

  10. The second link has most of the basic controls.

    As for specials,

    TRIANGLE+CIRCLE = Use your mecha's option pack SP attack if equipped, otherwise use your mecha specific SP attack.

    Select+D-PAD Down = Order your partner to use his mecha's option pack SP if equipped, otherwise use his mecha specific SP attack. Greyed out on select menu when partner has not enough SP (partner's gauge under HP bar).

    L-Trigger+TRIANGLE+CIRCLE = Do the SP attack simultaneously with your partner. Make sure both have enough SP available, or you will most likely end up doing the L-Trigger+TRIANGLE melee charge attack instead accidentally.

    CIRCLE+X = Activate the equipped active support skill of the character you put in support, which may have various effects. Some of them have unique skills only available to them normally.

    ed: I think using a support character with max hearts with another character also allows you access to the second character's unique skills? Shin, whom I mostly use, with maxed out relationship with nearly everyone has every auto skill and command skill available.

  11. Any tips to take out the Chronicle Mode AFOS fast enough to meet Objective 3 in order to get above A Rank? I can take out Nora and DD quickly without problems, but without the ranged special from the booster pack (you lose them between stages even if not purged), the booster pack missles, partner specials and support specials (chronicle mode), it's taking forever to wear down the Bird Human using lasers, rockets and the melee SP. Shin had it so easy on the show, lol ...

    On a side note, Sarah's support skill Song of Doom is a damn cheap move especially when used by the player, because of its relatively fast activation, and because you can chase down enemies while it's active (unlike the game controlled AFOS) it to get them into its area of effect, and the AI is too dumb to run away effectively.

  12. Nope seto said that you guys said he was the number one macross export. He said that you guys looked at him that way.

    He's just an expert on the neglected DYRL/Macross II alternate timeline. That just means he's a relatively reliable source of information about that one thing for anyone who cares. That mean talent doesn't elevate him above his peasantry and entitle him to serfs and poo, so there's no cause to feel threatened, Your Highness. Clearly, picking a fight with one so low is beneath your royal station.

  13. From the official RT site: As a precocious 15 year-old, Lynn Minmei nonetheless becomes one of the most influential figures of the First Robotech War.

    YouTube Robotech: The Macross Saga / The Long Wait 8:37 sec in.


    So Doug what is this then.

    Or how about the least convincing "15 year old" ever, Annie LaBelle, ever from Robotech the Next Generation, who not only has a gratitious bath scene, but is actively soliciting marriage for most of the series.

  14. Um..maybe he was just talking about the SDF-1 in Macross? I agree - in Robotech, it can be a million miles. The animation is not going to tell us anything for the reasons I stated above because the animation is not animation for the Robotech story. It illustrates the Macross story. The Robotech story is super imposed on it.

    Therefore - in Robotech - the SDF-1 can be however long Harmony Gold says it is.

    Who cares?

    The Prometheus is shown to be a typically sized aircraft carrier, not an unusually sized one, before being retrofitted onto the SDF-1. Even from the animation alone, the fact that the arms make up about a third of the total length of the SDF-1 means there's no reasonable way the thing is 4km long

  15. Under international treaties including the Berne Convention, the rulings on the ownership of the Macross copyrights made in Japan are applicable in 164 countries worldwide, including the United States. That fact WILL NOT CHANGE. They don't NEED to have a second case in the US over it, because copyrights are protected worldwide under international treaties... it's called international copyright law MEMO.

    They will need to contest the Macross and UN Spacy trademarks, won't they? It was kind of a dick move registering those two trademarks, seeing how they've primarily branded their stuff as Robotech, Robotech the First Generation, and REF before, and Macross Island (as opposed to the Macross) doesn't have much to do with the original saga.

    And UN Spacy is just a fictional military service of the UN like Space Marines.

  16. Macross groupies cults? I second that. The world is supposedly going to be decimated in 2012 when Planet X aka Nibru comes around and our UN is too incompetent to even consider building a Space Navy and colony fleets to evacuate us. So lets all rent a lodge in Alaska where the Grand Cannon should be and party like its 1969 in a final 2012 New Years party! Oh don't forget to bring Doug Bendo and Robotech virgins as sacrifices to our favorite Protodeviln Silvil!

    Nay, we await the return of the Anthromorphic Flying Ornithoform of Spaghetti, the blessed Sarah Nome, and the Jolly Roger Shin Kudo, who was touched by its noodly appendage and taken bodily into pirate heaven.

    Seriously, LOL, "excommunicated Robotech fans"? Who's the one taking this poo too seriously?

  17. Fine. Here's a new question:

    How do the Haydonites float? When I read the novel Planet killers - about the flying carpets...I got this vision of Lisa, Rick, Max and a comatose Milia in Super Mario 2 - jumping on those flying carpets from level 4 I think it was....

    And if the Haydonites are the bad guys - why did that just suddenly happen in SC?

    My theory is that the menacing music and dark visuals turned the Haydonites bad. Just watch those same seens with Sesame Street music in the Background and there's no way the Haydonites would be the villains.


    (before you point out that my reasoning is at the same level as that of a 3 year old, I would like to remind you that it IS Robotech we're talking about here)

    My personal crackpot theory to explain the blatant inconsistencies and revisionism is that Shadow Chronicles is an in-series propaganda "documentary" meant as damage control after the Symphonygate, to exonerate Admiral Rick Hunter of attempted genocidal war crimes ("I didn`t know it was a nunnery! I didn`t know neutron-s tactical crushing nukes could do that!") , and to sell the Earth public on the REF's next war against the next most powerful race in the Galaxy after we've finished kicking the asses of the Invid and the Masters on Tirol. Because, you know, they hate and fear our Protoculture. And because, like always, We Will Win.

  18. Lynn Kaifun should so be a support character. He would be forever telling your character off no matter how you do and spouting off about the evils of the fascist military-industrial complex that is UN Spacy, mellowing into a sort of begrudging forbearance at 5 hearts. (Hey, it's better than the Gepernetti who doesn't do anything but sit around and looking like he's stoned out of his mind - seriously, I don't remember him looking _that_ kooky even when he was getting his socks rocked off in the finale).

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