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Everything posted by Shade

  1. The name Thunderclash refers to his colors. *shudders*
  2. *waves walker around* I remember back in the old days, when you could KILL a man at twenty paces by throwing a Transformer at him! Thems were all die-cast, they were!
  3. Well, they could have made a decent story about slavery out of Armada if Simon Furman had been allowed to write it. Instead of beeping Pokecons, they talk and have personality in the comics. I wonder if Micron Legend has the Microns talking or beeping?
  4. Okay... Pat Lee must never try to design an original TF again. I prefer Don's take on the pre-Earth Jetfire.
  5. Gee, I guess those quarterly reports from Hasbro must all be lies then, since all of them say that Armada is selling better than RiD did. Just because your nephew appreciates quality toys when he sees them doesn't mean every other kid does. And the fact that Armada DOES sell so well means that most kids probably don't. Armada is a big moneymaker for Hasbro, and Energon might be too. Just because you and I think that the designs released for Energon are beyond hideous does not mean that kids automatically will. Your nephew probably won't like it, because you've corrupted him into wanting quality toys.
  6. Out of curiousity, out of the people here who are whining about how much the new kids line sucks, how many of you have seen the fan line, Alternators? I mean, Energon is supposed to be neon bright, simple, and mostly disturbing to older folks, since kids will eat it up. Alternators is where we'll get the licensed cars with cool transformations and posability. Aside from Starscream, I think pretty much everything shown from Energon is crap, but I don't really much care since there's a better TF toyline coming at the same time.
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