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Posts posted by bigkid24

  1. I love JL and TT is growing on me. The 3rd Robin is Tim Drake. Tim is the Robin in the TT cartoon. The 1st Robin was Dick Grayson. He was a member of the teen titans. He grows up to be Nightwing in the comics. 2nd Robin was Jason Todd. Fans hated him and Dc killed him off in the comics. The cartoons kinda run on their own continuity. In the cartoons their is no Jason Todd. Dick Grayson doesn't join the TTitans. Dick grows up to be nightwing and Batman meets Tim Drake and the rest is history.

    I heard that now there is going to be a new Robin because Tim stops. The new Robin is a girl, and it's obvious this time unlike the Robin from the Dark Knight Returns.

  2. Another tip off the TT Robin is Tim Drake is the costume Robin has in the cartoon. It's the same one that Tim Drake was wearing at the end of the Batman animated series. Like I mentioned before the toons kinda follow their own continuity.

    Actually the costume that Robin is wearing is more like Dick's than Tim's. The costume that the TT Robin wears is closer to the current comic's Robin who is (or was) Tim Drake but in BTAS, it's Dick that wears it. Then in TNBA, Tim dons a red and black costume. There is no green.

    There is talk on other message boards that the Titans take place in a post BTAS, pre-TNBA era so that it is Dick Grayson.

  3. Ok, for the record, in TT, it's not specifically said which Robin it is.

    Although, in one Batman Animated Series ep someone asked Batman where Robin was and BM said he's with the Titans now. (Don't remember any other details.) So we can assume it's Tim Drake.

    If we follow the cartoon series continuity, tim becomes the Joker in Batman Beyond as well.

    True it's never said which Robin it is and there are a bunch of conflicting clues as to which one he is.

    That was actually a Static Shock episode where Static asks Batman where he is and Batman says with the Titans. You'll meet them soon.

    Also, it's more like the Joker takes over Tim's body more than Tim becomes the Joker.

  4. Does anyone have a larger picture of the Hikaru and Misa picture? At this small size they look kind of funny. I'm just afraid that a larger picture would just look worse.

    Keep in mind that there are plenty of images on the main site that we could probably use also.

    Anyone working on a Mac Plus case??? Anyone??? :unsure:

  5. At MM's request, I cleaned the dirty stink of "robotech.com" watermark off of the design. ;)

    Just in case any of you are wondering, this art, which we're calling "Choice 3" is NOT Robotech art. It is Macross art that HG has perverted to its own use, so don't let that cloud your judgement too much.

    You can see the original here on the main site.

    Anyway, I think they're all great choices... the only reason I like Choice 3 is that is looks a nice artistic version of the SDF from the TV series and I like the dramatic angle it's shown at.

    Can we swap the left and right images so that Minmay is pointing to the SDF-1?

  6. Well, like Exo mentioned, I think you need to target the people that aren't already hooked and showing off all of the accessories up front is more impressive to me than hiding them behind the toy.

    Personally, I am for smaller boxes too but I understand the need for the huge things. I guess if you're really desperate for space you could always...throw the boxes away. *gasp* How dare I say such a thing?! :blink:

  7. Yeah, I like Anubis's DYRL picture.

    Also, I recently bought a poster from Blackaces which is basically the cover the Playstation DYRL game. It's got lots of blank space with a close up of Minmay's head and Hikaru and Misa standing together pointing into space. I think that would be a good shot.

    I like the way the art selections are going for the SDF TV box. Since so much of the show is devoted to the mecha, I like the fact that the characters will be at the featured on the box.

  8. Okay, that's pretty cool. If I liked the Alien movies enough I'd probably try and get it.

    Hmm...just thinking of other possibilities like Bobe-Patt mentioned....

    Mazinger set where the DVDs stack in his head

    X-Men movie set where the DVDs are the wheels for Xavier's wheelchair

    Batman set where the DVDs hide either in his utility belt or emblem

    um...Jenna Jameson set where the DVDs hide....?!?!?!? :p:lol::D;)

    Sorry that last suggestion came from thinking about other possible Mazinger sets.

  9. I got 2 of em :D !

    Checked out my local Walmart after dropping off my wife to work this morning and lo and behold, there they were on the floor. I guess the young lady working the toy section did not get a chance to put them on the shelves yet. She was still opening boxes in the other toy aisles.

    Looks like blue windshield and black gun!

    That gun looks pretty gray to me. I thought that the second run of Primes was going to have black guns.

    I've had as many as 5 Takara primes in my possession. I've seen enough of them. If Hasbro version goes on sale maybe I'll pick one up to leave in truck form or something.

    Heck, I'm still waiting to see Sideswipe on the shelf let alone Prime.

  10. I don't know if I'm getting a refund. I think I should as I have a ton of things that I can deduct this year. If I get one I think I'm going to be boring and pay down some bills, but I may indulge in a 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S as I have my strike pack waiting for him.

    As for the refund stuff...I've heard that the average worker has enough money withheld from his paycheck so that their income tax liability is paid for in May. So remember, they call it a REFUND for a reason.

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