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Posts posted by lanis

  1. Bug like hive mind? check.

    Evolves quickly to adapt to weapons? check.

    Probably created by protoculture (i.e the Xel'naga of the macross universe)? check.

    The only left thing is for this mysterious V-virus to turn the infected into Vajra and be assimilated.

    So Sheryl becomes Kerrigan and Raynor..Alto will have to do something about it.

  2. Great episode! Its not too consistent though... The purple valk could shrug off a Q-rau's beam cannon blast (which I think an earlier episode established can crack a red vajra's armor) but gets its leg blown off by a VF-25 gatling gun (which basically cannot even scratch a red vajra)... Hmmm. Convenient plot device or the purple valk has some sort of directional energy shield which is finite? Oh well - always willing to suspend my disbelief for macross


    If you watch it again, you can see that the beam hits an asteroid, not the valk.

  3. Ok, so I recently downloaded all of Macross 7 because I was interested in the continuation of Max and Milia's story. I can't bring myself to keep watching after the first episode because of how annoying Basara is. WTF!? Why is he so annoying? Other series' main characters have annoyed me before but this is the ONLY anime series that I have ever watched where I outright hated the main character starting from the very first episode! Anyone know the episodes that have the most focus on Max or Milia so I can just watch those and have to put up with Basara as little as possible?

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