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Posts posted by RavenHawk

  1. 9 hours ago, teckno viking said:

    Fox Studio has shown those 3d printed pieces to fill out the engine block (see pink additions).

    Have asked if these affect transformation or not.



    I'm not familiar with Fox Studio, but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that this is just a quick low res print, big diameter nozzle and high travel speed, just to test out fit up.

  2. Has anyone spoken to someone at BBTS regarding when they're expecting their shipments?

    Yes, I know that BBTS always gets their stuff later.

    However, Stig has been out for close to a month now, Rai has been out for about a week... I would think that shipments to BBTS would get sent out from the manufacturer around the same time as shipments to other retailers, but they'd just be stuck at customs for a few weeks.

    I guess we have around a week left until we hit a full month delay, but I'm definitely getting curious.

  3. 53 minutes ago, RED WOLF said:

    I'd say neither. I get my items here faster than I would at home. They are here at work before noon and at home it would be towards 7-8pm. In the past it use to be to hide my items from the wife and or not hear or feel her blank stare like I"m doing something wrong. I don't get it. I don't drink, smoke, I dont go to the club or party. I spend most of my time if not all at home hanging with my kids and pets and working on the house + working out. I coach my kids sports teams. I think its a jealousy issue that for one we are spending time with our toys and most importantly big money is spent, but not on them (not that I don't or we don't go out as well because we do). My wife doesn't have any hobbies at all. 

    I'd love to hear from the female collectors on here or the guys that actually have their wives/gf's support their hobbies. 

    It would be interesting to hear from the female collectors that have their husbands/bf's that don't support them and give them the evil eye lol

    My gf has no hobbies at all, except for running, working out, and shopping (don't tell her I said that last part).

    She has accepted that I'm a dork when it comes to transforming bikes. She likes her expensive purses and handbags, and I like my bikes (i'm not stereotyping; that's pretty much literally the two purchasing habits that we have that are basically a "I'm doing this just for me, with no identifiable benefit to family or career").

    That, plus she thinks the BGC bikes and characters (and Priss in particular) look cool, and loves going on actual motorcycle rides together, so, by extension, my hobby is more acceptable.

  4. 1 hour ago, jenius said:

    Anybody have a guess at how many centimeters tall Stick was? 180?

    Fully armored up, legs extended, I think the mecha comparison charts said a rider armor was 2 meters.

    Between that, and the character height comparison, assuming the women were around 5'6", Rai wasn't too short, and Jim wasn't ridiculously tall, I'm thinking around 6' tall, so about 183cm.



  5. 31 minutes ago, Tober said:

    Aren't Japanese names genderless..? :unsure:

    If we want to get picky, wouldn't he have been more likely to have a name more common in Spanish-speaking countries? Maybe he's really been Ramon, Ramiro, or Raimundo all this time?

  6. 16 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

    It definitely has an artistic style similar to Revenge of Cronos, anyway, from what I have seen.  But I couldn't get through more than one episode... rag on Gobots all you want, Revenge of Cronos is pretty awful.

    And yes, DX Scooter Robo.  And DX Supercar Robo and Gyro Robo.  And I really want to say DX Porsche Robo, but I really don't see that happening for licensing reasons.

    I watched the cartoon when I was a kid (lived in France in 5th grade) as Revenge of the GoBots. I remember liking it a lot and being surprised none of my friends had heard of it when I got back to the USA. Now... it's tough to sit through more than an episode or two. I'll try again some time.

    I did notice a white Night Ranger (Harley Robo; I actually have an original of this Machine Robo next to my old childhood blue Night Ranger) on the cover to volume 2 of the DVD, so presumably he'd be up for grabs with the Revenge of Cronos license (unless Harley Davidson's license to use the Electra-Glide likeness has expired, or was never acquired in the first place).



  7. 10 hours ago, mantisfists said:

    That's odd that Yellow's ride armor is on the box like that.  If I remember correctly, Stick's doesn't have another bike on his box art, right?  I don't remember the Blowsperior having that mudguard, either.  Am I mistaken?  Sure would be great if that was a tease on what was next.


    I am genuinely thrilled that there's even a chance we'll get an updated bike for Yellow, love the fact that it is going to be more angular with it's bodywork, and love that they are including a mudguard (fits the MOSPEADA book aesthetic as well as being more "real world"). However, it looks like it has the same mudguard as the other two bikes. While that makes SENSE... it just doesn't seem to fit the rest of the bike stylistically.

    I really hope we get that bike, and, while I appreciate that every piece that needs a new mold adds cost, I hope that that mudguard gets redesigned for that specific bike.

  8. 4 minutes ago, teckno viking said:

     Very true indeed. Always someone else's spark.

    So was there actually concept are for a Mospeada ATV? The the RT Silverback is derived from? Would lover to see that.

    Not that I recall seeing, though there was Jim's ever-present jeep, and a bunch of others in the concept art. I'd say the silverback was fairly original (as opposed to everything else he seems to have done), it's just that it was a rather generic military-style ATV, with some MOSPEADA wheels/rims stuck on, and a super basic transformation that used legs reminiscent of a bunch of MOSPEADA concept art.

    Again, I'm not really criticizing it as much as it probably sounds... It's a decent idea, and generally fits the design aesthetic.

    On the topic of concept art, when there were large plans for MOSPEADA model kits at the launch of the series, there was a plan for a motorcycle with a side car (in the Imai files, I believe), but I've never seen a picture of it. Anyone have any idea what it was? A MOSPEADA with a side car rocket launcher maybe, or just Rainy Boy's bike?

  9. 1 hour ago, RED WOLF said:

    Did we get a whole bunch of vehicles and play sets? Sorry I didn't collect that line as a kid and hardly recall it now.

    CMs MOSPEADA line? It was around 2007-2009 or so.

    We did not get any vehicles, other than ride armors, and any playsets. We did, however, get every single significant character (except Jim/Lunk) and even a few not-so-significant ones. It's the only line to date to manage that. Plus, at that scale, they're easily compatible with other vehicles and playsets, if you're so inclined.

    (Still bummed we didn't get the 3.75" CMs Zillion Tricharger)

  10. 20 minutes ago, RED WOLF said:

    Seeing these figures [Stig] in their play mobiles reminds me of the 80s toys where the characters had vehicles to ride, fly or cruise over water with. Not to mention big to huge play sets to really kickstart the fun. Now we are even lucky to get the figure itself. I'd love it if we got word of some vehicles for these guys, but the reality is that it would cost us the consumer too much to purchase as the companies and manufactures would have to charge a bundle to get these guys underway. The only way I could see us getting anything other than just the character themselves is the companies would have to really dumb down the designs/ize to something like a really cheap Star Wars 3.75" figure and even at that chances seem highly unlikely. Imagine the possibilities at that scale. We could get a ton of vehicles, planes, jets, maybe even the SDF1!

    Too much daydreaming, back to reality ;)

    That was the scale of the CM's.

  11. 1 minute ago, teckno viking said:

    Totally agree. Though kind of a great idea still. Moreso when you think Special Forces are using buggies like this now. Nice for a Mospeada twist, even if from the RT universe (for a change lol).

    I agree with you, and I do honestly also agree that it's a great idea. I just don't want to overstate the actual creativity that went into the final design...

    (Let's not forget the Shadow Chronicles VR-057 "Super" Cyclone, which was just a couple minor changes to the VR-055 "Devastator" from the old RPGs, which was itself just unused concept art from Aramaki's work on MOSPEADA).

  12. 9 hours ago, teckno viking said:

    Well doing something New for my 1/12 Mospeada.

    The thing is I am taking from the Robotech universe, more accurately the RT Shadow saga. 

    I saw in the prelude comics the "Silverback" and thought what an awesome idea. HG actually executed something Awesome. That I wanted.

    Well luck would have it in my 1/12 Motorpool I have an RC vehicle that actually could be base vehicle.

    Remodel the bonnet (hood to Americans), new hubs and weapon attachments and slap a turret on the Back and voila a Silverback!

    Which will still be RC too LOL





    I think that this image is the closest that Tommy Yune has come to designing anything original of any value (i.e. a buggy with basic, simple transformation, and borrowing heavily from MOSPEADA concept art):




  13. 8 hours ago, jenius said:

    Nippon-Yasan is reporting both E=X Garland and Fewture Garland are delayed to 5/31/2017. I'm still very concerned about the Fewture becoming vaporware. 

    It may be my own naivety, but I'm actually a little surprised by the E=X Garland being so delayed. It looked like a fairly finished production sample was being shown around last July, and the transformation video came out in September.

    Maybe they've been working on how fragile that thing looked?

    As for Fewture... somehow, I'm not as surprised. Yeah, they've been posting pics of painted prototypes since at least July of 2015, but something about every pic released for three years now just keeps looking like that's all they have: very early prototypes with very shiny coats of paint.

    Probably just my own cynicism; half the time we never see anything beyond those very early prototypes until it hits shelves.

  14. On 4/5/2018 at 9:50 PM, TehPW said:

    https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=60546.450;topicseen#lastPost  Is this true? March 21, 2021, HG losses ALL of the various TM's they have involving RT?

    Just catching up on this thread after not looking at it for... well, months.

    The arbitration ruling includes trademarks, but trademarks as based upon usage, so that can potentially get a little fuzzy.

    It's late, so I don't recall right now what was available in the USA before HG got the license. Some Macross material, I believe, but don't think anything else. Assuming Macross material was available, and HG licenses the rights to it, and then themselves trademarked the names and logos, then I think there is a strong argument that those trademark rights revert to the original owner... or, at least, the rights to use them revert, based on the agreement, and thus those trademarks could be canceled.

    Now, for argument's sake, if HG was the first to use those marks in commerce (as seems likely with at least some of their materials), then HG would have an argument to continue owning and using the marks. They might keep the words, but they would likely lose the ability to use any logos or stylized marks based on infringing on copyright ownership of those artistic elements.

    In my tired brain, there are arguments for both, so if the license isn't renewed then I suspect we'll see a return to court (and likely not arbitration this time, since arbitration would only be required by the then-expired agreement).

  15. On 4/17/2018 at 9:29 AM, Gerli said:

    Anyone has the context for this pic? Because in that paragraph "fan-made" or "fan-film" is not even mentioned


    I agree with other posters that it is most likely counsel for Harmony Gold that wrote this, as attempting to strengthen their arguments by stating that Tatsunoko and Big West have, through their relationship with and requests of HG, been treating them as having the very rights that they are attempting to persuade the court that they have.

    As for the general writing style (not typical of an experienced litigator submitting briefs, claims, or counterclaims)... well, from what I've read of the actual documents from the case, there are a lot of things that strike me as sub par.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Arthurius said:

    Hey Kuma Style, didnt realize you were on this board too (it's me zfarsh).

    Anyways, at 200$, it's too much for me to want to collect all, or after watching review, even want to go to armor mode (on this one i prefer the none-armored version anyways, just that when paying so much, one wants to be able to...).  I mean i am used to crappy qc anyways as i got the Megahouse ones, and going through hell to tranform, but those were like 50$ back in the day.  I personally dont think they needed the perfect transformation for this small scale.  If they could have made the build / joints / articulation better with partsforming, that would have been much preferred for me.  Sure, larger scale, ok, we want that. 

    Anyways, maybe i save my money for Rook, and hope by then, they improve the mold or something.  Megahouse never got to Rook, so i can use my crappy Megahouse with mask on to use as the rest of the team.  Otherwise, that would be 800 $ for the 4....


    By the way, anybody know what happened with the Figma Mospeada that was shown back in February 2017.  Was it cancelled?  Was it the wrong company used on the picture ?  Sorry if this was discussed before...



    As I recall, there were a number of pictures shown. It seems like some were later claimed to be fakes.

    I thought that the MOSPEADA and BGC pics were believed to be legit (though just using old artwork), but it's been complete silence ever since then. No mention at later shows.

  17. 2 hours ago, RED WOLF said:

    Are these guys worth getting two of each? I have 3 preorders (two of Stig and 1 Rei) and I'm not sure if I should get 1 of each or 2.

    Thoughts, opinions?

    I think a big draw back is that I'm a bit late to the Macross figures and have been playing catching on a few guys and have spent or could potentially spend $1000 alone not including Mospeada stuff and other guys I picked up or plan to pick up from TF MP.

    Haven't gotten mine in hand yet, so my opinion is based purely on the pictures, but I have two of each on order. I love to keep things stock, so plan on keeping one of each as is, plus they have enough little details that aren't 100% to my personal tastes, where I'm going to customize those.


    Besides, you can always auction one off later, while supporting the line with your purchase now.

  18. 3 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    Found one via Twitter.



    That's concerning.

    Whenever I get a new transformable toy, I like to give it a go without looking at the instructions first. Did that with my first CMs, Megahouse, and the Beagle. Part of the fun for me personally is sort of figuring out the transformation on my own. Now I'm going to be nervous with this one.

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