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Posts posted by Lynx7725

  1. What I don't like about it (coincidentally I feel the same way about Star Trek) is that alien civilization is essentially human in nature (in particular Turians and Asari) - they trade stocks, peddle their goods in markets, enjoy getting drunk, and enjoying watching half naked dancers at Chora's den.

    I'd agree about the Turians, as they seemed underdeveloped in game; I hadn't read the comics though. But I think both races are deliberately tuned to be human-like as they both have potential love interests and it's difficult to get a player to like a very unhuman character. I mean, a Hanna...?

    Oh and Lynx, I keep reading that Halo Reach was supposed to be sandbox/open world styled and added much vivid detail to the Halo-verse, which would have been awesome in my opinion!

    A part of Halo multiplayer is, in the Forge map. But that's mainly to build fiendish maps to kill people with... Not that there is much wrong with that. ;) Forge is a huge map, much bigger than what you expect normally, so it is quite interesting... But it acts as a static backdrop, not as an atmospheric addition.

    In the campaign itself, the game world is relatively large and you can explore around... But it generally is still confined to an operational area and it's usually unwise to wander away too much. Covenant forces are around after all, they have better tech and generally have you massively outnumber and outgunned. Not to mention that I usually have an ammo problem (not spray and pray but just not a good shot in that game) so I'm not really encouraged to go wandering around the maps.

    I think the big difference in immersion between Halo and ME is that ME forces you to go to alien worlds and work with alien teammates, so you inevitably pick up on the culture and style and can see and compare.. while shooting big holes in said aliens. Halo however is a very human-centric story, and the aliens act more as target boards than story. This is especially true in Reach, where the storyline isn't meant to explore the Covenant background.

  2. Here comes the PS3 ME Comic

    A bit mixed reaction. I don't intend to get ME until the ME3 big box (you know that's coming), so I probably will pick this up... but most of my ME2 builds are done and I'm not keen to redo my Paragon Sniper from this.

    Hmm. Paragon Sniper, Renegade Adept, Dominate Engineer (in progress). I suppose I can do one for Soldier, Vanguard or Sentinel. I can see why for Soldier and Vanguard, anyone has any reason why I should do a Sentinel?

  3. IIRC, Kaiden is confirmed in; that means Ashley has to be. But not sure about the True Love portion.. probably, it's too easy a mark for Bioware to miss.

    The smaller number of characters I do welcome. It was a bit crowded on Normandy II and most of the time I ignore a lot of them anyway.

    The rest I can live with really. It depends on how good or bad. I'm not a big fan of big worlds only because that means we get silly hovertanks again. :/

  4. Seems like a bad week for Elintseekers...

    Finally broke open my Elintseeker, and promptly scratched the internal coating on the canopy. Seems like a lot of questions on how to remove that, but not many reply. So here's my technique:

    You'll need 4, maybe 5 things.

    1. Thinner, preferably arcyllic paint thinner. I used Vallejo thinner.

    2. Tissue. (obvious reason)

    3. Brush. Something smallish but not too small.

    4. Water.

    5. (maybe) Brush cleaner. I used Vallejo Brush cleaner.

    The coating seems to react well to thinner, but you have to be careful not to use thinner that is too strong -- some plastic will react badly to highly concentrated thinner. I used acryllic paint thinner as that is guaranteed not to eat into plastic. You use acryllics to paint on plastic model, if thinner meant for that will eat plastic, then that's really not right... No preference on brand, it's just that Vallejo happens to be what is on hand.

    Apply the thinner to the inside of the canopy; take care not to spill over to the outside as the black lining are all on the outside and we try not to take that off if we can. The rainbow coating is all on the inside as a layer and you want the thinner to sit and eat into it a bit. The initial reaction will be a metallic glitter sitting around in the pool of thinner, and subsequently you will see a oily/ red/ pink film on the canopy's inside that is quite resistent to thinner, especially on the edges.

    You'll need to take your brush and gently abrade the film off. Note that this might end up as a gel that you need to gently remove from the crevices; use either thinner or brush cleaner to "float" and prod the gel loose. You need quite a bit of patience on this and will take an hour or two. Don't rush the job and don't use anything too hard as this can scratch the canopy plastic.

    The brush cleaner is just because I had it handy. It seems to have a slight effect but you might be able to get by with water.

    You'll need to flush the end result with water to get rid of residue thinner, but that's trivial. You need to get the water into the canopy joint if you did not dissemble the part; I did not and as a result it's a bit tricky.

    You'll also have to accept that you won't be able to get all the film off. This is particularly true for the film at the front and back corners of the canopy. How acceptable that is, is really up to your personal standards.

    Hope this helps people. Any questions please PM me as I don't really check this forum.

  5. Probably a multi-purpose hardpoint to hang those cracker grenades, sturmfaust, machine gun etc. One of the pictures that bluemax151 posted shows that weird connector mounted on the shield. It seems that the ability to mount the accessories in various configurations is this RD selling point

    Oh yeah.. I think I recall seeing that sort of mounting a few years back. IMO a bit overboard, but then again we're talking about giant robots.

    Think I'll miss the 90mm. Do wish somebody would do the 0080 designs justice and get good versions out.

  6. More pics on upcoming RD Zaku II:

    It seems that it's possible to have this Zaku on twin shoulder shields or twin shoulder spikes configuration.

    If the Zaku came with the possibility of having twin shoulder spikes, I think a Gouf won't be too far off.

    You may not be able to mount twin shoulder shields -- the other one with the spike is actually a punching weapon, and you can just see the hand grip underneath the shield. Not sure if the grip is removable and they have the mounting part to put it on the other shoulder.

    Pretty decent in terms of accessories, 'cept no 90mm. Early war Zaku I guess. They re-conned the rocket packs I guess, it used to be a big band around the lower legs but that's honestly just asking for breakage. I think the current mounting is good.

    Weird-ass big connector for the Bazooka. What's the tail supposed to be for?

  7. .... and in breaking news...

    Hmm. Like Garrus. Don't like Liara. Will miss Legion (actually his big gun).

    And we go running around recruiting.. AGAIN? *faint*

    Don't quite like the idea of bigger skill tree.. the ME2 version is a bit short but also about right.

    Mod and scopes on weapons, I like. But possibly cosmetic I think.

  8. Huh. They have windows stretching all the way to the nose.. Why not replace the nose with clear "glass" anyway? Great for tourists. :)

    (Then of course my brain went to "hmm, let's add a bombsight, then maybe rig a bomb bay, some defensive MGs maybe... Hey! B-747-17..... :lol: )

  9. The Reapers' control of Citadel sort of got blocked by the Proteans IIRC. That's the reason behind Sovereign's attack on the Citadel in ME1 -- to reassert control so that the main Reaper fleet can come in. I believe the final boss in ME2 might have been intended to be a second attempt to attack and regain control of the Citadel relay, but the timeline is off*.

    Have to give it to the Reapers, they do believe in contingency planning. First, they cunningly set up a system of super-science travel devices that are easily understood by lesser races so that they will become dependent on these relays; they build a hidden hub (Citadel) so that they can reassert control over the entire network, then go off into dark space to hibernate. But just in case there's a problem with the hub they leave a vanguard (Sovereign) to make sure they can reassert control. But just in case the vanguard failed, they have a client/ genegineered race (the Collectors) complete with a technologically impressive base to support and provide secondary backup plans. And just in case that failed too, they plan to:

    simply sail through the void into a fringe system, conveniently having placed an relay which is a hidden primary level relay mode so that they have short cuts to anywhere in the galaxy. Essentially, a backup Citadel! -- as a THIRD-Level backup plan!

    C'mon Bioware. No human is that good. I guess that's why the Reapers aren't human....

    * The reason why I say the timeline is off is this: the proto-Reaper in ME2 is still under construction, and still needed a good number of human colonists/ nutrient paste to complete. Given that the Reaper fleet is right next door (with the speed at which they appeared in Arrival!) and that there's the Alpha relay in that system, it didn't make sense for the proto-Reaper to be built for a second attack on the Citadel; likely, it's just a replacement for Sovereign. Which made the ME2 story not fit into the "Reaper threat to Citadel Space" storyline, but more of a "stop Reaper-backed terrorism on humanity" issue. Makes sense, for a Cerberus-backed storyline.

    Also, come to think of it, no matter which way we slice it the Arrival DLC diced the canon a bit. The original impression is that the Reaper fleet started moving only after the Collector General was killed, but I understand that if you play the DLC before you complete the Suicide Run, it would not be Harbinger that appears in the hologram at the end but the Collector General (fronting for the Harbinger).

    That being the case, the Reaper Fleet will now be implied to be moving even before the destruction of the Collectors. Which begs the questions: what made them move so early? Is the Collectors' harvesting merely an early pregnancy? Was the whole ME2 storyline a wild goose chase that sent Shepard running over the galaxy... as a distraction?

    Ah you wacky Reapers... :lol:

  10. Doesn't indoctrination require a reaper itself? The citadel doesn't do it either.

    Point, but that also means all those little reaper artifacts lying around in ME2 -- I can think of 2, maybe 3 missions -- are all little bits of reapers?

  11. And strange thoughts come to you as you meditate on the porcelain throne.

    If Mass Relays are built by Reapers, essentially Reaper artifacts, why aren't every traveller who spend enough time going through them indoctrinated...?

  12. Ok, just finished my second Arrival run. Same Paragon Sniper. Took all the achievements -- thought I'll need a second run but turned out wasn't necessary. Real spoilers below.

    The first, Covert Action is simple with an Infiltrator. Just cloak, move, hide, wait till recharge, repeat. You can kill varren, just don't annoy the batarians. Annoyingly, sound bites seem to indicate you have been spotted but as long as you don't shoot any batarians you should be good.

    Took the Viper instead of the Widow this time. Was a lot easier. The greater ammo load makes it much more relaxing and the killing power against the typical batarian is sufficient. Even YMIRs aren't that bad.

    Yes, there is a third tech upgrade -- a Heavy Weapons upgrade, bringing it to a total of 7/7. Which probably makes a difference for 2 Cain shots against Mr. T. at the end of the story. Makes it a bit more worthwhile to pick up the DLC but still not quite up there.

    This upgrade is hidden behind the broken flaming pipes. You need to turn off the two separate flamers in order to get to it. Experiment around and it should be straightforward.

    The other upgrade is a medi-gel upgrade, and this one is past the prison hanger. You need to play a bit with the loading crane to get to it.

    The second achievement is Last Stand, where Kenson leads you into an ambush. There are 5 waves of attackers but it ain't too bad... if you picked the right weapons. I used a grenade launcher for room clearing, works a charm. You have a chance in the hanger at the start of the level to swap weapons so you might want to, and note that you don't really pick up any heavy weapon ammo in this DLC -- I recall only two. So Cain-clearing isn't really an option.

    At any rate, I ran out of ammo in about the 3rd or 4th wave, but it's quite useful in the tight confines -- blast radius was taking multiples out at a go. Prioritize on Pyros as those are really annoying, but anything in a clump can get grenade love too. Take note that you start near the center front of the room but it's best to get out of there pronto -- it's lousy cover. I think the left inner side of the room is better because of some stairs there which would block the last wave's YMIR, and that the waves would come in from a door and drop from the upper storey in front of the area, so you get a good spot to camp and kill.

    A specific tip for Infiltrators -- if you are having problems with pyros or just basic guys pinning you down, cloak. The AI has a bad habit, once you cloak the guy would stop doing everything. If he was in cover he would duck back, but if he wasn't he'll freeze there. I had a few occasion where the pyro was bearing down on me, and I cloaked, and he just stood there for me to shoot in the head. Not brilliant AI.

    One thing is that you will be captured, just whether the waves take you down or the Reaper Artifact knocks you out. I was "killed" by the waves the first time and was surprised.

    After that, it's really your basic Shepard doctrine. Kill everything that is moving, grab everything that's not nailed down. Not too bad as a DLC. Just remember to pick up the third tech upgrade on your way out the base -- peek into that side room to pick it up.

  13. While the events of the DLC could go the way Lynx suggests (which would make perfect sense) Bioware has also said they do not intend to penalize anyone who opts to not pay for them. So the question is, do they make the implications of the DLC small or non existent or do they just stick a canon choice in there and force people who didn't get the DLC to deal with it. While this newest DLC doesn't have much choice (or any really) do you subject players to the fallout of those events even if they didn't specifically play it.

    Hey, I got stuck with Udina as councilor in ME2... :lol:

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