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Posts posted by Ladic

  1. I think I'll buy this game this weekend.

    What kind of system do you need to run it well for PC?

    I have

    XP 2500+ Barton

    512mb pc2700

    gforce 3 ti200 64mb

    is that enough?

    Sounds perfectly fine.... except for the video card. Don't know how a GF3 would handle this bad boy.

    thanks, I was thinking of picking up a new vid cards for Xmas anyways.

    I'm gonna trade in some PS2 games at electronics boutique and buy it tomorrow. :D

  2. Great movie!!! I almost creamed when the "men in black" showed up.

    Gobotfool, why ruin a movie you enjoyed while you were watching it? Did it claim to be a factual historical account? Should every period movie be a documentary now?

    I agree that I would love to see a movie with this type of production without western actors or language, but that fact doesn't make this less than a beautiful film.

    After all that, I would just like to say one thing...

    GO BOB!!!


    excatly :D

  3. Since 1995 was suppose to have been the last time EVER that the "Original Trilogy" in its original form was to be released in any video format, I'm not holding my breath, but I hope that this is the case.  Though I do think a special set having BOTH the original and special editions would be perfect. B))

    Lets see how many people bitch if they pull a HG and realease them on DVD.

    Probably none, since it's name isn't Robotech.

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