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Posts posted by badboy00z

  1. That's probably how he got left there to begin with. Mid-festivities and all hell breaks out and they're like -



    We already know why or how he was left there a couple seasons ago. Military stormed the hospital and was killing people. Shane tried to wake Rick up but couldn't. He said sorry, left and blocked the door.

    I'm not sure if this was discussed but where does the part when Rick stopped at a gas station and he killed the little girl zombie with the stuffed animal fit in?

  2. I finished watching it just now. Awesome movie and I liked how it was mostly portrayed through cameras. Makes me wish I had telekinesis. lol

    This may seem tasteless but I see similarities between Andrew and the Santa Barbara shooter Elliot Rodger.

  3. This full length trailer really sold me, it looks fantastic. Boy the effects have really come a long way since Wally West's running effects on Smallville. I think the production value is pretty amazing, I just hope they can keep it up, with a character like The Flash they'll more than likely need effects on every episode. CW is nailing it with the live action DC stuff, Arrow had an amazing finale in my opinion, and The Flash is looking badass, I just kind of wish the new Constantine was connected to these series as well, get a little New 52 crossover action happening.

    I believe The Flash (they called him Impulse actually) is Bart, not Wally. He did have stolen IDs with all the other Flash's names.

  4. The Flash series? Awesome! Looks like it will cross over to season 3 of Arrow which is cool.

    This probably won't happen but wouldn't it be cool if Tom Welling makes an appearance as Clark/ Superman? Who knows, all three shows are/ were on CW.

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