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Posts posted by Alastar

  1. Was reading up on this recently about how the Battle class ships are actually 6 ships put together (including the cannon) and can all separate and operate independently. That is a really cool detail... except we've never seen it done. It seems almost an afterthought, and except for the cannon it isn't really obvious. I wonder why decide that if nothing is ever going to be shown of it.

    This kind of leads me back to the thought that I want a next series or OVA to be once again more focused on the NUNS (colony or Federal, but I'd love to see the modern day Federal forces) where they aren't just the low skilled screw ups the past two shows have implied them to be (or, conversely, all evil and corrupt). I get Kawamori seems to have developed a love affair with PMCs because it is easier for him to the kind of hero characters he wants there than in a proper military organization... but I still want better representation on that side.

    I dont know...every time the actual military organization gets involved within the series they are portrayed as the big evil government. But i would love to see the fire power and the skilled pilots they would bring into a actual combat situation.

  2. Don't think so. The "Birdman" Protoculture mecha from Macross Zero was waaaay more advanced than anything shown before and it is already millenia old...

    What i mean is in another 100 years humans will be just as onmi present in the galaxy as the protoculture was. NUNs already has a galatic network and now has the ability to use fold waves and lets not forget about the new black hole warheads that they have now. Way more powerful than reaction warheads.

  3. You're getting confused there, Alastar. 12 years is the time gap between Macross 7 and Macross Frontier.

    DYRL is supposed to take place in 2011. In fact, the short-lived truce between the Macross and Zentraedi takes place on September 11, 2011 according to the dialog in the movie.

    Plus, DYRL is also supposed to be a movie within the Macross universe according to the official Macross timeline.

    Thanks because i really was confused for a min.

  4. I think that we are now within the same league as they are. At this point only 70+ years after DYRL humans have colonized a vast amount of worlds in a very short time. Technology and Interacting with other Protocultre engineered species has put us on their level. We have been developing our own technology at a rapid pace mind you. I forgot the time gap between M7 and Macross F but the technology has bade leaps in bounds. I would say another 100 years...( or 3 more Macross series) and we might surpass the PC.

  5. For me it was a fluke...i dont know how but Robotech was on cable at one point in time during the early 90's and i watched it. Too amazed by ep.1 when "Rick" transformed the VF-1. for a 6 year old...i fell in love. And as i got older and Anime was becoming more and more available (IE many trips to china town.) I ran across a copy of DYRL and then and rest of the Robotech series. Guarden mode for me is what caught my attention.

  6. This episode was really rushed but i refuse to give it a Neg vote.

    A lot of homage done to the Macross series. For one thing i was not expecting the Macross Quarter to use a Daedalus attack...real good stuff...and the Frontier following up with a mean sucker punch was really great. Fighters and the action was on point but it really was rushed....i feel this episode should have been longer.

    As for the original Ms. Macross locket...............a taste of things to come????

    And the SDF-01 looked horrible when they flashed to Macross City.

    But i love this episode....Still wish Alto picked one.

  7. True which means any valk then could use verniers to do this, however they rarely do because of gerwalk mode. Meanwhile the SV-51 is specifically mentioned to be able to do this, indication it is used.

    I think it was in DYRL and the VF was in fighter mode. They where on the sunken island right before the Macross landed and he transformed into Gerwalk mode from fighter mode while landed. All the undercarriage thrusters fired at the same time for enough clearance for the legs to swing under and do the rest. And since all Valks have Thrust Vectoring this could be easer since they can at least create some more thrust downward and make the strain on the other thrusters way less.

  8. This one certainly fits into the "mean-looking" class of NMC, as was Macross-13.


    Well since it is a NMC 25 one can hope U.N.Spacy learned from the Macross 7 and the other ships of the line that relied on their fighters too much, and kicked the bucket. The Firepower on the Frontier is nothing like what we seen before short of the SDF-01.

    It looks make it more then mean...More along the line..."Thats nothing i wanna mess with." and if it uses it's main cannon like in ep 18 or 19 i think it was it would really be eye candy for everyone.

  9. Fellas. Michael's death was done pretty damn well.

    I agree. Now in the next episode we have something far more dangerous. A pissed of Meltron who is gonna stop at nothing to kill every flying Lobster she sees. Alot of power armor action in the next episode. And if she bites the dust then well....another great episode after that.

    And So when Ranka sings....was she designed to control the Vajara? Cuz she starting singing and they came in swarms like Locus

    By the way did anyone feel like this was a episode of Blue Gender?

  10. About Macross Frontier settling on a planet, I wonder if those island cluster could actually enters atmosphere without breaking up :huh:

    I highly doubt it. They look like that will orbit a planet and be used for other things until the colony on the surface becomes self efficient. Like continue producing goods and food so the colony can build its self up.

    But if they can land the whole Frontier Colony , they would have to separate each unit and land in a body of water.

  11. I must say if Skull leader is really getting trashed around. Thats the second time in the series when ppl thought he was dead...

    VarJa surviving Reaction warheads.....Time to go old school...Get the Nukes out. Nice and Dirty..and if that fails....Lobster Raid.. :lol:

    Or the reliable VF-25 Anti-Varja Lobster Gutter. Cant go wrong wit simplicity.

    O and who ever said that Green thing would Evolve into the Giant Red Lobster ( Kinda like Pokemon) you have my vote on that....this ep we seen its Arms...and it looked really freaky to me...Like Aliens vs. predator freaky.

  12. Bwahahaha. That's wrong in so many ways! (In all the good ways ;) )

    Though, I'm glad that it wasn't put into SDF:M. It would've tipped the scales too far away from realistic and more towards ludicrous.

    Not really if you think about it. Using the Anti-gravity generators you should be able to pull of such a task....as long as the ship is strictly strong enough to be in that position. Hell the SDF standing on solid ground is a task in its self.

    As for the Macross1/4 i think its a Pocket sized battle ship cheep and small enough for a private military organization to use.

    Think about it Two Macross 1/4 are more than a match for a few dozen enemy warships. along with their own support fleet the ship would do more then its own share of damage on the enemy fleet.

  13. Im glad that with this VF-25 fast pack armor you can do alot of things.

    IT can wait for you in orbit and doesnt require a crew to reequip it.

    Fold boosters can be reused also.

    Jettison parts that you used/damaged and not have to jettison the whole armor package.

    Still have full weapons layout and Reaction warheads. Four huge ones at that.

    VF-171 showed out this episode...Got some nice nasty kills too....

    Transformed with its reaction warheads equipped too.......Sign of good things to come i take it? :rolleyes:

    One more thing....SMS is the only one who uses the VF-25 for right now....Who is paying the bill everytime one of those bad boys gets turned into Slag metal?

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