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Posts posted by ron5864

  1. With the much anticipated Christmas break now being realized, I was able to crack open the Bandai 1/72 VF-25F box to begin work. ^_^

    Here's what I got so far, Alto was painted in his school X-Gear color as seen when he first jumped into the VF-25 cockpit.


    A few other pieces were also put together but nothing too really show for yet.

  2. Like most of you, I just got my first VF-25F from HLJ. It looks like there are a lot more parts that first thought. I will probably study the build instructions carefully and see what I can paint or what I can leave unpainted. I plan on working on this during my Christmas break, 2 weeks off. B))

    I read most people used stickers instead of the water slide decals. Has anyone use the decals yet? Is it any good?

  3. Update on the diorama.....SOLD!!!

    It has been sold to one of our Macross World members. I am not going to say who, but this individual lives somewhere in Southern California.

    I know I had promised to bring this diorama to the 2009 MacrossCon. :huh: But that is not up to me now. It is up to the new owner to see if he wants to display it next July.

    On the bright side, I will build another diorama with a different Macross theme for the MacrossCon next year. :lol: I already know what it is going to be and am now just starting to get the materials. It will contain more awesomeness than the Macross Island set. (Hint: Diorama set takes place in the year 2059)

    So stay tuned...

  4. Yup! My VF-25F just got mailed off to me from HLJ. And I also got a payment notice from them for the VF-25S. The only problem is that 4500 Yen is costing me more now than 2 or 3 months ago. The American dollar seems a lot weaker against the Japanese yen in these rough economic times.

    Then again, I loss money in my General Motors stocks and that hurt even more. I should have invested in more VF-25s. <_<

  5. So I had panel lined my VF-25 on the sprues with a gundam panel line pen. It looked good...

    Then I used Testors Model Master laquer overcoat lusterless flat (dullcoat) over it to seal in the panel lines.

    The result....

    The panel lines bled and broke up becoming splotchy and fuzzy. Where they were solid, they became almost like sponged, and also feathered out.

    On the bright side of this story is that it was a good learning experience. Most of us assembling models don't get it right all the time. It is mostly trial and error thing.

    I did something even worse once. I had just finished painting and putting decals on a 1/48 VF-1A. I grab a can of what I thought was clear coat and sprayed it on to the valk. I knew something was wrong when the item turned white instead of the expected clear gloss. I had picked up a can of flat white instead of clear coat. So another lesson for me to read the label before using. :blink:

    BTW as promised, here are some better photos of the finshed 1/72 scale Glaug. Also this ARII kit had some poorly aligned pieces, especially in the legs. It took lots of sanding and filling to make the gaps and seams go away. The way the arms joints were designed make it difficult to attach properly. I broke one joint that connect the right arm to the shoulder section of the pod. Another quick replacement with Yellow Submarine joints saved the day.

    I placed a 1/72 scale Destroid Spartan for size comparison. The destroid looks almost useless in a fight against a glaug. :lol:



    Next project...US naval ship.

  6. So I have been traveling for work recently and it took a while to get this ARII 1/72 scale Tactical Pod Glaug completed. I modified the hip joint area by adding a couple of ball joints from a Yellow Submarine kit. This allows the legs to face different angles rather than just pointing straight ahead.

    Here are a couple of early photos. The smaller Glaug is a Bandai 1/100 scale version added for comparison. The 1/72 scale version stands about 11.5 inches (29cm) tall. It's a big kit.


    I will put up better photos with better lighting when I get a chance. ^_^

  7. The dark green version looks like a better than the brighter colors. The military gray version on the front of the Imai model kits from the 80's looks good too. I do wish Yamato would have made the Tomahawk with a Catepillar yellow, similar to the Defender's.

    But I will probably get one and paint it in cannon fodder color or a light brown color with weathering. B))

  8. Brilliant!! totally thought it was CG!

    Hope one day you'll do up a Force mode SDF-1 half in the ocean with arms out. That would be cool. (easier than what you've already

    accomplished!) Wave need to make you a TV 1/5000 SDF-1, you've got yourself a DYRL? one?

    Hey ruskii,

    I do have a WAVE TV 1/5000 SDF-1.


    I was planning to build Macross City 2 around it with the lake surrounding the ship. :lol: It will be a project for next year.

  9. I bought myself a can of Mr Top Coat and practiced spraying it on a sacrificial Wing Gundam before i try it on the VF-25F. It is Flat/Matte. I'm not sure if this is the best one to use. It definately makes plastic look abit frosty(?) making it lose its "plasticky toy" effect. Prettty nice after application. I'm just wondering if i should leave clear parts (the visor and canopy) from being top coated cuz it does seem to make transparents parts (as shown by Wing Gundam's core thing) become a bit frosty.

    The clear parts will become dull when that is applied. Put some masking tape over these areas will prevent them from looking like frost on glass. ^_^

  10. I am not really affected yet with my toy fund. I have been careful with my money during the economic boom times so to fill in for the down times.

    Actually, this is a good time to get the toys that you always wanted on Ebay. This is because the bids will be lower and there will also be less people bidding for those items. Also, more people will be putting their things up for sale which will saturate the market. This will lower prices even more.

    I would not invest in toys for financial reasons, but it is a good investment into ones happiness and well-being. B))

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