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Posts posted by Deadzone

  1. Here is what I know so far;

    Yamato BGC figs 630yen, slightly larger than female Takara Micromen figures, but smaller than CMS. To be sold sometime later this year, but as this is a Yamato project dont be surprised if it turns out to be next year... or later <_<

    Atelier Sai BGC figs 6090yen, roughly same scale as Maxfactory Guyver figs, which means a bit smaller. Also to be sold later this year. Atelier Sai is very eager to make variable Motoslaves, but does not have financial backing for that yet. He does have a non-variable Mega Motoslave prototype that he did on his own time, but no release plans yet.

    If the AS BGC figure is a little smaller than the 10 inch Guyver figures, that Motoslave is going to be pretty big. However, I guess the Konig Monster and 1/48 were pretty big too so let's see if it will happen.

  2. Here is what I know so far;

    Yamato BGC figs 630yen, slightly larger than female Takara Micromen figures, but smaller than CMS. To be sold sometime later this year, but as this is a Yamato project dont be surprised if it turns out to be next year... or later <_<

    Atelier Sai BGC figs 6090yen, roughly same scale as Maxfactory Guyver figs, which means a bit smaller. Also to be sold later this year. Atelier Sai is very eager to make variable Motoslaves, but does not have financial backing for that yet. He does have a non-variable Mega Motoslave prototype that he did on his own time, but no release plans yet.

    Really? Only 630 yen? That's around how much US... six bucks? I don't mind shelling out the sixty for the AS figures if they are big and well articulated. Maybe I will get both. Heck, for six bucks it is hard to go wrong.

  3. Is it confirmed that AS will be doing BGC figures? Aren't they suppose to be bigger or something than the Yamato. Judging from the pictures, I doubt the Yamato figures are completely diecast. They look more like painted plastic. I think we can trust Yamato to come out with good BGC figures since they don't transform and don't have any small moving parts. It looks like one of the signs says "Available in Winter" which would suck, but we've waited this long. ;)

  4. Just wondering if anybody knew how much the Bubblegum Crisis Figures will be, how big they will be, and when they will be for sale by Yamato. I saw pictures of them which looked pretty nice. However, I could not determine their size.

  5. I don't know about this one. Kind of disappointed that the custom prowls that I have seen on ebay look better than this thing. I think the legs look completely wrong but that could be from the mistransformation. His head also looks a bit small compared to the rest of his body. I'll reserve judgement until I see better pics though.

  6. I just repainted my Grimlock charcoal grey and put racing stripes on it. Now I just need to tint the headlights, but I don't know what to use. I tried mixing black with future floor wax, but the stuff is too watery. I think the best thing would be the tinting material cars use for the windows, but I really only need a very small piece. Any suggestions?

    BTW somebody posted a pic of a custom mustang that had its headlights tinted. If you could post that again, that'll be great.

  7. Don't know about the others, but I specifically bought Meister instead of Jazz because I thought the Hasbro version looked really cheap. Considering Jazz is going for $30.00 on ebay anyway, I didn't mind spending the extra ten bucks for the high quality looking diecast metal. Meister has a metal hood, metal bumpers, metal doors, and metal top. I could not be happier with the diecast content in this toy. For others like Grimlock, I think the alternator version is fine. The plastic is painted on, so it is much tougher to tell between the BT and Alt versions.

    The one I want to know about is Blue Tracks. The Alt version is too expensive anyway, but I wonder how much diecast is in the Japanese version. Anybody own one, please post.

  8. I understand that Hasbro Tracks is rare, but this is ridiculous. The Binaltech Metal version only sells for $40.00 and that has metal in it.

    BTW does anybody know where I can buy decals to put on my Grimlock alt. I was hoping to find 1:24 decals that said mustang or at least some black racing stripes. It is for a little project I am doing.

  9. Any help would be appreciated. I wish the ones ordering toys for these stores were transformer fans so they could order the correct volume for these toys. I definitely would have ordered less Ravage and Swindle knowing that Ravage looks kind of ridiculous and Swindle was never really that popular. Oh well, guess I'm asking for too much. :p

  10. The last shipments? That means that there will be no more Jazz or Tracks period? That really bites. Jazz and Tracks are two of my favorite alternators to date. Wonderful, the only one that I am finding in stores that I like is Grimlock. Does anybody know if the production run on Jazz and Tracks was low which is why there are no more of them. As I recall, there were a ton of Smokescreens, Hounds, Sideswipes, and Silverstreaks available when they first came out. Now I am seeing a bunch of Grimlocks, Swindles, Windchargers, and Ravages.

  11. If anybody cares, Valencia TRU has 2 Grimlock, 3 Windcharger, 2 Swindle and 3 Ravage. I only picked up Grimlock because he is the only one I really like. What I don't understand is why Jazz and Tracks are not popping up anywhere. Do you guys think the restock of those two are as dead as the Dodo?

  12. Great looking Legioss.

    Just wondering. I went to the plastikote site and they had several different types of spray paints. There were ones for cars, home decor, industrial hardware etc. What kind of plastikote did you use for your gakken? I want to repaint a grimlock in gun metal, but I don't want to destroy the plastic or anything.

    Also, I had problems before of spray paints going on too thick. Does the plastikote spray on thin or does it spray on thick at first then conform to the plastic as the paint dries? I spray painted a 1/55 valkyrie before and the spray paint covered all the fine details. This made me switch to an airbrush with Tamiya paints, but the paint scratched off very easily even with a gloss coat over it. You said that the plastikote was almost scratch proof which is a big plus for me. Did you have to use primer over it first then add the plastikote over? Sorry for all the questions, but I have been painting models for a little over a year now and still cannot find the best solution.

    Thanks :D

  13. Lol...I guess I spoke too soon. I went to my local Target today to kill some time...and what do I see? I got Ravage, Grimlock, Swindle, and Windcharger. They still have some left...but barely. I guess the scalpers got to them early. <_<

    Where is your local Target? I can't find squat at the ones I am going to. I have tried Los Angeles and rescently the bay area. They all seem to be hiding from me.

  14. Is there a site that compares alt versions to binaltech versions. From what I understand, the first binaltech had a lot of diecast in it. Since then, the diecast has been going down. Personally, I like diecast metal and like the weight it puts on to a toy. Anybody here want to tackle the differences between the two versions on each one of the releases?

  15. I wonder how much diecast will be in the binaltech version of wheeljack. I heard the Grimlock binaltech only had metal in the front bumper and doors. If binaltech wheeljack is the same, then I will just get the alternator version when it pops up. I don't mind paying the extra dough for a significant amount of diecast metal but not for just a few scraps here and there.

  16. Orange County. about 40-60 minutes form Downtown.

    the one on bake drive.

    Too far. Deadzone, since Burbank is about 10-15 minutes away from Hollywood, I have an extra Grimlock MIB in my car that I'm willing to sell. PM me if you're interested.

    You could probably get more for it on ebay. I plan to just wait until some of the stores around here start to carry Grimlock again. Thanks though.

  17. I live in Hollywood. Still looking for signs of Jazz or Grimlock. Where are these things? Christmas is over. Store shelves should be getting replenished, but the Targets and TRUs I visited were completely bare of alternators. What gives?

    if youw ant a grimlock my local target has soem left.

    i can get you one.

    Where's your local Target. If it is close to Los Angeles, I'll just drive over and get one.


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