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Posts posted by wraith1701

  1. My perception is probably clouded by the fact that this is the last episode that I saw, but my vote went to Legend Of Zero.

    First and foremost, I loved the fact that the story dealt with the events of Macross Zero. For me, this sort of cemented M. Zero into Macross continuity, and struck a nostalgic chord with me. Like someone mentioned on another thread-- the episode was like a love letter to the fans, and I dug it.

    The episode also did a great job meshing the story with the music of the series. I'm a big fan of the lullaby that Ranka sings (I can't remember the title), and I loved the way it was used in the 'Bird Human' film. In fact, I imagine that I'd enjoy the Bird Human film more than I liked Macross Zero!

    The character development of Ranka (and to a lesser extent, Sheryl and Alto) was great. For me, this episode marked the first time that I could view Ranka as a sympathetic character. It looks like the kid is finally coming into her own; the scene in which she decides to take control of her destiny was moving. And the understated tension between Alto and Sheryl was cool to watch. I don't think it will be long before the two of them admit to themselves how they feel about one another.

    All in all, this episode was emotionally satisfying. I'm disappointed by the lack of mecha action, and the slapped-together animation quality during the fight with the pet pokemon, but the nostalgia factor, music, and character development more than made up for it. ^_^

  2. Stark appears in the film at the end, and I get the impression this was originally meant for an after-credits scene. Fury is in the movie in name only. There's a montage of origin scenes at the beginning and on one of the documents that flashes on the screen you can clearly see Nick Fury's name. On some other documents you clearly see Stark Industries too.

    That said, there's nothing to stay after the credits for.

    Thanks! ^_^

    It looks like The Avengers is really going to happen!

  3. It's been said for a while now that

    Stark appears in the film

    , and now it appears as though

    Fury is in it as well.

    If this is true, do they both show up in the end, like with the Iron Man film, or do they have more substantial roles in the film?

  4. While I'd love to see a more faithful Starship Troopers movie with powered armour, I'd like even more to see an adaptation of Joe Haldeman's "Forever War". That also has combat with powered armour, but because Haldeman was an actual Vietnam vet (Heinlein never saw combat), it is both grittier and more anti-war than Starship Troopers. It wouldn't need any parody to make it interesting.

    Forever War was a great book, but there's another 'future-war' novel that I think would more easily make the transition from page to film-- John Steakley's Armor. This book reads like a darker version of Starship Troopers, and focuses more on the psychological than the political. Steakley's description of Power-Armor combat is incredible; I highly recommend that fans of either Starship Troopers or Forever War check it out.

  5. Here is the first and the best episode of Violence Jack from 1986.

    (Encoded from the R2J DVD and fansubbed with a proper english translation making it the only decent version on the net)


    Violence Jack (1986) - Part 1 - Direct Download

    Violence Jack (1986) - Part 2[- Direct Download

    Violence Jack - Torrent (Needs seeders, please help)

    This is a classic, amazing character designs with a funky high pitched electonic score, lots of violence, sex etc.

    Screen caps coming soon, feedback and discussion encouraged.

    Thank you for the links; much appreciated! ^_^

  6. Would you like to know more?

    Awesome. <3

    Good Lord, Heaven All Mighty, WHY? WHY I ask you? I watched "Melrose Space" AKA Starship troopers and it was ok. Not great. I skipped #2 as I heard the reviews sucked and it went straight to video. But 3? And they have toys? Oh hell no.

    I actually loved the Starship Troopers film. If you take it as a parody of fascistic millitarism (as it was intended), it is really quite a good flick. Lots of self-reflexive black humor. The second film on the other hand, sucked.

  7. I just watched the episode again, and I still think this is the best episode to date. ^_^ Which is weird, because I always considered myself to be more drawn in by the Mecha-pr0n than the story and character development.

    I have a question about the scene with the Eden Hydra. When Ranka sees Brera's cybernetic arm and has the flashback to the old Vajra attack, she says something like "Don't die, brother". Has it been established that she lost a brother in the attack, or was she referring to Brera?

  8. Going by his arm after the fight, is Brera a cyborg? Someone said he might be from Galaxy in prev ep discussion IIRC


    That's what it looks like to me. I'm thinking that what I've seen speculated about on other threads is probably true-

    The Vajra are some military bio-weapons project gone wrong, and Brera is part of a government sponsored 'clean-up' squad sent out to clean up the government's mess.

  9. Fellas, I live in NYC and so far I found 1 good place for Anime related stuff, Image Anime, closeby the Madison Sq Garden. But it's freakin NYC! there must be more out there! Anybody can point me in the right direction?

    Thanks a lot!

    I'd check the yellow pages; there has to be a ton of Anime stores there.

    BTW; count your blessings. I live in Louisville, KY. I'm lucky to bump into folks who even know what Anime is! :o

  10. Another good episode; nice mix of action and character development.

    Anyone have any theories on the green alien that was following Ranka around last episode?

    Personally, I think it, as well as the alien embryos in the hatchery, are immature/early stage Vajra. There has to be some significance to the green guys appearance last episode, and the quick cuts between it and the hatchery this episode.


    Anyone think this is a possibility? Or has this already been discussed and dismissed?

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