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Posts posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. That was the One Area thanks Man...

    Wow after reading that review on Dekarobo I kinda regret me and my brother getting rid of our Diecast Bandai Toys when we were growing upo I had a Go-Lion Die Cast (Voltron) My Granpa got for me from Hong Kong

    I had him (see Pic) but in a Godikin box and the afreo mentioned Voltron....


  2. Well its all about Quality Area.. I was checking out some Sentai Sites around the Net and they were saying that the differences Between The Sentai and PR Show Toys are that The Japan versions are better quality with Die Cast VS/Plastic for Parts in the US versions.. Also not all Japanese Zords make it to the US

    I was at Lil Tokyo Saturday and they had a Elephant Zord from Hurricanger (Power Ranger's Ninja Storm) and it was a Huge Bitch Heavy as Hell but never sold in the US... So it depends on what you want....

  3. What makes this car a sleeper?

    I mean, it looks pretty obvious to me...so what's under the hood to back it up?

    I think what Scud means is that IF he were to race with the Hood Painted like the rest of the Car people wouldnt know he had a CF hood so thats an advantage for him.. lighter hood less weight faster runs etc :ph34r:

  4. Okay this is going to Sound kinda weird but for the Past few years I've been looking for Scans on the Net for Orginal ArtWork from MAcross in the 70's... a few years ago I was in The Virgin Mega Store in Paris France and I saw a Giant VHS Box Set of what looked to be Macross it was dubed in French and could have just been Robotech in French but the thng was the Art on the Box was amazing.. it was just Macross no Southern Cross or Mospeda 9 tapes at 4 eps a tape for 36 eps I cant really describe the Art work other than to say it was very very Beautiful and Im trying to find more just like it.... I dont supose any of you fanatics could help

  5. Wow. Great art piece. But they all look a little younger than they should be.

    There suposed to be younger its just a rehash of Clasic FF Stories so lil kiddies can get aquainted with the First Family of Marvel FF Tales designed for Children

  6. well some tribal tats reallYy ARE tribal I had a Coworker in the Army from I forgot but near Hawaii same area and he had tatoos on his Leg all hand made he was in bed for six weeks cause of them it was a family thing

  7. Well as Im a Fan of Robotech (Pls dont hurt me) I dont know Macross all that well..

    How ever I do have a Tat on the left sholder it the same as my avatar...but its in Black and white at the moment this is what I hope the final Tat will look like


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