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Posts posted by hal9000

  1. Man...

    I have a Yamato VF-1S Roy Focker 1/48 (that I bought back in 2004, I think). Anyways, I guess the joints have become loose enough to the point that the thing barely stands on its own (in battroid mode) with the Strike Armor parts... :( Usually starts fall on its back. So I have to lean him against the wall...

    Anyone have this same problem? Since it was my first 1/48, I admit I probably transformed him several times, etc. (at least). I'm not so sure if it's the joints at the hips; probably moreso the joints at the V-feet...

    Been bugging the heck out of me!

    Any "repairs" to make those joints tighter; or any other tricks of the trade?


    I think Disasemble and cote in clear nail polish is the standerd aproche to a lose any thing, just did it to my 0S 1st ed's hips hope it works. will know monday night.

  2. You can check with local grapics places on where to get it done, get ready for the price. You MUST post picks of the car Preferbley muddy Its a raly car after all :D

    BTW Where can I order that shirt?

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