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Posts posted by chillyche

  1. Didn't watch the whole thing yet, Hik, but I'm glad to see it finally saw the light of day! So far I'd say I'm pretty entertained, but I did notice that there seemed to be some discrepancy in the audio levels between certain characters. Like, in the scene where Max and Millia were talking to Chlore over the communicator, Chlore was so quiet I couldn't quite hear her, whereas M&M seemed like they were at a consistent level. Granted, Chlore could be coming it at a different level, given the nature of the scene, but I felt like I could have stood have her level boosted, so that I could hear everything easily without messing with my volume.

    Of course, I know that this was a struggle to even get finished, so, I'd rather you spend the quality time working with DYRL than this, so...

  2. I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said, but I feel like I have to applaud, loudly, along with everybody else. I suppose, what CAN be said is that as you spend time refining the design, making everything work as much as possible, combining canon design with real world physical space considerations, you're not only creating the definitive CGI VF-1, but you're also creating a new sort of reference for all the other artists that hope to create their own VF-1s. I don't have the modeling skill you possess, and I doubt that I will ever put in the time necessary to get there, as modeling is a fun hobby for me, and was never a professional consideration. But I do like to model, and I do like to make stuff, and I do get frustrated with how certain things I'd like to model seem fairly impossible to put together -- too many or too few references, 2D references that cannot exist in 3D, etc, you know the issues. Your model -- as well as your process -- will help all of us hobbyists to create satisfying models on our own. And that deserves another big thank you, along with the "thank you for making something that is really awesome, and brings me great joy when I look at how awesome it is!"

    But I also am going to scowl at you, because inside me there is a jealous kid that is mad that your work is so great. But, then I'm going to shrug that off, because I'm a freakin' grown-up. And once again congratulate you on making the dopest VF-1 I have ever seen, and probably this board has ever seen.

    Also, does JewLew know that you're totally shattering his record of dopest VF-1?

  3. CS6 is great. Plus, in all honesty, it's available as a subscription service for far cheaper than as a physical software package. The entire suite is 49 a month. Which comes out to waaaayyyy under the thousands of bucks the total suite is. Of course, you stop paying and the software disables, but whatever. I have ZERO valk models but a lot of software, so, clearly my priorities are somewhat suspect. Heh. Also, a lot of the stuff (InDesign...) is not useful to you.

  4. Cool model. What software did you use? What's the poly count? And how is it rigged? Are you using an IK rig or an FK rig, or some hybrid. When I rigged the VF-1 model I came upon, I created a really clunky IK/FK rig that I could switch between for transformation, I don't believe it's the classiest solution at all.

  5. The viewscreen mystery has been sort of addressed finally! I think that a lot of people suspected it came out of that junk behind the pilot's seat, perhaps due to a similar insinuation in Macross Zero.

    But the view screen on the inside of the of the canopy shield is something I have thought about in relation to the VF-4. The VF-4 battroid has a horizontal cockpit, similar to the VF-19, but unlike the 19, it doesn't have a holographic full cockpit projection (as best as I understand) and depending on the source, it shares the VF-1 block 6 cockpit. This leads to the question, "what about battroid mode?" Does the pilot remain seated, or does the entire seat assembly shift to put the pilot in a slightly more standing position as per the VF-1. If so, how? Landing gear extension as per this illustration? Screens on the inside of the blast shield would certainly make sense.

  6. http://io9.com/5896488/10-secrets-to-creating-unforgettable-supporting-characters?tag=daily-10

    Here's an article about creating supporting characters that I think also touches on some broader concepts of writing more alive, believable worlds. In a way most of these tips or tricks or secrets are not really secrets at all, but given that a lot of fan fiction is written by people with no formal training in literature, and indeed, often by people that don't even read much literature, I think it's important we take these things into the fanfic community.

    Your mileage may vary.

  7. one also has to ask "whose scene is this?" In my fic, none of the protagonists speak nor understand Zentraedi, so the dialog remains a mystery to them.

    You can also think about it in legal terms. You can ask a witness whether a conversation occurred, but the content may very well be hearsay. So the question is, are we hearing about the conversation to establish whether it occurred or to establish what specifically is said in that conversation. If we need the literal content, then you should likely translate the dialog into the reader's native language. If you only need the feel, you can either use the foreign dialect or just describe the conversation. I'm not sure that there's a complete enough Zentraedi to Japanese or English dictionary out there to create much dialog besides what we've already heard in the context of... wow... 30 years of Macross. It's not like Klingon or Na'vi or Elvish or these languages which are largely defined and developed or even created with linguistic experts. Although, it might be nice if somebody had blessings to create such a thing. Still, it seems like the roots of Zentraedi would be protoculture, and I feel like they're still making that stuff up as they go.

  8. I use actual Zentraedi in my fic, but I'm essentially paraphrasing dialog that fans will decipher no problem. I say you go with the technique laid out by Frothy -- show us the emotional content of the conversation, if not the literal content, you know?

  9. So, we have a really sweet Nous-G model that Ale built for Macross Aria. We've been sitting on it for minute, because our mechanical designer had to step away for other (read: paid) work. So right now I'm looking for 2D or 3D artist who wants to take a stab at adapting the Nous-G for our purposes. It's not a radical redesign, it's more like a few after-market modifications. Like, say, a beam cannon AND a rocket launcher. Or something.

    Holler at me if you're interested. I'm looking for somebody to either do sketches, or even do some 3D work.

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