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Posts posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. 0083 was my first exposuer to Gundam back in 94 as a Fan Sub then I got the Ligit VHS Subed versions then the DVD's Im watching Z Gundam now (just got the set for X-Mas) its not bad but Im wondering why it takes 20 something eps to mention the Z Gundam :blink:

    I also like G Gundam even though thats Side Story never saw V though I want to

  2. A Squid?? Like we need any more of those :blink: kidding dude as a Fellow member of the Armed Services congrats with Basic. Im In the Army and we have are own pranks to pull as well.

    If any one asks for Chem light batteries (the kind you break and shake =) ) tell them to go to hell and also Grid Squares thats a Map term

  3. From what I am hearing this new Dr. will be the 9th. Thus the Paul McGann Doctor will be official, they haven't said if he will be around for a regen. sequence. BBC is saying that this Doctor has the history of all the incarnations, so I'm led to believe that the movie is part of the continuity.

    Well Mcgan WAS offcial since Mcoy regen'd in the movie right?

  4. I really dont know and Im a big time Dr Who Fan I'll have to research this.

    My Favorites have been in no order.

    5th 7th 4th 3rd

    Aprently this will be the 9th Doctor.

    Who on DVD Is great Im luck to have a region 2 DVD player so I can order Who DVD's from UK :D

  5. Me and Solscud saw it last night. It wasnt bloody violent like Hell Raiser. But it was Creepy as HELL and I dont scare that eaisly. heh Nick looked like he was shaken up but I didnt notice that much. Geller was suprisingly good in her role. and Ted Rami is a Costar as always in his Big Brothers Films

  6. uh that idea is rather old. But novel. back in middle school (about 12 years ago) I got my parents to buy me one of those Casio universal Remote watches. I could program the watch (using these codes form the manual) to control basic functions of TVs and VCRs. In class I would rewind, stop, turnoff the TV or VCR. it drove the teachers crazy until this jerkoff tattled on me.

    Yeah When Nick first got the Watch we were in HK and My Relatives were all singing Bad Chinese Kareoke on a tv so guess what we did :ph34r: heh

  7. I think some of you guys are being very unfair in focusing on "girl" shows as crap. Do you hate anything made for girls? Not that some weren't indeed crap but to fill your page with things that for every intended purpose could never appeal to boys is borderline misogynism (look it up if you don't know what it means.)

    I'm listing US TV shows s if this were a general anime/cartoon list this would be a never ending list. My list in no particular order:

    Captain Planet Whoopi Goldberg and other celebs lend their voices try to and save the planet via some green guy with a mullet.

    Beast Wars/Beast Machines I think 3D was the kiss of death next to horrible designs.

    Voltron 3D There's just not much to say.....

    Silverhawkes Yay, we are a Gatchaman/Battle of The Planets copy cat team and not much more

    The Get Along Gang Everybody hold hands with a talking moose, rabbit, puppy dog & friends and sing Kumbay ya!

    The Care Bears Get along gang not warm and fuzzy enough? Try Care-Alot!

    Mighty Orbots tied with Challenge of the GoBots We wannabe Trannies!!!

    Trolls That's right, those wacky haired good luck charms had their own set of series. One for girls where they are cute and live like smurfs and one for boys where they are space fighter crossing planets!

    Jem This show actually could have been better if it weren't for it's twisted premise; If you're a skank then get a holographic machine that makes people believe you're a beautiful rock star!

    Toxic Crusader Thought Captain Planet was bad? Well how about a team of mutants fighting to save the Earth after being transmusted by wastes!! Excatly what this show was

    The New Adventures Series: Speed Racer, He-Man, Johnny Quest, Scooby-Doo and our unfavorite green haired mullet hero Captain Planet!

    Street Fighter tied with Darkstalkers ited with Mortal Kombat Ugh! Simply, UGH!!!! No more American fighting shows PLEASE!

    GI Joe Extreme We all know anything with "extreme" in the title generally sucks!

    Extreme Ghostbusters Ditto above

    Beverly Hill Teens I actually believed that the producers of 91210 where trying to make a live action of this craptastic show. I still don't believe I was off. I swear Shanon Doherty studied "Bianca" for her role on set and off!

    Macron-1 tied with ROBOTECH tied with Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years tied with Battle of The Planets tied with Voltron tied with Saber Riders and the Star Sheriffs - The Japanese originals were great but let's face the fact all shows involved came out horrible with the cut and paste edit routine. Surpsiingly, what befell these shows didn't deter Force Five one iota.

    My Little Pony The original hour long special featuring the ponies being transformed into doom dragons by some evil felien sorceress actually was decent. It goes downhill from there.

    The Legend of Zelda tied with Captain N and the Game Masters The Mario stuff was tolerable but the rest.... I swear Nintendo execs were on drugs!

    Ghosbusters A secret elevator for tarnsformations, a Gorrilla team member and a talking skull phone are disaster in the making!

    Any sequel with Kids and/or Babies Flinstone Kids, Tom and Jerry Kids, Muppet Babies....

    Dinosaucers We are dinosaurs from outer space come to hang with brother and sister tweens that share the same bedroom and drink Coca Cola!

    Punky Brewster Adding Glomer didn't save this crap

    Rambo I have no idea why an R rated film character became a kids' show..

    Shows/movies that had no business becoming cartoons.....

    The Gary Coleman Show (he becomes a gaurdian angel and guides other children thru troubles? WTF?)

    Back to The Future tied with Bill & Ted Uninspired by one hit wonder films. CBS should paythe FCC fines for setting this crap loose on children!

    WWF Pro-Stars An animated Hulk Hogan? Nuff said!

    The New Kids on The Block In the 8th grade I got into a big fight with half the tweens in my school cuz I said the New Kids sucked. After seeing this show, they all agreed with me!

    Hammer-man Who the heck is MC Hammer?

    Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos Why oh why.....?

    Police Academy Tired and over-run series of stupid cop films becomes stupid cartoon show....

    Mr T or whatever He ran around with a bunch of kids. Makes sense to me...

    The Real Ghostbusters The only good thing about this show was Slimer.

    Beetlejuice Not a bad concept considering what kind of film it was but horrible execution!

    And Sergeant Savage or whatever his name is hosting GI Joe.

    That's all. I'm sure I missed many but those are kinda hard to forget in crappiness.

    You were mentally scared as a child werent you fess up <_<

    SilverHawks RULED!!! Who cares if they were like Battle of the PLanets I dont G Force didnt have Lasers in their Shoulders or have cool vehicals

    BTF the Cartoon ROCKED it was edutainment yes I 'll give it that norierity but was still cool.

    Filmation Ghostbusters was funny not great but funny.

    Extreeme Ghost Busters My Buddy was a character voice in that toon so Im supporting it it was a great concept.

    Beast Wars had great Writing CGI be damed

    Slimer Sucked it made the show TOO Cute

    Mr T and the T force.. Who WASNT Mr T a role model for in the 80's

    another great toon.

    SGT Slaughter was the HOst for the Marvel Sunbrow Cartoon the good one so Chill

    I'll bet your parents made you watch nothing but PBS as a kid huh? :blink::lol::ph34r:

  8. 1. Macross 7

    2. Yu-g-oh

    3. Pokemon

    4. Salor Moon

    5. Care Bears

    6. Turbo Teen

    7. Jem

    8. Tiny toons

    9. Dic GI Joe

    10. Smurfs

    Basically all pussy sh!t.

    My God! I despise most of the things you've mentioned! :lol:

    My list, in no order of priority:

    Macross 7 <_< (I could rant, but...)

    Pokemon ;) (Not as bad as the one below)

    Yu-g-oh <_< (Ugh)

    Care Bears :huh:

    Jem :angry:

    Transformers (post movie) <_<

    Sailor Moon (Short skirts can't save everything) :blink:

    Smurfs :ph34r: (anyone remember the Smurfs rap song from the late 80's?)

    He Man :huh: (The toys were cool, but the cartoon was strange. The animation was too stiff)

    King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (?) :angry: (The one where it was a football team that somehow switched with the real Arthur and his Knights. I had as a kid a good idea on what a knight should look like and fight. This wasn't it)

    I'm sure I'm missing more that I hated as a kid, but these are the ones I can spew out right now.

    Careful with that quote there

    King Aurthur and the Knughts was one of Solscuds FAVORITE Shows as a wee trouble maker wouldnt want to bring his wrath here down on us poor schlubs

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