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Posts posted by hellohikaru

  1. Nice effort, however the article doesn't have the right tone that a piece of technical literature should. It is way too subjective and casual.

    Technical journalism should be more formal as opposed to the casual approach used above. I realize this is for some sort of game, but the style really made it hard for me to read as appeared to be written by an amateur, an enthusiastic one for sure, but still an amateur.


    Tom Clancy writes like that too so i guess that would make an amateur of sorts.

  2. Shin

    The PAF was close to acquiring the Temco Super Pinto light attacker/jet trainer. I heard they have the rights to build them locally. Dunno what happened next but it would have provided them with a useful A-37 type COIN bird with the same engine as the F-5. Might have not made much of a difference given how poorly managed the country is.

  3. Man. Sometimes I wish that they had a Tank version of AC!  <_<

    Seriously though I'd love it if they actually had a 40's-60's version of AC with some modern weapons. Early jets VS props.  B))


    I think they did that with Air Force Delta Strike: Blue Wing Knights which was a partial disaster :D

    yeah i would love a Tank Combat.

  4. Right now i don't care too much for the paint schemes. They should include more planes.

    Since the F-15C would be firing AMRAAMs this time then there will probably be an F-15A armed with Sparrows.

    I hope they include the F-104 this time. Namco hadn't paid tribute to a plane which the JASDF was one of the largest operators in the world.

  5. Interesting to see the Draken. and their secondary weapon will be the semi-active Falcon!

    Hope to see the F-8, A-7, F-104, Kfir and Mirage III. I hope they removed the Falken and X-02. Bring back the XFA-27 as the final plane. F/A-22 downgraded back to the YF-22A :D

  6. F-4C with multiple minigun pods


    There are also other instances of F-4s carrying miniguns but not quite as many. I guess they used whatever was available. Rocket shortage ? Heck they even sent F-105s with box-finned bombs or just the internal gun to keep up the sortie rate.

    Tornado ECR vs EA-18G Growler

    As far as defense...I think the ECR has a gun and the Growler has AMRAAM and Swinders. I think the ECR can accomodate them too. Anyways, both have all that electronic warfare stuff, but all in all, which would be the better jammer and SEAD aircraft? The ECR's definitely got the speed advantage so it could run away faster.

    F-20 Tigershark vs Gripen

    ECR is gunless. They only carry HARMs beside the standard pair of bottle rockets. Maybe it will get IRIS-T as well. I don't think AAMs are really so important for a defence suppression platform. It does distract from the overall mission.

    As for the Tigershark and Gripen i know both of them can be upgraded but the JAS-39 can mount a bigger radar antenna so the Gripen has an edge here. In a dogfight i think both are equal assuming equal levels of avionics. Both are also highly underrated fighters.

  7. The Singaporean F-15 should it win would be called F-15T. F-15S is an expensive piece of crap sold to the Saudis. Nothing more than an F-15D dressed up as an E :rolleyes:

    Anyway back to the RSAF fighter competition i heard the Rafale is the favourite. If the F-15T wins then it is either politics or the RSAF needing quick airframe delivery.

    5 gunpods has been done for airshows (because it looks cool) though 2 is the max for actual combat. (Because they're nearly 2,000lbs each)

    Not true. Some F-4C were loaded up with about 10 or more for CAS, albeit the smaller SUU-11 7.62mm. I think i mentioned this twice before.

  8. yeah the western version of AC3 is really a wasted down version of JAC3. You can't even pilot the Remora and A/F-117. I wonder why did Namco think just because the japanese market didn't really like the story the overseas market would be likewise.

    I will definitely try to get the japanese version.

  9. That's great. I never got to play the J version of AC3 but it is good to see the Marine animal R-series getting some love.

    Did every character in AC3 have a custom paint scheme ?

  10. What I didn't get with that is how come she is so fast and agile with a VF-1S. It's probably a VF-1X, but still!


    She is Meltran. They can make any VF spin.

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