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Posts posted by Ladic

  1. Oh boy, this one sounds like a stinker:

    "Far Cry" game being adapted into movie

    POSTED ON 02/20/04 AT 11:00 A.M.


    The Hollywood Reporter reports that producer Uwe Boll has picked up the film rights to the PC video game "Far Cry" to develop into a feature film. The film will be budgeted at $25 million dollars and hopes to begin production next year.

    The videogame itself hasn't been released yet, and won't be until March 23, but it has received a lot of attention already. The game's manufacturer, Crytek, reports that the game's demo has been downloaded 1.5 million times already.

  2. 'defend it or lose it' system.  Someone using a trade marked character in their own fan work, or even a homage of that character in a commercial project does not constitute a threat to their ownership of the character.  In the US, on the other hand, such things are threats to trade mark ownership.  A company that doesn't defend against those threats is basically saying that they've given up ownership and anyone can use it.

    Sounds to me like a strategy HG might be using

    all they have to do is hope BW doesn't take action and they have US rights over DYRL as well, next step M+,...and so on

    every piece of terrain BW gives up will increase HG's, in the end HG might even become owner of everything Macross

    the end of the world as we know it. :rolleyes:

  3. Hellsing is the family name of the doctor from Bram Stoker's Dracula.  Later, used as the name of the hero for later series, like Hellsing the anime.

    Was that the guy played by Hannibal (I can't remember his real name right now)?

    Anthony Hopkins

  4. This game seems cool, but the controls are wierd. It feels almost comparable to a console shooter. I just have a lot of trouble getting the guns accurately pointed at enemies. No matter how much I fiddle with the sensitivity, either it feels sluggish or not accurate enough. It feels, I'm not sure how to describe it, kind of like trying to do presicion work while wearing thick gloves, you know?

    very true, hehe, I thought it was just my hardware, but maybe not.

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