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Posts posted by senzan

  1. There's an interesting thought. I don't know how well those Vipers would fit in next to a VF-25 but maybe something older and chunky like a Legioss. Speaking of Robotech, I'd like to see a modern day equivalent of Robotech's hover tanks turn up in a Macross series. Kind of like a variable Destroid of sorts. Something to break up the transforming-fighter-jets-only theme.

    (not the best pic, but you get the idea

    I would be all over a Veritech hover tank toy :o

  2. totally destroyed my Tamiya paint. That's my only experience with it. I got a whole can just sitting there.

    Damn. I was hoping to use it on unpainted DX Chogokins but there are a couple versions Krylon make of the clear coat - one is known to destroy modelling paint. This uv flat matte is meant to be fine on both bare and painted plastics.

  3. It's ok man, I would not take any offense to his statement. At least you posted pics, I have had mine sitting around since I got them and still did not post any pics. BTW all my pics were taken using an iPhone 4S and I also use photobucket cause it's freaking easy lol. I tend to use the camera+ app for stability shots and sometimes I use the default camera app with HDR settings enabled.

    This is one of my and other peoples favs for a phone pic using camera+:

    Back on topic:

    Anyone else having trouble getting the RVF on the fighter mode stand that is included? I cannot for the life of me get the C clips to get in the spot they need to be in. It appears that the intake armor is hindering that. I will give it another try later.

    oh wow, I LOVE that matte finish - what did you use? got a gallery up?

  4. That is one cool looking design but it really shouldn't have a lower designation than the SV-51 from Macross Zero.

    I propose renaming it the SV-86.

    The one who made that design should contact Mr. Kawamori. Really.

    And I really like the coloring of the bottom one... it makes me think of pistachio ice cream. :D

    He does some pretty freakin awesome variable mecha imo - here are a few more:






  5. I'm assuming valks by arcadia are going to be more expensive than yamato's when they release?

    Looks to be that way for the moment - but you do get the Yammy version 2.2 VF-1 molds, waterslide decals, a new display stand / storage base and additional tampo printing. In the case of the YF-19 its an updated 'perfect trance' figure with near-anime accurate proportions. IMO it looks freakin amazing and worth the price. Personally I'm very excited for Arcadias future releases :)

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